Supreme Court decisions


Supreme Court says 1st Amendment entitles web designer to refuse same-sex wedding work npr

Happy final day of Pride Month!

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6-3 along ideological lines that the First Amendment bars Colorado from "forcing a website designer to create expressive designs speaking messages with which the designer disagrees."

Writing for the conservative majority, Justice Neil Gorsuch said: "Ms. [Lori] Smith seeks to engage in protected First Amendment speech; Colorado seeks to compel speech she does not wish to provide. As the Tenth Circuit observed, if Ms. Smith offers wedding websites celebrating marriages she endorses, the State intends to compel her to create custom websites celebrating other marriages she does not. ... If she wishes to speak, she must either speak as the State demands or face sanctions for expressing her own beliefs, sanctions that may include compulsory participation in 'remedial . . . training,' filing periodic compliance reports, and paying monetary fines. That is an impermissible abridgement of the First Amendment's right to speak freely."

In her dissent, Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote: "Today, the Court, for the first time in its history, grants a business open to the public a constitutional right to refuse to serve members of a protected class."

She added: "Around the country, there has been a backlash to the movement for liberty and equality for gender and sexual minorities. New forms of inclusion have been met with reactionary exclusion. This is heartbreaking. Sadly, it is also familiar. When the civil rights and women's rights movements sought equality in public life, some public establishments refused. Some even claimed, based on sincere religious beliefs, constitutional rights to discriminate. The brave Justices who once sat on this Court decisively rejected those claims."

For years, the justices have side-stepped the difficult issue presented by business owners who don't want to comply with public accommodation laws for same-sex weddings. Florists, photographers, and a baker all went to court arguing that they should not have to use their artistry for same-sex weddings. But the court either declined to review lower court rulings or, in the case of the baker who refused to make a custom wedding cake for a same-sex couple, the court punted.

This year, however, the new conservative supermajority reached out in an unusually aggressive manner, agreeing to decide a case in which nobody had yet filed a claim of discrimination.

Instead, Smith, a web designer who is opposed to same sex marriage, pre-emptively sued the state of Colorado, claiming that the state law banning discrimination based on sexual orientation violates her right of free speech.

Smith who believes that marriage should only be between a man and a woman, said she wanted to create a custom web-page business for weddings, but could not do so because under Colorado law she would have been forced to create websites that violate her faith. Colorado said it didn't want to dictate what Smith said in her web designs, but that if her business is open to the public--as it is--it had to serve everyone.

On Friday, the court ruled against the state and for the web designer in a decision that could have profound consequences in Colorado and 29 other states that have laws requiring businesses open to the public to serve everyone, regardless or race, religion, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation.
I think the two larger impact ones over last two days were striking down Biden’s attempt to waive student debt and curtailing using race to determine college admissions.

Also earlier decision on gerrymandering could significantly impact balance of power in Congress in coming years.
This activist court is out of control. Precedent has never been ignored to this degree. Never has a case been heard by the Supremes based on a speculative business theory. Legislating from the bench they’ve decided “standing “ doesn’t make any difference. I’m thinking about starting a business and I want to put a sign on my prospective internet business, Would it be alright if I advertise No gays! Conservative court says YES . Where’s the standing? Where’s the refusal to serve? No one even asked this homophobic wench to do anything. This court is out of control, But beyond reproach. They’re taking up cases they personally want to change, while claiming impartiality. Want to take millions from rich friends, no problem. Lifetime job with no rules. Are colored water fountains next.
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Gorsuch guts Sotomayer’s stupid argument.


“In some places, the dissent gets so turned around about the facts that it opens fire on its own position,” Gorsuch wrote. “For instance: While stressing that a Colorado company cannot refuse ‘the full and equal enjoyment of [its] services” based on a customer’s protected status,’ the dissent assures us that a company selling creative services “to the public” does have a right ‘to decide what messages to include or not to include.’ But if that is true, what are we even debating? Instead of addressing the parties’ stipulations about the case actually before us, the dissent spends much of its time adrift on a sea of hypotheticals about photographers, stationers, and others, asking if they too provide expressive services covered by the First Amendment.”

When the dissent finally gets around to that question— more than halfway into its opinion—it reimagines the facts of this case from top to bottom,” Gorsuch argued. “The dissent claims that Colorado wishes to regulate Ms. Smith’s ‘conduct,’ not her speech … The dissent chides us for deciding a pre-enforcement challenge … The dissent suggests (over and over again) that any burden on speech here is ‘incidental.’ All despite the Tenth Circuit’s finding that Colorado intends to force Ms. Smith to convey a message she does not believe with the ‘very purpose’ of ‘[e]liminating . . . ideas’ that differ from its own.'”
It was a great week for America! Thank God for Trump’s appointees to the SCOTUS!
Back to the great old days,MAGA like in the mid last century. Majority rules. Wonder what the court would be doing with a legitimate 2 out of 3 recent judges not stolen by Repubs. Some enjoy going backward. Sadly hatred rules. Glad you’re happy.
If the Colorado person can refuse service to gays, why can't someone else refuse service to Muslims or Jews or Mormons or etc....
Gorsuch guts Sotomayer’s stupid argument.


