I kinda want to hear Donnie's thoughts on Trumps mental stability after today.
Are you not able to tag him, or is this just thrown out to try to embarass him on front of the circle jerk without him knowing?I kinda want to hear Donnie's thoughts on Trumps mental stability after today.
The world needs to treat America like the pariah it has become
Isolate the country. Leave us/them out of all trade deals. Give zero intelligence to them. Just ignore us.
Treat us like Nk or Russia.
Zelinski has gotten used to literally being treated like a celebrity over the last 4 years as $BILLIONS in US tax payer earned incomes from families like yours and mine flowed into his coffers largely unaccounted for and he strolled down red carpets at celebrity studded events being fawned over by irrelevant narcissists in HollywoodIMO we are well on our way down the road that leads to destruction. The lunatics are running the asylum. Far too many people believe lies over truth, or do a poor job of pretending, just to go along to get along. Cowards: gutless sheep being led by the nose into a fascist state, with open arms. Ruled by kings and ,or unelected oligarchs. No doubt the lifelong dream of current oligarchs everywhere in autocratic fascist nations. Bought and paid for judges only speed the drastic shift towards autocracy. Our dear leader is not only above the law, but truth, factts, empathy, intelligent conversation or diplomacy, civility, or what’s best for even the country. I’m so sick of this situation that I could puke!does that count the same as liberal tears? You’re welcome to them. Fighting them is the only way I see to undermine their greatest desires:the destruction of our country from within.
It's amazing how far Trump is able to shift the Overton window on his followers and change positions on a number of issues and maga will just flip a switch right behind him.Zelinski has gotten used to literally being treated like a celebrity over the last 4 years as $BILLIONS in US tax payer earned incomes from families like yours and mine flowed into his coffers largely unaccounted for and he strolled down red carpets at celebrity studded events being fawned over by irrelevant narcissists in Hollywood
Zelinski is not winning this war…his people are dying on the front lines …and he is conscripting more…Russia has troops from North Korea on the ground fighting in Ukraine…it is a war of attrition at this point …
Russia has turned to NK already for troops…China is waiting in the wings…
Who will Ukraine turn to for troops when the conscripted army needs more fodder ???? Europe ??? Nato???
He and Europe and the world will look to the US as it ALWAYS has and OUR sons and daughters will go and die and be returned home in a flag draped casket to bury …or come home injured and scarred without any support from Ukraine or the world for their sacrafices and to face the life that remains ahead of them ….some never will be brought back to American soil
So save me your fake idiotic bullsh!t outrage over Trump or Vances tough talk …this is reality not some fine china, red carpet , celebrity studded gala … this can very well end up with OUR sons and daughters..OUR grandchildren… fighting and dying in a very real WW3 possibility
I don’t care if Zelinski was offended …I really do not give a sh!t…I don’t care if other European leaders are outraged … I empathize with the Ukraine people losing family, losing homes, losing a part their country, I can’t imagine that happening here and if there was a clear path to regain that that doesn’t lead to our children, our families dying in a nation led by someone who actually is what liberals cry Trump is …a dictator …I would support it But after the years of the weak responses by Obama and Biden that option may very well have passed
Get ready for the predictable liberal bullsh!t fools rhetoric response of the left … then ask yourself AND THEM … how many of those talking heads and Congressmen and your liberal neighbors will send THEIR sons and daughters to Ukraine.
I thought the Democratic Party was all about peace.
Ideologue? Nope, I just want what's best for this country and my children/grandchildren. WWIII ain't it. Your former president coddled this situation into happening by being a weak leader. Trump puts his foot down and y'all are ready to go nuclear. It's ridiculous.It's amazing how far Trump is able to shift the Overton window on his followers and change positions on a number of issues and maga will just flip a switch right behind him.
70% of the aid given to Ukraine was spent here in the US to replace the mothballed or obsolete gear we were giving them. Most of it was spent to replace that obsolete gear with brand new, cutting edge weapons systems.
Zelenskyy's point is that allowing Russia to win here will make Europe and the US less safe. And he is absolutely right. We are more likely to see sons and daughters die with Trumps reckless foreign policy and appeasement of dictators. They take it as an invitation to grab more.
But I do expect that to be lost on ideologues like yourself. History and factual information seems to be an anathema.
Ideologue? Nope, I just want what's best for this country and my children/grandchildren. WWIII ain't it. Your former president coddled this situation into happening by being a weak leader. Trump puts his foot down and y'all are ready to go nuclear. It's ridiculous.
