The punishment for Michigan


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If Michigan is found guilty of the latest allegations, what should the punishment be?

Not only can they scout Iowa. They must scout Iowa. Every member of the coaching staff is required to scout Iowa, in-person, at least once per year. Then they have to give the report to Iowa.

It's a win-win. Michigan coaches face the harshest punishment imaginable, and perhaps Iowa improves and we don't all go blind from accidentally watching them play.
I'm mixed on it. On one hand I want it to be pretty heavy. Look what happened with the one team they couldn't scout which was TCU. They didn't know they would play them until after there were no games to scout and they ended up losing.

On the other hand I feel like this may be pretty rampant by teams that are just better at hiding it. In truth the most important thing to come out of this should be moving to radio helmets. It is so easy to just make this irrelevant that it needs to be done yesterday.
On the flip side there are other things that are similarly easy to fix and should be done. For instance, HOW THE HELL is the NFL and CFB not using chipped footballs for the spots!?!?!? The tech has been there for several years and is being used by other sports/leagues that have much less money. The reasoning I've seen is the theater of it and if that is true it makes me want to crack some skulls.
I don’t get the concern with stealing signs and scouting teams. Why is this such a big deal? I figure most are doing it and it is smart. How is it different than watching film?
I don’t get the concern with stealing signs and scouting teams. Why is this such a big deal? I figure most are doing it and it is smart. How is it different than watching film?

It's one thing to pick up signs during a game. It's another to actively go other games and record the sidelines.
1. this is a stupid rule:
NCAA Bylaw 11.6.1, which states: "Off-campus, in-person scouting of future opponents (in the same season) is prohibited.
2. this is silly, but...(couldn't you realistically use binoculars and a notepad instead of electronics (iphone)?!)
Using electronics to steal signs is also illegal in college football.
3. I want to believe Coach Harbaugh:
"I do not have any knowledge or information regarding the University of Michigan football program illegally stealing signals, nor have I directed any staff member or others to participate in an off-campus scouting assignment, Harbaugh said Oct. 18. "I have no awareness of anyone on our staff having done that or having directed that action."
4. we need Michigan in the playoffs...(opinion)
5. there is no 5...
It's one thing to pick up signs during a game. It's another to actively go other games and record the sidelines.
Yet teams can watch all previous games for an opponent in film study and somehow that’s so much more ethical? Just seems like if you don’t want your signs stolen, make better signs. Vary them each game. OR just allow college to have radios in the helmet of QB like NFL.
Yet teams can watch all previous games for an opponent in film study and somehow that’s so much more ethical? Just seems like if you don’t want your signs stolen, make better signs. Vary them each game. OR just allow college to have radios in the helmet of QB like NFL.

The films they swap for film study don’t show the signals from the coaches.

It’s one thing to study film and figure out tendencies. It’s another to watch the coach’s signals, know what’s coming, and adjust accordingly, especially when you got the signals via cheating.
I don’t get the concern with stealing signs and scouting teams. Why is this such a big deal? I figure most are doing it and it is smart. How is it different than watching film?
Absolutely every team in history in every level has done this and actively does this. What makes Michigan different is they got caught. We do it. Ou does it. Tulsa does it. Hell uco does it. I have personally done it
I have done it in 3 different sports. Because that is what you do. It’s why every sport speaks in code. You see the stuff on sidelines holding up signs with pictures. That’s because signs are being stolen. Baseball signs. Duh. Holding up numbers on offense in basketball.

There is zero reason to or should they punish them.
The films they swap for film study don’t show the signals from the coaches.

It’s one thing to study film and figure out tendencies. It’s another to watch the coach’s signals, know what’s coming, and adjust accordingly, especially when you got the signals via cheating.
All I’m saying is it’s all a form of scouting and for some reason people draw the line there and there’s all this outrage when it’s really not far beyond what is acceptable
I don’t get the concern with stealing signs and scouting teams. Why is this such a big deal? I figure most are doing it and it is smart. How is it different than watching film?

Sign stealing is perfectly legal, except for two things: you can’t use electronic methods, and you can’t scout other teams in person. These rules exist only because some teams don’t have the funds to send teams of people with recording equipment to other teams’ games. It appears Michigan has violated both and in the stupidest way possible leaving a clear paper trail of the violations.

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Yet teams can watch all previous games for an opponent in film study and somehow that’s so much more ethical? Just seems like if you don’t want your signs stolen, make better signs. Vary them each game. OR just allow college to have radios in the helmet of QB like NFL.

Game films go to a game film exchange. Everyone has equal access to them.

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