Loosely Kremlin controlled Russia Neo Nazi Militia amassing on border of Finland



They looking at trying to free their leader who has been in a Finnish Prison for the last 2 years for War Crimes against Ukrainians back in 2014-2015 ...Fear is that Kremlin has lost control over this group and they may attack a NATO nation on their own.​

Russian neo-Nazi militia moves to Finnish border amid tensions

Russian neo-Nazis from the "Rusicz" group, known for torturing and brutally killing Ukrainian prisoners of war on the front, have started stationing at the border with Finland as a "volunteer militia." The Belsat channel on platform X provided this information.

The Rusicz group has been participating in the war in Ukraine since early April 2022
and was also present in Donbas in 2014 and 2015. Now, it intends to guard the "peace" at the border with Finland.

As stated in a declaration on the group's Telegram channel, its participation in "border protection" will involve "experience exchange" and "intelligence activities."

It is worth noting that since the end of 2023, one of the co-founders of "Rusicz," Jan Pietrowski, has been in custody in Finland. He is suspected of torturing Ukrainian soldiers during the military actions in Donbas in 2014-2015.

The soldiers of "Rusicz" participated in military activities in Ukraine after the start of the full-scale invasion, but in August 2023, they announced the suspension of "carrying out any combat missions," accusing the Russian authorities of "insufficient assistance" for Pietrowski.

In connection with this, journalists from "The Guardian" reported that the Kremlin may lose control over its far-right Russian paramilitary organizations, which may use extreme methods to wage war, raising fears of escalation in the event of an attack on a NATO state.

Russian neo-Nazis defending Russia. Previously, they killed Ukrainians​

As highlighted by the Belsat channel, the soldiers of the group repeatedly publicly called for the killing of Ukrainian prisoners of war.

In the fall of 2022, a "guide to killing enemy prisoners" authored by the unit appeared online. In March of this year, following a terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall near Moscow, one of the "Rusicz" soldiers announced an auction for a knife that an officer used to cut off the ear of the suspected attacker.

The founder of the group is neo-Nazi Alexei Milchakov, a soldier of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
I wonder if the use of "neo-Nazi" just means they are bad people? Nazis felt that the Slavic people were subhuman and planned extermination for lebensraum for Aryans. Would be strange to be in a group that wants to exterminate itself.

Of course, intelligence and neo-Nazi do not seem to go hand in hand so maybe.
I wonder if the use of "neo-Nazi" just means they are bad people? Nazis felt that the Slavic people were subhuman and planned extermination for lebensraum for Aryans. Would be strange to be in a group that wants to exterminate itself.

Of course, intelligence and neo-Nazi do not seem to go hand in hand so maybe.
US Treasury Dept list him as a Neo Nazi...at least that is what they called him in 2023 when they Sanctioned him and the entire group


Task Force Rusich (Rusich) is a neo-Nazi paramilitary group that has participated in combat alongside Russia’s military in Ukraine, including near Kharkiv, in 2022. Rusich has a long history of fighting alongside Russia-backed proxies in the Donbas region of Ukraine, and in 2015, Rusich mercenaries were accused of, and filmed, committing atrocities against deceased and captured Ukrainian soldiers. Rusich is associated with OFAC-designated groups Private Military Company Wagner and Interregional Social Organization Union of Donbas Volunteers.

Rusich is led by Alexey Yurevich Milchakov (Milchakov) and Yan Igorevich Petrovskiy (Petrovskiy). Milchakov, who has developed a reputation for extreme brutality, was wounded in Rusich’s initial combat near Kharkiv, Ukraine in 2022. Petrovskiy, who was expelled from Norway in 2016 after being declared a threat to national security, is Rusich’s lead military trainer and replaced Milchakov as commander after his injury.

Rusich was designated pursuant to E.O. 14024 for being responsible for or complicit in, or for having directly or indirectly engaged or attempted to engage in, activities that undermine the peace, security, political stability, or territorial integrity of the United States, its allies, or its partners, for or on behalf of, or for the benefit of, directly or indirectly, the GoR. Milchakov and Petrovskiy were designated pursuant to E.O. 14024 for being or having been a leader, official, senior executive officer, or member of the board of directors of Rusich. Milchakov is also sanctioned by Australia, Canada, the EU, Switzerland, and the UK.
It’s funny in WW2 Germany and Russia downplayed their true ethnicities. Germans were less Nordic than they propagandized and western Russians were way more Nordic than they propagandized. All the more reasons that racial/ethnic superiority complexes are stupid.

Interesting take. Per the Groups Leader they say they appeal to Pan-Slavic, Pan-Scandinavian people and that is how makes up their group.

Ideology and symbols​

Rusich emblem[67][68][69] featuring a combination of the Kolovrat swastika, the Black Sun, the Algiz rune, the Týr rune, the ribbon of Saint George and the black-yellow-white flag of the Russian Empire.

"Rusich" is described as a far-right extremist[2][3] and neo-Nazi unit.[70] According to Petrovsky, Rusich is "a Pan-Slavic, Pan-Scandinavian group."[71]

The following are used as symbols of the group: runes, in particular Tiwaz (ᛏ)[42] (meaning the god of military prowess Týr), the eight-rayed Kolovrat, Valknut, and code slogans.[5] Like many Russian nationalists, they also use the Russian imperial flag (black-yellow-white tricolor), but reversed so that white is on top.

Milchakov became an influential figure among the neo-fascist youth in Russia. He is also one of the few who were not affected by arrests upon his return to Russia. According to Milchakov himself, his group does not even try to get into politics, no matter how insulting it is for decisions from above.[72]

In post on their Telegram channel on how to “solve the Ukrainian question,” they propose forcing Ukrainian women to serve as wives of Russian soldiers without any civil or human rights. In particular, they call for soldiers to be “given 2-3 girls each” aged 10 or below as sexual slaves “to solve the demographic question in Russia.” Further, they claim that "rape is not a crime" and "Ukrainian women dream about being raped by Russian soldiers".[73]

Foreign volunteers​

Rusich has neo-Nazi volunteers from around Europe fighting in its ranks. Polish neo-Nazis from "Zadrużny Krąg - Slavic Division" led by former police officer Arwid Pływaczewski have joined Rusich.[74] At least one of the members of the Polish neo-Nazi group "Zadruga" fought as part of this unit.[13] Further, members of Rusich have previously been associated with the Nordic Resistance Movement in Fennoscandia, where Petrovsky has also sought to recruit people from. Petrovsky has a close relationship with the Finnish far-right.[75][76][33][31][77] Finnish volunteer group Karhu (Bear) joined and fought with Rusich when they were subordinate to Prizrak.[78][12][79]