Chairman of the Board
Godwin grounds out to 3B (0 for her last...7?)
Wark HBP
Hathoot lines out to LF
Warsop HBP
Edwards reaches on error by SS, run scores. Runners at 1st and 2nd
PH Timm walks on 4 pitches, bases FOC
Bloodworth SINGLES TO CF, RBI, 2 more runs cross on error
Rosie then hits a 2 run SINGLE also
Godwin grounds out
Cowgirls take a 9-5 lead
They gifted us a lot of that, but credit Bloodworth for another big hit
Godwin grounds out to 3B (0 for her last...7?)
Wark HBP
Hathoot lines out to LF
Warsop HBP
Edwards reaches on error by SS, run scores. Runners at 1st and 2nd
PH Timm walks on 4 pitches, bases FOC
Bloodworth SINGLES TO CF, RBI, 2 more runs cross on error
Rosie then hits a 2 run SINGLE also
Godwin grounds out
Cowgirls take a 9-5 lead
They gifted us a lot of that, but credit Bloodworth for another big hit
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