Trump targets McCain’s funeral in book: ‘Like his wars, it never ended’



Former President Trump returned to his criticism of former Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who died in 2018, poking fun at the longtime lawmaker’s funeral in a new book, saying “much like his wars, it never ended.”

“I never warmed to him, never felt good about anybody having anything to do with John McCain and never will, even despite the fact that at their request, I gave him the world’s longest funeral, 11 days,” Trump wrote in his new $95 book “Letters to Trump,” excerpts of which were published by the New York Post.

Trump very publicly clashed with McCain in the run-up to the 2016 election. Then-candidate Trump’s most infamous jab at McCain, a former Navy officer who was a prisoner of war in Vietnam, was when he made fun of the senator’s image as a war hero.

“He’s not a war hero,” Trump said at an event in Iowa in 2015. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

The two also had an acrimonious relationship once Trump took office, with Trump regularly assailing McCain over his vote against Republican efforts to repeal ObamaCare.

When McCain died of cancer in 2018, he received funeral and memorial services that lasted five days, not the 11 that Trump claimed in his new book. The memorial services included lying in state at the Arizona Capitol and the U.S. Capitol and burial in Annapolis, Md.

McCain had said before he passed away that he did not want Trump at his funeral.

Former President Obama, future President Biden and then-Vice President Mike Pence all attended the funeral, with Obama and Biden both speaking at services for McCain.

The new book, released this week, includes letters to Trump from the likes of King Charles and President Nixon. A signed copy can be purchased for $399.
Trump looking back bitterly to the past at McCain isn't a productive way to look forward to the future as the president he wants to be again. If Trump was really so concerned about senseless endless wars, then he would have brought all the boys home from the Afghanistan War while he was president.

I don't see how spending many billions on long lasting wars as well as political overthrows against 3rd rate opponents has helped our country to a worthwhile extent other than to shower the military industrial complex with handsome profits courtesy of our tax dollars, but likely made possible with borrowed printed money to which we pay interest on, while encouraging inflation. The currently long-lasting war our leaders want to throw many billions at is the Ukraine War. I feel sure that congressional reps Oklahomans elected to office, such as Mullin, are all for that. I still will never vote for them.
I actually feel like this is one of the very few reasonable criticisms trump ever had. McCain really wanted the US to be involved militarily as frequently as possible.

The irony is that Trump is actually the person who took out an Iranian general.
I actually feel like this is one of the very few reasonable criticisms trump ever had. McCain really wanted the US to be involved militarily as frequently as possible.

The irony is that Trump is actually the person who took out an Iranian general.

Yeah, I'm kind of all over the place on this. I believe, to some extent, the world needs the US to act as World Police and keep certain despots and regimes under control, but as the father of 2 sons (now past military sign-up age) I would have been worried sick about them fighting/dying in some local/regional conflict in which the US has no direct (or merely a financial) interest. That said, there are bad people that the world is simply better off without, which is why I never criticized Trump, Obama or any other US president for drone or surgical strikes to remove those people, even when the collateral damage was excessive - as is any collateral damage, I suppose. Morally I'm glad I don't have to make a decision on who should die, so I appreciate those that do - though my appreciation seems a morally grey area, even to myself.