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      MJM replied to the thread Wrestling Starters next year.
      My general view (knowing little) is OSU's wrestlers were pretty well coached. Now I do think Coleman Scott helped. Maybe before Scott...
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      MJM replied to the thread Wrestling Starters next year.
      My starting lineup prediction and comments: 125 Spartley 133 Hughes. But Hughes did not make weight at U20 trials, and he is big for...
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      MJM replied to the thread Carroll to transfer…...
      He went to Iowa State.
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      MJM replied to the thread Carroll to transfer…...
      Bad news
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      MJM replied to the thread Wrestling Recruiting.
      Anyone hear anything about any of the current OSU wrestlers hitting the transfer portal? I think we have a pretty good team and hope we...
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      MJM replied to the thread New coach: David Taylor.
      I think the animosity is not hard to understand. OSU and PSU do not have any bad blood between them. So hire of DT from PSU, while...
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      MJM replied to the thread New coach: David Taylor.
      Anyone have any thoughts on if any current OSU wrestlers hit portal? Or how this plays with WH. And I feel bad for Scott, and hope he...
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      MJM replied to the thread Interesting HC candidate.
      I don't think you can compare sports. You don't have the history of great BB players being great coaches like you do in wrestling. I...
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      MJM replied to the thread Interesting HC candidate.
      Clearly David Taylor was better wrestler than Scott. But not sure how that makes him a better coach. Even though Gable/Sanderson were...
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      MJM replied to the thread Wrestling Recruiting.
      I am pretty close to where you are. When I watched replays of Hughes and Carroll at freestyle events, I have more confidence in Hughes...
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      MJM replied to the thread Wrestling Recruiting.
      Rutgers guy going back to Rutgers. Lee, assuming we don't get Wyatt H, who do you think starter is at 285? I think Merrill wins...
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      MJM replied to the thread Wrestling Recruiting.
      If his goal is to get better, Okei State is clear winner. In wrestling room you have Doucet, Merrill, Simpson, and Carroll (with...
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