US continues to go forward

The FBI just announced that crime has plummeted in the first quarter of 2024:

According to the report:

Murder decreased by 26.4%
Rape decreased by 25.7%
Robbery decreased by 17.8%
Aggravated assault decreased by 12.5%
Reported property crime decreased by 15.1%

A pro-Christian conference in Texas about the ‘war on white America’ is falling apart

The ultra-conservative Christian activist group the True Texas Project (TTP) is facing a crisis over its two-day July conference after three scheduled speakers backed out amid concerns about the ideology of some of the participants and the event itself, according to The Texas Tribune.

The outlet reported that some of the guests invited to address attendees at this summer’s 15th-anniversary gathering on July 12 and 13 had ties to far-right extremists.

Since then, the Tribune reports, three of the original 12 speakers have pulled out, two of whom said they would not have agreed to appear in the first place had they understood the conference’s themes.

Seminars entitled “Multiculturalism and the War on White America”, “Great Replacement Theory” and “The Case for Christian Nationalism” are all listed on the TTP’s dedicated webpage for the event.

Todd Bensman, a fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies, explained his decision by saying: “I was unaware of the racialist themes of the conference and language of the other sessions related to it until the past couple of days.

“I categorically reject white replacement theory and never write or speak about it. I’m not interested in any of that stuff.”

Former state senator Don Huffines, a prominent GOP donor, said the event was a “dumb and inaccurate way to promote the Republican agenda” and that he “was never given a lineup of speakers or topics”.

The Texas Public Policy Foundation also confirmed that senior fellow and immigration expert Ammon Blair would not take part.

What’s more, the conference’s purported original venue, the Fort Worth Botanic Garden, issued a statement on Wednesday saying it would not be involved and that its management “rejects all forms of hate speech, discrimination, or bigotry”.

Julie McCarty, the TTP’s founder, responded to that by telling supporters in an email that the garden “went back on their agreement” to host and blamed “woke attacks” for attempting to “silence TTP and prevent us from advancing the grassroots movement across Texas”.

The Independent has approached the True Texas Project for comment on the reported turmoil surrounding its summer conference.

The event’s itinerary listed online openly promotes fringe hard-right ideologies like the Great Replacement Theory – arguing that the white race is being systematically phased out by shadowy forces – and Christian nationalism, which it defines as nothing more sinister than “a robust English Protestant cultural and political order”.

The TTP’s introduction to its upcoming seminar on the former subject describes it as “clearly not just a theory, but a reality” and states: “Concerned citizens are told not to believe their lying eyes, while the progressive Left celebrates a majority-minority future as a moral triumph.”

A passage introducing its talk on the “War on White America” declares: “You’d have to be hiding under a rock at this point to not have noticed the blatant anti-white campaign by the Left. They don’t even hide their intent to rid the earth of the white race.

“It’s absolutely vital we remember that when they say ‘white supremacy’ or ‘white nationalism’ or whatever the most recent scare phrase is, they literally just mean your heritage and historical way of life. It’s a culture war, simple as that.

“Stop apologizing. Stop backing down. Start fighting back.”
The FBI just announced that crime has plummeted in the first quarter of 2024:

According to the report:

Murder decreased by 26.4%
Rape decreased by 25.7%
Robbery decreased by 17.8%
Aggravated assault decreased by 12.5%
Reported property crime decreased by 15.1%

Surely, Republicans don't trust those numbers are true. Or else they could say the Democrats have legalized crime where they rule so that does lower your "crime rate." Republicans will never believe any crime rate is really going down unless Trump has been president.
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'Bling bishop' US pastor sentenced to nine years bbc

A flamboyant Brooklyn pastor known as the "Bling bishop" has been sentenced to nine years in prison for schemes that included preying on the bank account of one of his own followers.

Lamor Whitehead, a New York preacher known for his flashy lifestyle, was found guilty in March of wire fraud, attempted wire fraud, attempted extortion and making false statements to federal investigators.

Prosecutors argued that Whitehead, 45, used his position as a religious leader to fleece people out of money to fund his lavish lifestyle.

