Tucker Carlson Confirms He’s Interviewing Vladimir Putin In Moscow

Tucker Says He Interviewed Putin to Get The "Facts" Out About Ukraine
The facts according to Putin.

Just before he was about to interview Vladimir Putin in Moscow, Tucker Carlson posted a video to explain his reasons why he went to do it.

Tucker claims that "most Americans are not informed" about what is really happening in Ukraine during Russia's invasion. He cites the number of deaths in Ukraine, and says that the war has "depopulated" Russia. (He fails to explain that is because they have suffered 350,000 casualties because of Putin's Folly). He then complains that the global sanctions against Russia have "upended the world economy."

Tucker then claims that the "post-World War II economic order is coming apart very fast" because of the war. He says that most of the world agrees with him about this, but "most of the people in English-speaking countries seem unaware." He says the reason why the western world is so misinformed about Russia's invasion is because "their media outlets are corrupt -they lie to their readers and viewers." (Fox paid $787 million because discovery showed that Tucker and others knowing lied to their viewers).

He complains that media companies in the US have conducted "scores of interviews with people in Ukraine and of Zelensky" but they are just "fawning pep sessions specifically designed to amplify Zelensky," and says that is not journalism it is propaganda. He then says the reason why he is interviewing Putin is because nobody in America has heard his voice or heard the reasons why he invaded. (His clips have been all over western media with his reasons, which are lies).

Tucker concluded by claiming that the Biden Administration "illegally spied on our text messages and then leaked the contents to their servants in the news media. They did this in order to stop a Putin interview that we were planning." He then claimed that they did it to him again last month, but offered no proof of either allegation. He then thanked his friend Elon Musk for promoting the interview and allowing him
to post it on X.
I'd say half or more of Americans couldn't care less about Ukraine, whether the mass media wants to tell the truth about the Ukraine war or not. Many can't locate Ukraine on the map. I only know where Ukraine is by being interested enough to read about Hitler's Operation Barbarossa against Russia. and eventually Russia's successful counterattack. But lots of people aren't curious about any part of world or American history.
I'd say half or more of Americans couldn't care less about Ukraine, whether the mass media wants to tell the truth about the Ukraine war or not. Many can't locate Ukraine on the map. I only know where Ukraine is by being interested enough to read about Hitler's Operation Barbarossa against Russia. and eventually Russia's successful counterattack. But lots of people aren't curious about any part of world or American history.
That's because half of the country has been listening to Fox, and being told to not care and that its a waste of money. Russia is a horrible government, has done horrible things and any way to try to help a country protect itself from them will only help prevent a repeat of what has happened in Ukraine... all at the cost of 0 American lives. Why is this such an issue?

I grew up in OK during the 80s and 90s and then spent over a decade in uniform. Russia (or USSR) was the enemy for everything for that entire huge chunk of my life and any way to beat them was the top priority. That has been ingrained in me in every way. I only noticed a drop in that when Russian bots hit big on social media and Fox News started supporting Trump.
I'd say half or more of Americans couldn't care less about Ukraine, whether the mass media wants to tell the truth about the Ukraine war or not. Many can't locate Ukraine on the map. I only know where Ukraine is by being interested enough to read about Hitler's Operation Barbarossa against Russia. and eventually Russia's successful counterattack. But lots of people aren't curious about any part of world or American history.
What do you think the "truth about the Ukraine war" is?
That's because half of the country has been listening to Fox, and being told to not care and that its a waste of money. Russia is a horrible government, has done horrible things and any way to try to help a country protect itself from them will only help prevent a repeat of what has happened in Ukraine... all at the cost of 0 American lives. Why is this such an issue?

I grew up in OK during the 80s and 90s and then spent over a decade in uniform. Russia (or USSR) was the enemy for everything for that entire huge chunk of my life and any way to beat them was the top priority. That has been ingrained in me in every way. I only noticed a drop in that when Russian bots hit big on social media and Fox News started supporting Trump.
We spend dang near 1 trillion dollars on a military budget. More than the next 10 countries military budget combined (includes China and Russia).

Putin’s misadventure has cost Russia over 350,000 troops lives if reports are accurate. They are literally blowing through munitions and hardware. Their economy has suffered and will limit their ability to restock.

NATO resolve has been strengthened. NATO will grow.

All of this without 1 American life (actually deployed by US). The amount of aid for Ukraine requested in the Border Bill is 6.8% of our annual military budget.
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Tucker Says He Interviewed Putin to Get The "Facts" Out About Ukraine
The facts according to Putin.

