2024 Presidential Election

Who was Thomas Matthew Crooks?
Reuters reported that according to state voter records, Crooks was a registered Republican. In fact, the upcoming November 5 US presidential election would have reportedly been the first time Crooks would have been old enough to vote in a presidential race.
However, Crooks, who lived about an hour away from where the Trump rally shooting took place, had made a $15 donation at age 17 to ActBlue, a political action committee that raises money for Democratic and left-leaning politicians, Reuters reported, citing a 2021 Federal Election Commission filing.
Who was Thomas Matthew Crooks?
Reuters reported that according to state voter records, Crooks was a registered Republican. In fact, the upcoming November 5 US presidential election would have reportedly been the first time Crooks would have been old enough to vote in a presidential race.
However, Crooks, who lived about an hour away from where the Trump rally shooting took place, had made a $15 donation at age 17 to ActBlue, a political action committee that raises money for Democratic and left-leaning politicians, Reuters reported, citing a 2021 Federal Election Commission filing.
The act blue donation is likely, but not certain. Apperantly act blue does not store identification information for donors.

I feel like we are going to learn the most about this person by their social media behavior.
Law enforcement officials found two explosive devices in Crooks's car — and believe they have may have found a third at his residence, according to a person with knowledge of the investigation.

Representatives Ritchie Torres, Democrat of New York, and Mike Lawler, Republican of New York, announced plans to introduce a bill to enhance Secret Service protection for both President Biden and former President Donald J. Trump. The bill would also provide Secret Service protection for Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who said last year that his request for protection was denied. “As reports continue to emerge, it’s clear that more protection is needed for all major candidates for president,” they said in a statement to The New York Times.
Social media accounts were taken down but the shooters Instagram bio is still visible through a search. It says:

"Praise the Lord ️ in my quest to end Epsteins evil empire PA Born and bred"
Last week Nick Fuentes..who is basically a Nazi and self announced white Nationalist and very popular with extreme right wing youth ..and who ironically is a paid influencer by Trump..... absolutely went off on Trump and accused him of being a traitor and accused him of quitting MAGA after Trump claimed to not know what Project 2025 was and name showed up so many times in Epstein's documents just released
Last week Nick Fuentes..who is basically a Nazi and self announced white Nationalist and very popular with extreme right wing youth ..and who ironically is a paid influencer by Trump..... absolutely went off on Trump and accused him of being a traitor and accused him of quitting MAGA after Trump claimed to not know what Project 2025 was and name showed up so many times in Epstein's documents just released
Oh yeah I saw a post of him accusing Trump of completely selling out MAGA to the highest bidder.
One of his classmates said he always wore camo hunting gear to class and was bullied mercilessly in school but never expressed any strong political positions they were aware of


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Last week Nick Fuentes..who is basically a Nazi and self announced white Nationalist and very popular with extreme right wing youth ..and who ironically is a paid influencer by Trump..... absolutely went off on Trump and accused him of being a traitor and accused him of quitting MAGA after Trump claimed to not know what Project 2025 was and name showed up so many times in Epstein's documents just released

That would be a twist.
But the obvious question is how could the perimeter not be large enough to prevent a shot like this? If an AR15 is capable of 300 yards, how is that not accounted for by the size of the perimeter?

This is a WAG because other than being an infantry soldier 35 years ago this isn't my wheelhouse. But, it seems that there are many potential threats and in the past assasination attempts have been by someone trying to sneak a handgun into the area of the victim and get close enough. Longer distances have not been as common except Kennedy motorcade. I don't know how resource-limited the SS is but maybe they put more manpower toward what they thought was a more likely threat. Also, there are sniper rifles with capability three times that. So, the perimeter would need to be WAY bigger to stop all long-distance threats. Maybe in the future that will need to be the case since things like this tend to breed copycats.

And, I'm in federal service and budgets and manpower come and go. Sometimes you are loaded, sometimes you do the best with what you've got. I don't know if the SS works that way but it would not surprise me.
This is a WAG because other than being an infantry soldier 35 years ago this isn't my wheelhouse. But, it seems that there are many potential threats and in the past assasination attempts have been by someone trying to sneak a handgun into the area of the victim and get close enough. Longer distances have not been as common except Kennedy motorcade. I don't know how resource-limited the SS is but maybe they put more manpower toward what they thought was a more likely threat. Also, there are sniper rifles with capability three times that. So, the perimeter would need to be WAY bigger to stop all long-distance threats. Maybe in the future that will need to be the case since things like this tend to breed copycats.

And, I'm in federal service and budgets and manpower come and go. Sometimes you are loaded, sometimes you do the best with what you've got. I don't know if the SS works that way but it would not surprise me.
These are the people responsible for the sloppy coup attempt that was Jan 6, the infamous Four Seasons Landscaping presser, and thousands of other gaffes. People will conspiracy theory away but good old fashioned incompetence is the most likely culprit here.
These are the people responsible for the sloppy coup attempt that was Jan 6, the infamous Four Seasons Landscaping presser, and thousands of other gaffes. People will conspiracy theory away but good old fashioned incompetence is the most likely culprit here.
Exactly, it's Hanlon's razor. Don't attribute to malice when it can be explained by incompetence.
Prediction: Its going to come out that the shooter struggled with mental health issues. It's almost like we have a mental health crisis in our country or something.
He could have had Schizophrenia that needed to be diagnosed and treated. Late teens to early 20s is the most likely time to be stricken by it. It's a terrible mental illness in which people afflicted by it can be a violent menace to other people, including family members, as well as to themselves. In the past, such violently ill people had to be confined to insane asylums where they would sometimes kill themselves. The shooter certainly wasn't afraid to put himself into a position to be killed.