2024 Cowgirls Roster

Terrible season compared to our past pitchers and her past season. Watching pitchers like show, eberle, etc, those pitchers are just so good.

I am wondering if coach G is wanting more drop ball pitchers given Eberle as the coach and our 2 pitchers are drop ball pitchers.
I just think terrible sounds like sour grapes than anything…which I understand and don’t blame anyone. Her season wasn’t good compare to last season but it wasn’t close to terrible. End of the day it’s a tremendous loss. Better to have two elite AA pitchers than one. The days of riding one pitcher and winning a national championship are over. Still have Aycock and an unproven Katie Kutz which no one knows if she’ll be ready as a true freshman.

Show bat was more impressive than her pitching. Show’s pitching numbers don’t compare to Kelly’s. I think Kenny wants the best pitchers possible whether they’re drop ball/ rise ball pitchers. I like the hire of Eberle in the sense she’s young and even though she’s unproven as a coach, she has a chance to grow into the position.
I just think terrible sounds like sour grapes than anything…which I understand and don’t blame anyone. Her season wasn’t good compare to last season but it wasn’t close to terrible. End of the day it’s a tremendous loss. Better to have two elite AA pitchers than one. The days of riding one pitcher and winning a national championship are over. Still have Aycock and an unproven Katie Kutz which no one knows if she’ll be ready as a true freshman.

Show bat was more impressive than her pitching. Show’s pitching numbers don’t compare to Kelly’s. I think Kenny wants the best pitchers possible whether they’re drop ball/ rise ball pitchers. I like the hire of Eberle in the sense she’s young and even though she’s unproven as a coach, she has a chance to grow into the position.
Show's ERA was 2.34 in her final year, and Kelly's was 1.91 last year (1.22 in her prior year). They are pretty close in numbers. I agree with its better to have two elite AA pitchers over one, but I also know that it is on more than have 2 pitchers. I am a phillies fan and I remember the phillies having Halladay, Hamels, oswalt, and cliff lee but didnt bring home the trophy because they didnt have any bats.

From watching softball I think there are more jewels in pitching than any other position. Losing Kelly is obviously a loss for us but we have so much talent in the entire team still.
Show's ERA was 2.34 in her final year, and Kelly's was 1.91 last year (1.22 in her prior year). They are pretty close in numbers. I agree with its better to have two elite AA pitchers over one, but I also know that it is on more than have 2 pitchers. I am a phillies fan and I remember the phillies having Halladay, Hamels, oswalt, and cliff lee but didnt bring home the trophy because they didnt have any bats.

From watching softball I think there are more jewels in pitching than any other position. Losing Kelly is obviously a loss for us but we have so much talent in the entire team still.
Pretty close, yes somewhat but both are still AA at the end of the day. I like Kilfoyl and for first time in her career she stayed healthy for the first time in her career. Is she built to carry the team on her back given her injury history…simply no!!!

Can Aycock step up and elevate her game..i believe she can. Kutz is the wild card. Will she ready to pitch as the #3 pitcher…who knows and right now no one knows the answer. She could come in and light it up like nijaree Canady as freshman or pitched like Tatum clopton, who clearly showed she wasn’t ready despite being a top recruit out of HS.

No question we have talent, and we’ll be young. At the same time we have some talent that is unproven. How fast they adapt to collegiate softball will be the key. Good thing is they have a talented coaching staff that will help them along the way
Kate Carwile is not on the roster….saw on Facebook that what she is pursuing will take up a lot of her time. So she stepped away from playing. I wish her the very best on her future.
Kate Carwile is not on the roster….saw on Facebook that what she is pursuing will take up a lot of her time. So she stepped away from playing. I wish her the very best on her future.

Exit Interviews have been going on this week....Don't expect a ton of surprises, however there was one that caught the staff by guard, but the ones leaving will be due to seeking playing time, which I don't blame