Did you watch the 40 minutes of talk before your alleged act of "cowardice"?Everyone agrees with your last post. Liberals, centrists, democrats and libertarians alike. What we find odd with the MAGA crowd is the target of the anger. Putin’s aggression and Soviet expansionist goal started in the early 2000’s. The Ukraine war started in 2014 when Russia took Crimea. There is one belligerent country in all of this. Zelensky was elected in 2019 and has said he’ll resign if that helps bring peace. What we saw yesterday from Trump and Vance wasn’t “tough talk” or “putting a foot down.” It was cowardice. It’s easy to lecture the victim to look tough. I’d just like to see them yell at the man responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, Putin.
Did you watch the 40 minutes of talk before your alleged act of "cowardice"?
Zelinski has gotten used to literally being treated like a celebrity over the last 4 years as $BILLIONS in US tax payer earned incomes from families like yours and mine flowed into his coffers largely unaccounted for and he strolled down red carpets at celebrity studded events being fawned over by irrelevant narcissists in Hollywood
Zelinski is not winning this war…his people are dying on the front lines …and he is conscripting more…Russia has troops from North Korea on the ground fighting in Ukraine…it is a war of attrition at this point …
Russia has turned to NK already for troops…China is waiting in the wings…
Who will Ukraine turn to for troops when the conscripted army needs more fodder ???? Europe ??? Nato???
He and Europe and the world will look to the US as it ALWAYS has and OUR sons and daughters will go and die and be returned home in a flag draped casket to bury …or come home injured and scarred without any support from Ukraine or the world for their sacrafices and to face the life that remains ahead of them ….some never will be brought back to American soil
So save me your fake idiotic bullsh!t outrage over Trump or Vances tough talk …this is reality not some fine china, red carpet , celebrity studded gala … this can very well end up with OUR sons and daughters..OUR grandchildren… fighting and dying in a very real WW3 possibility
I don’t care if Zelinski was offended …I really do not give a sh!t…I don’t care if other European leaders are outraged … I empathize with the Ukraine people losing family, losing homes, losing a part their country, I can’t imagine that happening here and if there was a clear path to regain that that doesn’t lead to our children, our families dying in a nation led by someone who actually is what liberals cry Trump is …a dictator …I would support it But after the years of the weak responses by Obama and Biden that option may very well have passed
Get ready for the predictable liberal bullsh!t fools rhetoric response of the left … then ask yourself AND THEM … how many of those talking heads and Congressmen and your liberal neighbors will send THEIR sons and daughters to Ukraine.
I thought the Democratic Party was all about peace.
Let me know when that cult Koolaid tanker in front of your house is close to empty and I’ll send you another to suck from. Go MAGA overturn our standing here and abroad. The unelected Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 Mandate for Leadership is being followed line by line. The unelected and unvetted Elon Musk and his traveling band of unelected and unvetted inexperienced technocrats are destroying our departments with reckless abandon, along with our personal information. A truly weaponized DOJ will now act as tRump’s personal attorney. A rubber stamp Congress and Judiciary are culpable in this open arm destruction of the separation of powers, and assault on our Constitution. Felonious Trump is now limiting the press to only those that are favorable to him, and throwing out whom he doesn’t like: petulant child that he is. You want to claim my outrage is fake, but truthfully who voted for this chaos ? Oh, that’s RIGHT you did. To paraphrase Forest Forest Gump I’m sorry for interrupting your MAGA cult party. You might want to scan late 1930’s Europe’s fascist movements for some context. If you’re not outraged by the similarities then whip out that infamous salute and goose step your way into history. As for me and my family we’ll fight this anti democratic administration the only way we can. Gum up the works. Sue when possible. Write our ignorant Congressmen and ask them what they’re being paid to do. Challenge our MAGA friends and relatives every single time they state a lie that is easily proven quickly wrong. Boycott manufacturers who back this administration. Point out the casualness with which our conservative politicians flip flop sometimes hourly. In the meantime, think of what more we can do to limit the damage being done to our Constitution and our country. This is starting to look like TEOTWAWKI. Have a nice day Ron B. The outrage I have is real and justified IMO.Zelinski has gotten used to literally being treated like a celebrity over the last 4 years as $BILLIONS in US tax payer earned incomes from families like yours and mine flowed into his coffers largely unaccounted for and he strolled down red carpets at celebrity studded events being fawned over by irrelevant narcissists in Hollywood
Zelinski is not winning this war…his people are dying on the front lines …and he is conscripting more…Russia has troops from North Korea on the ground fighting in Ukraine…it is a war of attrition at this point …
Russia has turned to NK already for troops…China is waiting in the wings…
Who will Ukraine turn to for troops when the conscripted army needs more fodder ???? Europe ??? Nato???
