Missouri Supreme Court orders attorney general to let abortion ballot initiative go forward


State AG was stonewalling the ballot measure and not letting it move forward. Missouri Supreme Court rules that measure to leagalize abortion in Missouri must be put forward

Also, the Missouri Attorney General is among 18 other Republican AGs in a letter pushing back on a move by the federal government to shield medical records of those who cross state lines for reproductive care or gender-affirming care, calling it “unconstitutional.” They think they should have the right to prosecute their citizens for crime committed in other states, even though it isn't a crime in other states, in this case abortion or transgender care. The Oklahoma AG did not sign on to it.
Also, the Missouri Attorney General is among 18 other Republican AGs in a letter pushing back on a move by the federal government to shield medical records of those who cross state lines for reproductive care or gender-affirming care, calling it “unconstitutional.” They think they should have the right to prosecute their citizens for crime committed in other states, even though it isn't a crime in other states, in this case abortion or transgender care. The Oklahoma AG did not sign on to it.
Oklahoma's AG proves to me by each crazy right wing nutter plot he DOESN'T sign our state onto that he is the right guy for the Job.

Conservative but also rejecting Right wing Extremist and Extremism
Also, the Missouri Attorney General is among 18 other Republican AGs in a letter pushing back on a move by the federal government to shield medical records of those who cross state lines for reproductive care or gender-affirming care, calling it “unconstitutional.” They think they should have the right to prosecute their citizens for crime committed in other states, even though it isn't a crime in other states, in this case abortion or transgender care. The Oklahoma AG did not sign on to it.

I've long considered most things not covered in the Constitution should be considered "state's rights" issues (not all). Though I lean right on abortion issues (but not to extremes), prohibiting letting Mizzou's populace from voicing their opinion should be criminal.