The Rule of Unintended Consequences in action.
I predicted exactly this when these dumb laws starting being passed.
All the court cases settled and moaning and groaning....the Bible has now been removed from all elementary and middle schools
The Bible has been removed from all elementary and middle school libraries throughout the Davis School District in Utah after a parent utilized a new law that permits the removal of "pornographic" books from school libraries.
The removal of the Bible was requested due to it being "one of the most sex-ridden books around."
The Utah Legislature in 2022 approved a contentious bill HB374, which lawmakers have described as a way to weed out content found to be pornographic from K-12 libraries and classrooms.
Utah Parents United, a conservative parents rights lobbied strongly for the passing of HB374.
The parent argued that the Bible contained topics such as incest, bestiality, genital mutilation, and infanticide, making it pornographic under the new definition set forth in Utah Code Ann. § 76-10-1227.
A GOP lawmaker expressed sadness regarding the situation.