Oklahoma is going backwards

all this $&!# reminds me of when growing up, preachers (and my mom) wailed against rock music...it was the devil's music...if you played LP's backward you could hear satanic/evil wordings...
Except now those crazies have an actual platform and their ignorant ideas are causing actual problems. Unfortunately these people are so locked into their echo chamber they have lost all ability to critically think. If teachers are so good at indoctrination then why are people leaving the profession in droves because of the lack of respect?
Bible should be banned as well, right?!

I am very close to an educator who was pushing for a new reading curriculum at a very conservative district. There are many choices from which teachers can start sections of study to build upon....like you pick a book or story and follow it for a section of weeks and are exposed to science/arts/history....but you aren't forced to do a single book or story. Some of the choices have abuse/homosexuality (like two moms not graphic depictions of intimacy)/mythology. Again you don't have to pick these. You can pick options that have none of that. This district has dropped in scores 4 consecutive years to the point the state could intervene if they don't rise. Well the facebook christians got all in an uproar....some of it was obvious because we all know Jesus loves everyone but gays... but they even took issue with Greek mythology references that have been taught for how many years and you know myth is in the name so fiction is implied. So I don't live there an people dont know me and I went to one of the little "Stop the devil curriculum" meetings and said I think we need to get all of this out of schools this isn't what built this country yada yada....no murder, no adulatory, no spirits, no sex, etc etc and when I had the facebook christians ready to elect me mayor I dropped the "that's why we have to get the bible out this district". I was not invited to the next meeting.
They're surely temped to edit out the sexually graphic passages in the Bible and make it for children, but probably realize they can't do that because the bible forbids it to be abridged.

Oklahoma State Senator calls LGBTQ+ people 'filth,' says most don't want them here​

No doubt the reason why those Republicans think LGBTQ+ people are filth is because they think the oral and anal sex acts they do with the same sex is quite grossly offensive, so such people should only be thought of as 2nd or 3rd class citizens or worse. Maybe the senator and constituents even find such acts when done with the opposite sex is also too highly offensive. And don't do them. Or who knows maybe they love doing sex like that and are gross hypocrites. I doubt the majority of the people care or judge what consensual sex acts other adults do in private as long as they don't get invited to join in on what they find as offensive. Anyway, legislators need to get over bullying people whose sex lives they don't agree with and attend to their own f**king sex lives, assuming they have any.
The best part about this is when he says “we are a religious state” and “we are a moral state”.

We are probably the least moral state in the US. It is absolutely mind blowing hypocrisy.

I’ve posted this before but just a reminder of where OK ranks as a state on several “morality” issues.

Teen preg-4th
Drug overdose-4th
Weed stores -1st
Child abuse-7th
Gambling addiction -7th
# casinos -2nd
Domestic Violence-1st
Rape/Sexual Assault-8th
Car theft-9th
Package theft-2nd
Break ins-4th
I wonder where Oklahoma is ranked among all the states for following "Thicc" girls with big booties and tatas on tik tok and instagram.

NTTAWWT....just ask filth-loathing Oklahoma Senator Tom Woods.

I wonder where Oklahoma is ranked among all the states for following "Thicc" girls with big booties and tatas on tik tok and instagram.

NTTAWWT....just ask filth-loathing Oklahoma Senator Tom Woods.

I saw this yesterday. Just shake my head and hope that I live to see the day when Oklahoma rises up from this crap and actually tries to make itself better.

Time is running out.
Maybe Oklahoma won't reach rock bottom until the Westboro Church cult of Topeka moves its church to Oklahoma, because Kansas can't ban abortion. The 2024 elections will decide a lot.
No, God didn't call Gov. Stitt to do anything. And Stitt is far from an ordinary person. Before he ran for governor he had become a millionaire a bunch of times over. Meanwhile, what did Hitler think of himself before God: "I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator." - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Vol. 1 Chapter 2

Oklahoma Gov: God Had Me Elected To Stop Abortion
Too bad we can't thank God for Mississippi this time:

The worst US states for women in 2024 ranked with Oklahoma no. 1​

Number One Reaction GIF by Super Simple
Yeh, Today, the Oklahoma Supreme Court gave approval for the petition for a vote to raise the Oklahoma minimum wage. But in keeping with the negative theme of this thread, just watch and see if Republican legislators will pass a law that can keep it off the Nov. 2024 ballot or worse. There is surely lots of corporate money that will try to see to that.
Seems fair to me? (y)
So we are now using public education money to pay off Dead Beats back child support

When we rank 48th in education...this is how we chose to spend our FORMER public education $$$

Tax payer funded bail out for Dead Beats
So we are now using public education money to pay off Dead Beats back child support

When we rank 48th in education...this is how we chose to spend our FORMER public education $$$

Tax payer funded bail out for Dead Beats
They are already taking that money to subsidize the rich to send there kids to private school so they don’t have to be around the riff raff. As long as that’s happening I’m fine with them taking that money to pay back debts.
They are already taking that money to subsidize the rich to send there kids to private school so they don’t have to be around the riff raff. As long as that’s happening I’m fine with them taking that money to pay back debts.
No they are using it to fund RICH DEAD BEATS. poor Dead Beats don't get private school vouchers because their kids are in Public schools

So Tax Payer subsidized Child Support payments for THE ALREADY WEALTHY
No they are using it to fund RICH DEAD BEATS. poor Dead Beats don't get private school vouchers because their kids are in Public schools

So Tax Payer subsidized Child Support payments for THE ALREADY WEALTHY
Look I hate vouchers but that is the system we have at the moment. So if that’s the case I’m glad the people that the rich dead beat has tried to cheat gets it and the rich dead beat still has to pay out of pocket to send his kid to school.
Seems fair to me? (y)
So now not only are tax dollars being used to subsidize private education your tax dollars are being used to pay off someone else’s child support, healthcare, college education and their court costs.

This is a train wreck once again hoist upon us by those screaming against socialism the loudest.

I’ve seen stats where >55% of those applying for the private school tax credit earn greater than $150,000/yr. Given how the program works and the applications received this 55%ish will likely receive their $5000/yr/student credit.

I’ve also seen where 95% of those applying were already private school families. And where >1/3 of the private schools had materially increased their tuition.

Plain and simple this was a cash grab by high income individuals whether they be parents or private schools at the expense of the collective greater good of Oklahoma.

Fix this by making those families ineligible for 1 penny of the credit until those obligations and a list of other judgements including back taxes are paid in full.

Better yet fix it by eliminating the tax credit all together
OK I'll clarify; I'd like them to get nothing & like it.
But since that is already obviously going to them, there are two choices; let them keep my money, or let them be deadbeats that don't get their "free money" because they are deadbeats.

For me, I'll choose the highest degree of "F them" option that is readily available.