Putin: Will issue Visas allowing anyone fleeing "Western Liberal Ideals" to settle in Russia. Alex Jones calls on "True Patriots" to sign up


Alex Jones encouraging "True Patriots" to consider moving to Russia as they are a place that stands up to "Spiritual and Moral Values"

"This new decree blows the lid off the establishment's agenda, letting freedom-loving folks bypass the usual bureaucratic nonsense like language tests or history exams," Jones posted on X. "If you're ready to reject the insane policies of your home countries that push these destructive, anti-human, neoliberal agendas, Russia is rolling out the red carpet! The Russian government is about to compile a list of countries poisoning minds with these twisted ideals, and the Foreign Ministry is gearing up to issue visas to true patriots as soon as September! It's time to stand up for spiritual and moral values!"

Alex Jones and his fans are intrigued by Putin offer of sanctuary to conservatives

Russian President Vladimir Putin has seemingly invited conservatives chafing under "neoliberal ideals" in their home countries to move to Russia, where he claimed "traditional values reign supreme," and Alex Jones suggested he might take him up on the offer.

The Russian president signed a decree offering assistance to foreigners seeking temporary residence in his country and expanding the quota approved by the nation's government and setting aside a requirement for knowing the Russian language, history and basic laws, and Jones urged his followers to consider sanctuary there.

Applicants will be assessed on their rejection of their home country's policies "aimed at imposing destructive neoliberal ideals on people," and other social media users suggested Jones might flee the country to avoid paying $1.5 billion for his false claims about the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre that killed 20 first-graders and six educators in Connecticut.
So called "true patriots", especially if white, can simply move to a small town in Oklahoma to get away from liberal stuff while avoiding strange new policies and customs, along with the Russian language. Start with Boise City that went 92% for Trump in 2020. Unless Trump wants to praise Russia, he could suggest Oklahoma, instead, while pointing out that there is a highway named after him that goes outside of Boise City. Of course, as full of himself as Trump is, I understand if he would be too embarrassed to bring up that highway from it being far less great and noteworthy than he is. Otherwise, Alex Jones ought to lead the way by moving to Russia. Donald Trump might as well join him.
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So called "true patriots", especially if white, can simply move to a small town in Oklahoma to get away from liberal stuff while avoiding strange new policies and customs, along with the Russian language. Start with Boise City that went 92% for Trump in 2020. Unless Trump wants to praise Russia, he could suggest Oklahoma, instead, while pointing out that there is a highway named after him that goes outside of Boise City. Otherwise, Alex Jones ought to lead the way by moving to Russia.
Please, please, please. Wouldn't be opposed to a bunch of them going to Russia and then laughing when most massively regret it shortly after. Maybe the rest will figure out maybe they don't want to live under an authoritarian.
So called "true patriots", especially if white, can simply move to a small town in Oklahoma to get away from liberal stuff while avoiding strange new policies and customs, along with the Russian language. Start with Boise City that went 92% for Trump in 2020. Unless Trump wants to praise Russia, he could suggest Oklahoma, instead, while pointing out that there is a highway named after him that goes outside of Boise City. Of course, as full of himself as Trump is, I understand if he would be too embarrassed to bring up that highway from it being far less great and noteworthy than he is. Otherwise, Alex Jones ought to lead the way by moving to Russia.
Curious, have you ever been to Boise City?
Curious, have you ever been to Boise City?
I lived there as a kid. It’s the county seat. The courthouse was bombed at during training for WW2. Dad was the superintendent. Longest bus routes in the state. Black Mesa, lake Carl Etling, dinosaur tracks , sharks teeth, and Indian artifacts. Bad water wells. Before climate change you occasionally had to dig yourself out of your house from the snow. Used to be a bunch of Birchers out there too.
I lived there as a kid. It’s the county seat. The courthouse was bombed at during training for WW2. Dad was the superintendent. Longest bus routes in the state. Black Mesa, lake Carl Etling, dinosaur tracks , sharks teeth, and Indian artifacts. Bad water wells. Before climate change you occasionally had to dig yourself out of your house from the snow. Used to be a bunch of Birchers out there too.
Yes. The bomb was actually from our own plane on a training exercise 😂😂. Some of the best hard working folks in whole wide world from out there.
Curious, have you ever been to Boise City?
Yes, twice to see the Oklahoma panhandle on my way to sightsee in Colorado Springs. Didn't stop at Boise City. Instead, I stopped at Guymon, which I think of more highly since it's a considerably bigger town and has a McDonald's.
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Yes, twice to see the Oklahoma panhandle on my way to sightsee in Colorado Springs. Didn't stop at Boise City. Instead, I stopped at Guymon, which I think of more highly since it's a considerably bigger town.
Athletic teams played four different states
Yes, twice to see the Oklahoma panhandle on my way to sightsee in Colorado Springs. Didn't stop at Boise City. Instead, I stopped at Guymon, which I think of more highly since it's a considerably bigger town and has a McDonald's.
You should’ve stopped at Boise City. Really good little cafe on the East side of town and you could’ve BS’ed with the locals.
How many of those trucks has Musk given to the Russians? The government needs to arrest Musk and seize his companies!

Aaron Paul What GIF by Breaking Bad
You should’ve stopped at Boise City. Really good little cafe on the East side of town and you could’ve BS’ed with the locals.
I don’t know how long you spent in Boise City, but I do remember Dad complaining about the Birchers as he called them (late 50’s & early 60’s). I’ve accused a few in here of being one. The Koch’s are Birchers. Question you might be able to answer. Are MAGA Republicans the new iteration of the John Birch Society? Project 2025 confirms, to me anyway, that the Heritage Foundation has certainly adopted whole heartedly Birch ideology. To me, this is the same group of Republicans that the country rejected many years ago. Barry Goldwater said in the 1964 Republican convention that “Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue.” Reagan whole heartedly rejected them. Is this how you and MAGA justifies January 6th? Is this where MAGA gets off rejecting norms? Gerrymandering, closing polling places, threatening election workers into quitting and replacing them with toadies? Lying constantly about the state of the union. Calling opponents communist? Etc. etc. etc. The Lincoln Project and Republicans for Harris have broken away from this extremism. I think you and your devoted followers of the extreme are going to continue to lose numbers as it becomes crystal clear that only one party actually supports our democracy and the constitution. Thoughts? Is MAGA the new John Birch Society ? Is Trump a Goldwater or just the Birchers useful idiot? Someone or group is pulling the strings other than Trump. He’s tarnished and toxic, and IMO totally unfit to be president and commander in chief again. I’d like to understand. I have delusional friends and family that I’d like to understand.