Mental illness?

Given what we know at this point, does this seem like mental illness?

  • Yes, I think he was mentally ill

  • No, I don't think he was mentally ill

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Let’s say he took a shot and missed. Then he is being chased by a 55 year old cop and gets winded and gets caught on foot. A 20 year old caught by an old cop.

Turns out he started smoking. He was sedentary all the time. He did little to no exercise. He ate donuts for breakfast and fast food for lunch and dinner.

He was in a bad place physically. But that does not mean he specifically had diabetes, coronary artery disease, asthma etc. Even if he googled “diabetes” we would not declare that he had that illness.
Let’s say he took a shot and missed. Then he is being chased by a 55 year old cop and gets winded and gets caught on foot. A 20 year old caught by an old cop.

Turns out he started smoking. He was sedentary all the time. He did little to no exercise. He ate donuts for breakfast and fast food for lunch and dinner.

He was in a bad place physically. But that does not mean he specifically had diabetes, coronary artery disease, asthma etc. Even if he googled “diabetes” we would not declare that he had that illness.
Yeah, except homicidal and suicidal thoughts and impulses are hallmark traits of severe depression. The guy didn't just have the thoughts, he planned and executed on them.
Looks at browsing history

Shocked Dog GIF by Scooby-Doo
One search for "major depressive disorder" from a person that works in a nursing home means he has a mental illness? Searches for multiple politicians means we know he had intent to kill any of them?

I just can't get to those conclusions from such little evidence.
Pretty sure they could find any of those searches on my devices, doesn't mean I intend to assassinate a presidential candidate.
How does a person just carry a 12 foot fiberglass step ladder into that area and nobody notices?
I find it disturbing that the SS and legions of LEO'S were THAT clueless.
Yeah, except homicidal and suicidal thoughts and impulses are hallmark traits of severe depression. The guy didn't just have the thoughts, he planned and executed on them.
You keep saying that as if being homicidal means you are depressed. Where is the evidence for this?

A hallmark trait of being an OU fan is living in Oklahoma. I googled an OU player when he hit on my daughter. Am I an OU fan?
He posted the following on Steam before the events took place

"July 13 will be my premiere, watch as it unfolds,"

This quote in the context of his experience as a social outcast and victim of bullying points to a person that wanted attention and had become hopeless enough to do something extreme to seek it. How many times have we read this description before????? This seems to be a fairly common trait in people who become radicalized or extreme enough to take such actions when they are otherwise mentally capable individuals.

Perhaps we could start by acknowledging that our society (and others) play a large part in forming these people's situations that eventually lead to these events.

Lots of students were quoted as seeing him eating alone and being bullied, yet none of them mentioned that they did anything about either. That sucks. That means he was experiencing bullying, had no support system, and had no resiliency to cope with the experiences. That's a total failure for all who were around him, the system, society, and himself.

We (humans) should do better than to allow our family, friends, coworkers, or neighbors to get to this point if we (as individuals) can meaningfully and positively contribute.

All of that said, sometimes a person just does something unexpected and completely insane. This doesn't appear to be one of those.