Democracy in Tennessee

There are numerous programs that will lessen the amount out there. And your are correct that it won’t remove all but if the choices are do nothing and have it stay the same or do something and have some get off the street then I’m going to choose the latter because doing nothing is being complicit imo.
Such as? Be specific. If there are "numerous programs" then you ought to be able to name one.

Doing nothing isn't being complicit if doing something will not fix the problem.

If you want to solve the problem address the mental health gap in men in this country. Address the growing education gap in men in this country. Address the growing problem with homelessness in men in this country. Men, young men especially, are being told they are worthless and not needed and we are surprised that it generates rage.
Such as? Be specific. If there are "numerous programs" then you ought to be able to name one.

Doing nothing isn't being complicit if doing something will not fix the problem.

If you want to solve the problem address the mental health gap in men in this country. Address the growing education gap in men in this country. Address the growing problem with homelessness in men in this country. Men, young men especially, are being told they are worthless and not needed and we are surprised that it generates rage.

Any concrete proposals for addressing the mental health gap in men, the growing education gap in men, or the growing problem with homelessness in men?

Or is this a meaningless platitude?

Like your claim that men are being told they are worthless and not needed? Which is frankly, silly.

Edit for clarity: I think we as a society should be addressing the mental health gap, the education gap, the growing problem with homelessness in this country. Period....full stop. These are socio-economic issues that need to be addressed regardless of race, gender, sex, religion, etc. IMO, it's a socio-economic class issue, not a gender issue.
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Such as? Be specific. If there are "numerous programs" then you ought to be able to name one.

Doing nothing isn't being complicit if doing something will not fix the problem.

If you want to solve the problem address the mental health gap in men in this country. Address the growing education gap in men in this country. Address the growing problem with homelessness in men in this country. Men, young men especially, are being told they are worthless and not needed and we are surprised that it generates rage.

Houston’s had some gun buy back programs recently. They collected quite a few, but people started printing 3-D guns and selling them at the police buy backs so there’s that! It’s literally just a few atoms of a single drop in a bucket, but I suppose it’s something. And to bring the thread back on track I have no problem with the guys being censured or even expelled. There’s no place for grandstanding BS with a freaking bullhorn inside a statehouse.

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Any concrete proposals for addressing the mental health gap in men, the growing education gap in men, or the growing problem with homelessness in men?

Or is this a meaningless platitude?

Like your claim that men are being told they are worthless and not needed? Which is frankly, silly.

Edit for clarity: I think we as a society should be addressing the mental health gap, the education gap, the growing problem with homelessness in this country. Period....full stop. These are socio-economic issues that need to be addressed regardless of race, gender, sex, religion, etc. IMO, it's a socio-economic class issue, not a gender issue.

“Incel” is an honorific denoting high value and worth. Young men don’t get bullied. They don’t get put down by, say, young women and made to feel worthless. Yes, that notion is just silly. And feminism doesn’t value female achievement over male achievement. Because “patriarchy” or some such. That certainly couldn’t affect young men in our society. How utterly ridiculous to think so.

Suicide disproportionately male, by a lot.
Imprisonment, disproportionately male.
Homelessness, disproportionately male.
Males are more likely to drop out of high school, less likely to go to college, less likely to graduate if they do go to college.

Silly you say. Bullshit.

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“Incel” is an honorific denoting high value and worth. Young men don’t get bullied. They don’t get put down by, say, young women and made to feel worthless. Yes, that notion is just silly. And feminism doesn’t value female achievement over male achievement. Because “patriarchy” or some such. That certainly couldn’t affect young men in our society. How utterly ridiculous to think so.

Suicide disproportionately male, by a lot.
Imprisonment, disproportionately male.
Homelessness, disproportionately male.
Males are more likely to drop out of high school, less likely to go to college, less likely to graduate if they do go to college.

Silly you say. Bullshit.

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So no concrete it.

Just more woe is me because I'm part of the most powerful and privileged demographic in society which is now being challenged.

"Bitch, whore, etc." is an honorific denoting high value and worth.
Young women....hell, young and old women....don't get bullied.
They don't get put down by, say, young men and made to feel worthless.
And women haven't been discriminated against and sexually harassed for decades if not centuries and haven't been legally considered chattel of the men in their lives until very recently from a historical perspective. Male achievement hasn't been valued over female achievement by men for literally centuries.


Extremely so.

Reaping what they've sowed. And whining about it. Maybe women just have more emotional, mental, and constitutional fortitude than these poor, pitiful boys. These are socio-economic based issues and problems not specific to particular biological sex, gender, gender identity or proclivity.
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Again, tell me specifically what laws will make people safer from my guns and I will be on board with you. Tell me specifically how restricting me from gun ownership will make anyone safer and I will be on board with you. Tell me why municipalities that already have the strictest gun laws in the country have the most gun violence and what laws could be enacted to curb that violence and I will be on board with you. What we get instead is "we must do something" and reductio ad absurdums. People kill people and it is already against the law to do so regardless of what they use to do so. How can we make it more against the law to do so?
I thought I was being clear, but if I have to be explicit... OK.

Specifically, we can reinstate the assault weapons ban. We could also look at what countries like Australia have done and incorporate those learnings into an updated assault weapons ban. I think it should include something addressing extended magazines. Like I said, the Allen Outlets shooter used an AR15 with extended magazines, so it is relevant. Did you see the images of the fatalities? I accidentally saw it and regretted it. But it showed how devastating this weapon was. We're fortunate there weren't more fatalities with the body armor and ammunition he was carrying.

This would likely require a mandatory buyback program of the specific guns that are banned. We can also raise the age to legally buy guns to be 21 nationally. And we can implement a gun registry (which was also specifically mentioned in the Jon Stewart video I shared) .

I have no idea if this will affect your guns, since I don't know what style/models you have in stock. I'm sure there are several regulations on other things you engage with... like pharmaceuticals. I assume you handle them safely, but that doesn't mean we should ease the restrictions on prescription medications just so they aren't an imposition on you or others who responsibly handle them. That's my whole point. Nearly everything that is dangerous is regulated either at the manufacturer, distribution, consumer levels—or all of the above.

Why can't we have an objective discussion about adjusting these regulations on firearms when it's obvious what we're doing isn't working... and there are examples of other countries who have handled it much better. BTW-if you can show me how those countries have focused on mental health issues and stroking the egos of young, white males WITHOUT having addressed gun regulations more aggressively than us—then that would be worth discussing.
Again, tell me specifically what laws will make people safer from my guns and I will be on board with you. Tell me specifically how restricting me from gun ownership will make anyone safer and I will be on board with you. Tell me why municipalities that already have the strictest gun laws in the country have the most gun violence and what laws could be enacted to curb that violence and I will be on board with you. What we get instead is "we must do something" and reductio ad absurdums. People kill people and it is already against the law to do so regardless of what they use to do so. How can we make it more against the law to do so?
Additionally, if we're addressing the mental state of these shooters, then maybe that should also include the content that people like Tim Pool and Libs of TikTok (both whose content was on the Allen shooter's social media posts), Alex Jones, Steve Bannon, and Tucker Carlson. I wouldn't want to infringe on their first amendment rights, but they also should be held accountable if they're knowing fomenting outrage that is resulting in this kind of violence.
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