Just before he was about to interview Vladimir Putin in Moscow, Tucker Carlson posted a video to explain his reasons why he went to do it.

Tucker claims that "most Americans are not informed" about what is really happening in Ukraine during Russia's invasion. He cites the number of deaths in Ukraine, and says that the war has "depopulated" Russia. (He fails to explain that is because they have suffered 350,000 casualties because of Putin's Folly). He then complains that the global sanctions against Russia have "upended the world economy."

Tucker then claims that the "post-World War II economic order is coming apart very fast" because of the war. He says that most of the world agrees with him about this, but "most of the people in English-speaking countries seem unaware." He says the reason why the western world is so misinformed about Russia's invasion is because "their media outlets are corrupt -they lie to their readers and viewers." (Fox paid $787 million because discovery showed that Tucker and others knowing lied to their viewers).

He complains that media companies in the US have conducted "scores of interviews with people in Ukraine and of Zelensky" but they are just "fawning pep sessions specifically designed to amplify Zelensky," and says that is not journalism it is propaganda. He then says the reason why he is interviewing Putin is because nobody in America has heard his voice or heard the reasons why he invaded. (His clips have been all over western media with his reasons, which are lies).

Tucker concluded by claiming that the Biden Administration "illegally spied on our text messages and then leaked the contents to their servants in the news media. They did this in order to stop a Putin interview that we were planning." He then claimed that they did it to him again last month, but offered no proof of either allegation. He then thanked his friend Elon Musk for promoting the interview and allowing him
to post it on X.

It was freaking wild to hear him say these things. "My job as a news reporter"...when he literally argued IN COURT last year that he isn't a reporter, but an entertainer and no one should take him seriously.

Putin hasn't been interviewed by western media because he has declined the interviews. BBC is on record asking to interview him 18 TIMES. So what possible reason could he have for wanting this interview with 'super-journalist' Tucker?

There is a zero percent chance that this interview will contain any hard-hitting questions. Z-E-R-O. It will be a puff piece of propaganda and it's disgusting that this dude even has people that follow him.
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This is a rational view of the interview. Also, X put a community note on Tucker’s video saying that Putin has been contacted numerous times for interviews by Western news media and has declined. Tucker is lying right from the get go.
Took the words right out of my mouth. Saying he hasn't been interviewed because our government wouldn't allow it (like WTF does that even mean), is straight up bull.
The truth is Russia wants Trump to win the election. That's their best path to victory. Tucker, the traitor, is happy to be a mouthpiece for this strategy.
Putin is about to speak directly to MILLIONS of Trump Supporters via Tucker Carlson. Direct communication from a Communist Dictator to the American Voting Public.

Putin will be able to sow any discord or seeds of doubt in America and Democracy that he wants to these Trump supporters via Tucker.

A personality and person who has FULLY admitted he is nothing more than a Showman and not a Journalist who will seek, amplify and promote the most polarizing of the topics out of this because it will get him more clicks and views which will line his pockets with $$$

Make no mistake. There will be some feeble minds out there who will walk away from this event with more love for Russia than their own country. That is exactly what Putin wants and Tucker is more than happy to make that happen for him as long as Tucker get his $$$$ and fame.

Reagan might have declared ware against Tucker for this.
The truth is Russia wants Trump to win the election. That's their best path to victory. Tucker, the traitor, is happy to be a mouthpiece for this strategy.
Yep. He gets a big check to fill that role continuously. By Trumps own words, if he wins in Nov it means we won't support NATO in defense of a member nation. So even if congress has prevented our formal withdrawal from it, we are not true members at that point.

I'm just honestly curious what Townie thinks the truth is that Putin is going to provide that you can't find elsewhere and why we should believe the guy over any credible news outlet from any number of countries.
This is a rational view of the interview. Also, X put a community note on Tucker’s video saying that Putin has been contacted numerous times for interviews by Western news media and has declined. Tucker is lying right from the get go.
Guessing it's not live broadcast so I'm sure part of the agreement here is that Putin is getting a say in editing and any questions he doesn't like will just be ignored before broadcast anyway.
I remember when being anti-Russia was something most everybody in this country could agree with. Now roughly half of the country is like "Eh, Putins not so bad. American media is lying about him!".

This, this right here is the #1 reason Trump and MAGA have been sowing doubt about media for years and years. All going according to Putins plan