Dear Ben,
It´s obvious you are being selective on your facts of these ´hate groups´...they all claimed to be based partly on at least some form of Christian values/morals...I have also thought about what you suggested, to slow down criticism of something I know very little about; I wholeheartedly agree, therefore I cannot slow down on this, as I have studied/read much about these groups...maybe you should get your head out of the sand, and realize that not all ´christians/christian groups´ are good, many are quite evil!!North Korea claims to be Democratic, yet we don’t judge democracy from their example. It’s obvious you do not understand Christianity. Maybe you should slow down your criticism of something you know very little about.
I am not selective on my facts of hate groups. Evil is evil no matter what ideology they miss represent. I also agree that hate groups, politicians and people in general will hide behind Christianity to justify acts that are very much not Christian. Christianity is not the problem. The wickedness of man is the larger problem. All I ask is to stop blaming Christianity for this evil and start blaming the evil men who twist something good and pure for their own evil reasons.It´s obvious you are being selective on your facts of these ´hate groups´...they all claimed to be based partly on at least some form of Christian values/morals...I have also thought about what you suggested, to slow down criticism of something I know very little about; I wholeheartedly agree, therefore I cannot slow down on this, as I have studied/read much about these groups...maybe you should get your head out of the sand, and realize that not all ´christians/christian groups´ are good, many are quite evil!!
It didn't happen today.This thread forgot its first name.
agreed, however, there is a fine line between Christianity and so called Christians...when I think about the word Christians, I think of caring, empathy, anti-racism/bigotry, loving and accepting; however, most Christians I come across have very few of these traits, and/or have asterisks next to them: I have empathy for all *except gays, immigrants, purple people, etc...I am accepting of others *except blah, blah...I am not selective on my facts of hate groups. Evil is evil no matter what ideology they miss represent. I also agree that hate groups, politicians and people in general will hide behind Christianity to justify acts that are very much not Christian. Christianity is not the problem. The wickedness of man is the larger problem. All I ask is to stop blaming Christianity for this evil and start blaming the evil men who twist something good and pure for their own evil reasons.
Maybe most of the people you come across aren't actually Christians...agreed, however, there is a fine line between Christianity and so called Christians...when I think about the word Christians, I think of caring, empathy, anti-racism/bigotry, loving and accepting; however, most Christians I come across have very few of these traits, and/or have asterisks next to them: I have empathy for all *except gays, immigrants, purple people, etc...I am accepting of others *except blah, blah...
judge not lest you also be judged, and all, but many Christians voted for a felon, adulterer, racists (to be debated), hateful ´man´...I am quickly losing faith in Christianity in our world...
maybe most of the people who profess to be Christians, aren´t really Christians...Maybe most of the people you come across aren't actually Christians...
I don't think it is most, but there are plenty of people who profess to be Christians that certainly aren't (I beleive Trump is one of them). Jesus even told us this in Matthew 7:21-23.maybe most of the people who profess to be Christians, aren´t really Christians...