Funny Political Memes

Not sure if is exactly the best source to prove it is real.

It is true that she put pics and video out there of the tattoo. She is an influencer, maybe it is a real tattoo or maybe it is a fake tattoo. I will wait a couple of days to see which one it is.

Shocker What GIF by The Bachelorette
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Thanks, tried to do it quick from my phone when I'm supposed to be working.

I want to make a joke about you screwing around on the internet, but well you're not the only one screwing around on the internet at work today.

In my defense I'm working from home because of a sick kid. To make it relevant to the current discussion, before the first of the year regardless of if I'm working or not I would have had to code it as medical leave for my employer. Now though the state of Minnesota mandates employee leave for medical issues regarding family members so it doesn't count against my annual leave. I'm paid either way so no biggie for me, but for anyone in the state who would otherwise have to take an unpaid day to take care of a sick kid it's a big deal. Especially during the school year when people give Tylenol to kids and roll the dice, which creates other sick kids. The person responsible for this here, well let's just say he's probably wearing flannel at a campaign event today.