American Healthcare continues to go backward


The population of the US is about 340M.

WWI resulted in 16 million deaths. WWII resulted in 60 million deaths. The combined deaths of both World Wars is just under 80 million. This guy is saying that vaccines have caused deaths approximately equal to both World Wars.

Korean War 2.5M
Vietnam War 1.5M

That's approximately 84M deaths for all major conflicts of the 20th century.

No exact numbers from the American Revolutionary war, but estimates I've seen are in the neighborhood of 50k
About 25k in the war of 1812.

About 2k casualties in the Spanish-American war.

1.5M deaths in the American Civil war when you include non-combatants, disease, and starvation.

Just looking at military losses, from the American Battlefield Trust:

That's only counting military, but that's approx. 1.3M for all wars the US has been involved in. So, basically, at 100-300M this guy is saying that vaccines are deadlier than all wars the United States has ever been in and have killed basically the entire population of the United States.

This is what we're up against.
View attachment 10584

The population of the US is about 340M.

WWI resulted in 16 million deaths. WWII resulted in 60 million deaths. The combined deaths of both World Wars is just under 80 million. This guy is saying that vaccines have caused deaths approximately equal to both World Wars.

Korean War 2.5M
Vietnam War 1.5M

That's approximately 84M deaths for all major conflicts of the 20th century.

No exact numbers from the American Revolutionary war, but estimates I've seen are in the neighborhood of 50k
About 25k in the war of 1812.

About 2k casualties in the Spanish-American war.

1.5M deaths in the American Civil war when you include non-combatants, disease, and starvation.

Just looking at military losses, from the American Battlefield Trust:
View attachment 10585

That's only counting military, but that's approx. 1.3M for all wars the US has been involved in. So, basically, at 100-300M this guy is saying that vaccines are deadlier than all wars the United States has ever been in and have killed basically the entire population of the United States.

This is what we're up against.

What is their motivation with all this? What do they want to accomplish?
It wasn't a good look for me.
The Simpsons GIF

I see what you two are doing, and I approve.
Yeah it’s gone way past just getting clicks…
Destroy all trust in every institution. Break down critical thinking among your base to the point you can be the largest media company in the country while telling your viewers you aren't mainstream media and they'll swallow it without question. Create a media ecosystem so toxic your leaders can call Jan 6 a day of love, say immigrants are eating their neighbor's pets, threaten to invade our allies, throw up nazi salutes. All with zero repercussions. Republicans are well past the point of being allowed to do and say whatever they want without fear of their base. They've spent decades feeding them propaganda and lies. What do they plan to do now that they've reached this point? I don't think the answer is good for Democracy.
What is their motivation with all this? What do they want to accomplish?
Much of it has to do with what the conspiracy theory industry is really all about. The proponents of it, such as Mike Adams, make up crazy stuff, such as his latest reason as to why a big civil war is coming that will adversely affect the dollar. The foolishly gullible believe him rather than take him as idiotic entertainment. So at the end of his spiel as for a counter to what is coming up, Adams drives the gullible to his web site for them to buy gold. But your browser may protect you from going to

As for covid vaccines, Adams says that has to do with the desire for the global extermination of humanity or for a non human future. There is some intelligent entity, civilization or species that wants to alter our planet to make it less hospitable to human life. As a result, biological warfare through the covid vaccines have been used to try to bring this about. So it's believed that covid vaccines attack the reproductive system. In addition, war on photosynthesis has been declared. This is done by projects to initiate global dimming as well as by decarbonizing the atmosphere. That is one reason why they think climate change is a hoax. The atmosphere needs more carbon to promote life, not less of it.

But getting rid of humans isn't all that easy. To speed it up the vaccine jab is used o promote infertility and spontaneous death. The aliens behind this are thought to want a dimmer, colder life to settle into on earth. Aliens will also think the humans won't be worthy of living because they were gullible enough to line up for suicide by vaccine jabs. In the end, the remaining humans will be Mike Adams and his followers who didn't accept any vaccines. They will have to depend on utilizing exotic technology to try to defeat what ever entities want them dead. Yes, it's irrational and insane what conspiracy theory fanatics come up with to get the gullible to part with their money.
When I was still with the university we switched from Anthem BCBS to UHC literally because an administrator’s son in law was a rep for UHC. Fortunately I was still married at the time and was eligible for coverage through the VA and opted out. We had meetings with HR and people were not happy about it.