Whitehead made headlines in 2022 after he was robbed at gunpoint during a live-streamed sermon. The thieves made off with $1m (£840,000) in watches, diamonds and emeralds.

Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, called Whitehead a "con man" and said the sentence marks the end of his "various schemes".

Officials say Whitehead, who led the Leaders of Tomorrow International Ministries in Canarsie, New York, deceived people with false promises and stole their money to purchase items including fancy clothing and cars.

One of his victims, a member of his church, gave him $90,000 - her life savings - believing that the money would go towards purchasing a home for her. It was instead spent on clothing and car payments.

He also doctored documents in order to secure business loans and attempted to extort a Bronx businessman by falsely claiming to have access to New York Mayor Eric Adams.

“Bishop Whitehead is in my prayers,” the mayor said on Monday ahead of the sentencing, according to the New York Times.

Lawyers for Whitehead said they plan to fight his conviction.
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Biden issues blanket pardon to troops expelled from the military for their sexuality npr

President Joe Biden issued a blanket pardon on Wednesday morning to LGBTQI+ service members removed from the military because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Biden said in a statement that he was “righting an historic wrong” by granting clemency to all troops expelled during the 60 years that the military explicitly banned consensual gay sex. Congress repealed that ban in 2013. White House officials say this move, announced during Pride Month, will affect about 2,000 veterans.

The exact number of U.S. troops expelled over the years for their sexuality or gender identity isn’t known, but advocates estimate that it’s over 100,000. Commanders often used other ways to push gay troops out of the military, like issuing violations or offering a less-than-honorable discharge in lieu of court martial, the formal legal proceeding of the military.

“This is about dignity, decency, and ensuring the culture of our Armed Forces reflect the values that make us an exceptional nation,” Biden said in the statement. “We have a sacred obligation to all of our service members – including our brave LGBTQI+ service members: to properly prepare and equip them when they are sent into harm’s way, and to care for them and their families when they return home. Today we are making progress in that pursuit.”

Conduct covered under the pardon includes those convicted of aggravated offenses based on consensual, private conduct with persons age 18 and older. Those charged with an aggravated factor, like sexual coercion or adultery, are not covered in the pardon.

An other-than-honorable discharge is more than a brand of shame; it strips veterans of automatic VA benefits and health care. It can be difficult to then procure a civilian job because employers often ask about military service and character of discharge when hiring.

This pardon will remove a huge obstacle for thousands of veterans to get their military discharge upgraded with the Department of Defense, but that’s still a long and difficult process. The Department of Veterans Affairs is able to grant benefits to many veterans with an other-than-honorable discharge in many cases.

On Tuesday, VA Secretary Denis McDonough addressed that question at a press conference.

“I do have a very specific message to every veteran irrespective of their other-than-honorable discharges, which is: we want to work with you. My message is please come see us,” he said.

The Biden administration will still consider pardoning offenses charged to other LGBTQI+ individuals that do not fall under these guidelines on an expedited case-by-case basis, according to the proclamation.
Women cannot determine what’s best for their own bodies.
Doctors can’t practice medicine as they see fit.
Teachers can’t teach what and how they want.
Untrained and unqualified politicians usurping actual knowledge and experience.

Who the hell do these people think they are, and when will they be completely satiated .
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We've had a few posts recently that I think belong in the US going backwards thread...
agreed...some are hard to say if itś good or bad...I shared one about a pastor doing bad $h!t but shared it here as he was sentenced to 9 years...
obviously if anyone disagrees with whether a post belongs in the other thread, speak up...
agreed...some are hard to say if itś good or bad...I shared one about a pastor doing bad $h!t but shared it here as he was sentenced to 9 years...
obviously if anyone disagrees with whether a post belongs in the other thread, speak up...
Yeah. Posts on punishments are tough. Good they get sentenced, bad for what they did.

I was thinking the 3 state senators who lost primaries after trying to protect abortion rights, and the stop woke act passage.
Yeah. Posts on punishments are tough. Good they get sentenced, bad for what they did.

I was thinking the 3 state senators who lost primaries after trying to protect abortion rights, and the stop woke act passage.
I may have been indulged in Runtz or Super Silver Haze when I made that post