“In some places, the dissent gets so turned around about the facts that it opens fire on its own position,” Gorsuch wrote. “For instance: While stressing that a Colorado company cannot refuse ‘the full and equal enjoyment of [its] services” based on a customer’s protected status,’ the dissent assures us that a company selling creative services “to the public” does have a right ‘to decide what messages to include or not to include.’ But if that is true, what are we even debating? Instead of addressing the parties’ stipulations about the case actually before us, the dissent spends much of its time adrift on a sea of hypotheticals about photographers, stationers, and others, asking if they too provide expressive services covered by the First Amendment.”

When the dissent finally gets around to that question— more than halfway into its opinion—it reimagines the facts of this case from top to bottom,” Gorsuch argued. “The dissent claims that Colorado wishes to regulate Ms. Smith’s ‘conduct,’ not her speech … The dissent chides us for deciding a pre-enforcement challenge … The dissent suggests (over and over again) that any burden on speech here is ‘incidental.’ All despite the Tenth Circuit’s finding that Colorado intends to force Ms. Smith to convey a message she does not believe with the ‘very purpose’ of ‘[e]liminating . . . ideas’ that differ from its own.'”
pretty apparent these two don't get along well...she blasted him about a summary last year...
Back to the great old days,MAGA like in the mid last century. Majority rules. Wonder what the court would be doing with a legitimate 2 out of 3 recent judges not stolen by Repubs. Some enjoy going backward. Sadly hatred rules. Glad you’re happy.
I am not going to speak to the legal arguments of each because that is way outside my expertise, but I thought SCOTUS ruling’s this week were mostly obvious and heavily leaned to freedom and eqitable.

Are you saying you support allowing a President to unilaterally move a persons debt to someone else? That seems horribly unfair.

Do you disagree with the gerrymandering ruling? And ruling against an odd legal thought the Republicans pushed?

And allowing race to be used to help or hurt a persons chance of getting it to a college seems…racist. Curtailing that practice seems the best solution.
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If the Colorado person can refuse service to gays, why can't someone else refuse service to Muslims or Jews or Mormons or etc....
If you own your own business you should be able to refuse service to anyone you please. Let the free market decide how that works out. Pretty simple.
I am not going to speak to the legal arguments of each because that is way outside my expertise, but I thought SCOTUS ruling’s this week were mostly obvious and heavily leaned to freedom and eqitable.

Are you saying you support allowing a President to unilaterally move a persons debt to someone else? That seems horribly unfair.

Do you disagree with the gerrymandering ruling? And ruling against an odd legal thought the Republicans pushed?

And allowing race to be used to help or hurt a persons chance of getting it to a college seems…racist. Curtailing that practice seems the best solution.
Glad you’re happy about it.
I am not going to speak to the legal arguments of each because that is way outside my expertise, but I thought SCOTUS ruling’s this week were mostly obvious and heavily leaned to freedom and eqitable.

Are you saying you support allowing a President to unilaterally moved on persons debt to someone else? That seems horribly unfair.

Do you disagree with the gerrymandering ruling? And ruling against an odd legal thought the Republicans pushed?

And allowing race to be used to help or hurt a persons chance of getting it to a college seems…racist. Curtailing that practice seems the best solution.
student loans...PPP loans
gerrymandering will never leave our lives, and will continue to benefit party in charge
affirmative action worked IMO...equaled the playing field
If you own your own business you should be able to refuse service to anyone you please. Let the free market decide how that works out. Pretty simple.
So, you expect Judge Thomas to simply agree with a businessman who puts a sign out that says "No service to interracial couples" because he believes that God in the Bible meant to keep the races separate? Come to think of it, one can use the Bible to try to justify other ways to discriminate against other people. Where would Republicans think it should end? Nowhere?
So, you expect Judge Thomas to simply agree with a businessman who puts a sign out that says "No service to interracial couples" because he believes that God in the Bible meant to keep the races separate? Come to think of it, one can use the Bible to try to justify other ways to discriminate against other people. Where would Republicans think it should end? Nowhere?
By your thought process a business can't deny service to anyone. That would include the aggressively rude customer, the guy that is an alcoholic that won't stop drinking at the bar, etc...
student loans...PPP loans
gerrymandering will never leave our lives, and will continue to benefit party in charge
affirmative action worked IMO...equaled the playing field
I hope we agree that student loans and PPP loans are completely different. But agree that excusing the PPP loans was a terrible decision. Hope we are never a country that pushes two wrongs make a right.

Lots of things work — doesn’t mean they are fair or equitable. I would certainly challenge something working that denies opportunities for people more qualified. It is just approved discrimination. It didn’t equal the playing field. It purposely weighted others favorably or less favorably due to skin color. Choosing someone based on race is never equaling the playing field.
What works is lowering the barriers to college — lowering college tuition, providing grants and waivers for those that cannot afford.

Unfortunately, you are probably right about gerrymandering.
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