"I'm talking about what IS happening rather than excusing what's happening."
Now you're losing your mind if you think
ME saying
I'M talking about what is happening now is
THE SAME THING as telling
you what you can or can't talk about.
Furthermore, instead of selectively editing a single line out of context, let's look at the entirety of the quote.
All pretend, hypotheticals, speculation, and imagination.
I'm talking about what IS happening rather than excusing what's happening by trying to imagine what might have happened if things were different.
I posted the statutory definition of "domestic terrorism".
It doesn't meet it.
It is criminal conduct.
It's not "domestic terrorism".
I didn't even say in that quote that we are limited to talking about what is happening now.....or anything close to that.
I didn't even say you or anyone can't talk about what ACTUALLY happened in the past....or anything close to that.
What I said was I wasn't going to engage in pretend, speculative, imaginary hypotheticals about "what might have happened"......but didn't happen in the past.
I said I wasn't interested in engaging in and try to disprove your flights of fantasy and imagination about what "would have happened" if....yada yada yada.
I'm still not.
Though I did feel the need to thoroughly disprove this attempt to falsely mischaracterize what I said. Whether it was intentional or because your faculties are failing you, I'm not sure. Either way, I didn't say anything like what you are claiming.
As far as I am concerned, you are free to engage in whatever rhetorical devices and arguments you choose.
I'm equally free to respond in whatever manner I choose.....including refusing to engage in your pretend, speculative, imaginary hypotheticals that you think somehow support factual discussions about the statutory definition of "domestic terrorism".