He and Europe and the world will look to the US as it ALWAYS has and OUR sons and daughters will go and die and be returned home in a flag draped casket to bury …or come home injured and scarred without any support from Ukraine or the world for their sacrafices and to face the life that remains ahead of them ….some never will be brought back to American soil
So save me your fake idiotic bullshit outrage over Trump or Vances tough talk …this is reality not some fine china, red carpet , celebrity studded gala … this can very well end up with OUR sons and daughters..OUR grandchildren… fighting and dying in a very real WW3 possibility
I don’t care if Zelinski was offended …I really do not give a shit…I don’t care if other European leaders are outraged … I empathize with the Ukraine people losing family, losing homes, losing a part their country, I can’t imagine that happening here and if there was a clear path to regain that that doesn’t lead to our children, our families dying in a nation led by someone who actually is what liberals cry Trump is …a dictator …I would support it But after the years of the weak responses by Obama and Biden that option may very well have passed
Get ready for the predictable liberal bullsh!t fools rhetoric response of the left … then ask yourself AND THEM … how many of those talking heads and Congressmen and your liberal neighbors will send THEIR sons and daughters to Ukraine.
I thought the Democratic Party was all about peace.
Zelensky thanks numerous European leaders on X for their support after clashing with Trump in the White House. The press conference before the deal signing was not Trumps idea it was Zelensky's idea. So the concept that the little swindler was ambushed is a deception itself . Ukraine's government has been run by Intel operatives since Obama . These are his advisors . Zelensky was put up to that, I'd say.Yes I watched it live yesterday and posted right after it ended that it was embarrassing.
Nobody voted for this chaos, but your overlord Joe Biden fueled it and now you're blaming it all on Trump. Just pathetic.Let me know when that cult Koolaid tanker in front of your house is close to empty and I’ll send you another to suck from. Go MAGA overturn our standing here and abroad. The unelected Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 Mandate for Leadership is being followed line by line. The unelected and unvetted Elon Musk and his traveling band of unelected and unvetted inexperienced technocrats are destroying our departments with reckless abandon, along with our personal information. A truly weaponized DOJ will now act as tRump’s personal attorney. A rubber stamp Congress and Judiciary are culpable in this open arm destruction of the separation of powers, and assault on our Constitution. Felonious Trump is now limiting the press to only those that are favorable to him, and throwing out whom he doesn’t like: petulant child that he is. You want to claim my outrage is fake, but truthfully who voted for this chaos ? Oh, that’s RIGHT you did. To paraphrase Forest Forest Gump I’m sorry for interrupting your MAGA cult party. You might want to scan late 1930’s Europe’s fascist movements for some context. If you’re not outraged by the similarities then whip out that infamous salute and goose step your way into history. As for me and my family we’ll fight this anti democratic administration the only way we can. Gum up the works. Sue when possible. Write our ignorant Congressmen and ask them what they’re being paid to do. Challenge our MAGA friends and relatives every single time they state a lie that is easily proven quickly wrong. Boycott manufacturers who back this administration. Point out the casualness with which our conservative politicians flip flop sometimes hourly. In the meantime, think of what more we can do to limit the damage being done to our Constitution and our country. This is starting to look like TEOTWAWKI. Have a nice day Ron B. The outrage I have is real and justified IMO.
Donnie is the only person on this board I want to hear from right now, lol.I kinda want to hear Donnie's thoughts on Trumps mental stability after today.
Donnie is the only person on this board I want to hear from right now, lol.I kinda want to hear Donnie's thoughts on Trumps mental stability after today.
Gee, I'm sorry I wasn't prompt enough for you and have other things I enjoy besides watching y'all do your tribal raging.It took you almost 24 hours to find some talking points to post here.
I was hoping some of yall would see the light but I guess at this point there isn't a thing the administration can do that will make you think "this is wrong." When you start defending the White House having Russian state media in the press pool when American journalists they oppose aren't allowed think about who you are really supporting.
Zelensky thanks numerous European leaders on X for their support after clashing with Trump in the White House. The press conference before the deal signing was not Trumps idea it was Zelensky's idea. So the concept that the little swindler was ambushed is a deception itself . Ukraine's government has been run by Intel operatives since Obama . These are his advisors . Zelensky was put up to that, I'd say.
His bit about the "ocean" protecting us, but perhaps not forever, and how we'll "feel" soon (bad, he implied, very bad) was quite clearly a threat. But from whom or what? Very dark stuff that has not been remarked upon to any degree . I guess he forgot the world is round and the bering strait is the only "ocean" separating us with Russia.
Gee, I'm sorry I wasn't prompt enough for you and have other things I enjoy besides watching y'all do your tribal raging.
It's likely actual Russian propaganda. I'm sure they're repeating it on Fox News though. Imagine how little critical thought you have to put into something to believe a dude who's country has been at war, defending themselves from an invasion, is living a celebrity life of luxury. His words betray him when he talks about Zelinsky, you can tell who Rob actually believes is the bad guy in all of this. Have we heard him show any similar disdain towards Putin?And finally, little swindler? This is the stuff I really don’t understand. Where are people getting this?