Stitt is throwing a temper tantrum at the Capitol and positioning himself as Trump's mini-me's (DeSantis) mini-me. At this point, he's running for whatever office he's going for next instead of doing the business of Oklahoma's Governor. What's worse is Republicans have a super-majority in both houses and the Governor's office and this is all about letting their egos and their little pissing match over school funding and tax cuts. This is one that can't be put on "owning the libs" or anything.
This is the most ineffectual leadership I've seen in a LONG time in Oklahoma. That's really saying something.
The following bills were included in the governor’s veto package:
h Senate Bill 291: adds child abuse as a reason to file for a protective order, and allows for a petition to be filed on behalf of a minor victim for any of the listed reasons a person may file a protective order
h Senate Bill 711: provides naloxone (Narcan) or another opioid antagonist to the Department of Corrections, and authorizes the creation of an opioid overdose education program to be used by DOC and county jails.
h Senate Bill 712: Provides naloxone (Narcan) or another opioid antagonist to hospitals, and allows for some patients to leave the hospital with two doses
h Senate Bill 840: brings Oklahoma in line with other states in regards to name, image and likeness regulations for collegiate athletes. Supporters have said the bill would make Oklahoma’s recruiting classes more competitive.
h Senate Bill 34: updates statutory references to prevention of youth access to tobacco
h Senate Bill 58: extends the Board of Governors of the Licensed Architects, Landscape Architects and Registered Commercial Interior Designers of Oklahoma until 2026
h Senate Bill 60: extends the Board of Chiropractic Examiners until 2026
h Senate Bill 162: extends the State Board of Examiners of Psychologists
h Senate Bill 249: makes it easier for health care providers to provide hospice palliative drugs to patients
h Senate Bill 123: relates to parole eligibility
h Senate Bill 125: relating to how often law library boards of trustees must meet
h Senate Bill 267: increases the membership of the Advancement of Wellness Advisory Council
h Senate Bill 369: requires an employer to conduct a criminal background check before a nurse aide begins employment or a contract
h Senate Bill 395: creates an income tax check-off to benefit the Recovering Oklahomans After Disaster
h Senate Bill 479: updates definitions in the Uniform Military and Overseas Voters Act to include members of the active or reserve components of Space Force
h Senate Bill 534: amends the gross adjusted income required to be eligible for the Family Support Program to a gross adjusted income that did not exceed 300% of the federal poverty level guidelines. The previous income line was $45,000.
h Senate Bill 617: requires any action against a limited liability company to be brought in the county which it is situated or holds its principal place of business
h Senate Bill 623: various updates to Service Oklahoma
h Senate Bill 841: relating to motor vehicle storage
h Senate Bill 889: expands the definition of a dairy farm and milk to include any hoofed mammal, and doubles the fee on milk products
This is the most ineffectual leadership I've seen in a LONG time in Oklahoma. That's really saying something.
The following bills were included in the governor’s veto package:
h Senate Bill 291: adds child abuse as a reason to file for a protective order, and allows for a petition to be filed on behalf of a minor victim for any of the listed reasons a person may file a protective order
h Senate Bill 711: provides naloxone (Narcan) or another opioid antagonist to the Department of Corrections, and authorizes the creation of an opioid overdose education program to be used by DOC and county jails.
h Senate Bill 712: Provides naloxone (Narcan) or another opioid antagonist to hospitals, and allows for some patients to leave the hospital with two doses
h Senate Bill 840: brings Oklahoma in line with other states in regards to name, image and likeness regulations for collegiate athletes. Supporters have said the bill would make Oklahoma’s recruiting classes more competitive.
h Senate Bill 34: updates statutory references to prevention of youth access to tobacco
h Senate Bill 58: extends the Board of Governors of the Licensed Architects, Landscape Architects and Registered Commercial Interior Designers of Oklahoma until 2026
h Senate Bill 60: extends the Board of Chiropractic Examiners until 2026
h Senate Bill 162: extends the State Board of Examiners of Psychologists
h Senate Bill 249: makes it easier for health care providers to provide hospice palliative drugs to patients
h Senate Bill 123: relates to parole eligibility
h Senate Bill 125: relating to how often law library boards of trustees must meet
h Senate Bill 267: increases the membership of the Advancement of Wellness Advisory Council
h Senate Bill 369: requires an employer to conduct a criminal background check before a nurse aide begins employment or a contract
h Senate Bill 395: creates an income tax check-off to benefit the Recovering Oklahomans After Disaster
h Senate Bill 479: updates definitions in the Uniform Military and Overseas Voters Act to include members of the active or reserve components of Space Force
h Senate Bill 534: amends the gross adjusted income required to be eligible for the Family Support Program to a gross adjusted income that did not exceed 300% of the federal poverty level guidelines. The previous income line was $45,000.
h Senate Bill 617: requires any action against a limited liability company to be brought in the county which it is situated or holds its principal place of business
h Senate Bill 623: various updates to Service Oklahoma
h Senate Bill 841: relating to motor vehicle storage
h Senate Bill 889: expands the definition of a dairy farm and milk to include any hoofed mammal, and doubles the fee on milk products