Our star

It happened. I finally was there when somebody asked the question.

Took a break from reality and went to Maui for January. Was on top of the Hyatt at their amateur observatory and this lady asks “is the sun a star?”

Now she was hammered and probably 60 something but I think the booze gave her the courage to ask. And the host answers honestly without batting an eye. It was only afterwards that the tour group blew up about it. I always heard that from night shows in the street segments. But I thought they must search high and low for their morons. Turns out, they’re everywhere.
It happened. I finally was there when somebody asked the question.

Took a break from reality and went to Maui for January. Was on top of the Hyatt at their amateur observatory and this lady asks “is the sun a star?”

Now she was hammered and probably 60 something but I think the booze gave her the courage to ask. And the host answers honestly without batting an eye. It was only afterwards that the tour group blew up about it. I always heard that from night shows in the street segments. But I thought they must search high and low for their morons. Turns out, they’re everywhere.

If it's a star, how come you never see it at night?