Change is to take away the traditional method of splitting Delegates by Primary Election Results and let the GOP Caucus in 13 Congressional districts to appoint 3 delegates each the previous year to represent the district at the RNC the following year. Meaning that 39 of the states total 55 Delegates on the GOP side would be hand selected the year prior and then sent to the RNC with marching orders of who to vote for. And only 16 Delegates for the GOP nomination from primary results would be at large.
Michigan GOP has already passed the resolution and the RNC must approve it before they can use it.
The plan, which Michigan's Republican state committee approved during a meeting in Grand Rapids, would mark a departure from the battleground state party's traditional process of allocating all presidential delegates based on a primary open to the public.
The change would be significant because 70% of delegates would be decided at caucus meetings, where the party's most active members will likely exert the most sway. That could serve as an advantage for Trump given his popularity among local party officials, some Republicans and political experts said.
Under the plan, caucuses on March 2 in Michigan's 13 congressional districts would be used to appoint three delegates each, accounting for 39 of the state's 55 delegates to next year's Republican national convention. The other 16 will be based on the state's primary on Feb. 27, according to an amended plan reviewed by the state committee on Saturday.
It remains unclear if the plan will be approved by the Republican National Committee (RNC), as is required. A spokeswoman for the committee could not be reached for comment.
Michael Schostak, a former vice chair of the state party, said the selection of delegates by district caucus would give Trump a "big advantage" because only previously elected precinct delegates will be among those chosen to participate.
"These are not like other states' caucuses which are more open to a broader swath of the Republican electorate," he said. "Those Republicans supporting someone other than Trump are not well represented among the current precinct delegates and state committee."
Michigan GOP has already passed the resolution and the RNC must approve it before they can use it.
Michigan Republicans to change 2024 nomination process, may boost Trump
(Reuters) - Republicans in Michigan approved a proposal on Saturday to select more than two-thirds of their state delegates for the party's 2024 presidential nomination via caucus meetings, a change that could help party front-runner Donald Trump.The plan, which Michigan's Republican state committee approved during a meeting in Grand Rapids, would mark a departure from the battleground state party's traditional process of allocating all presidential delegates based on a primary open to the public.
The change would be significant because 70% of delegates would be decided at caucus meetings, where the party's most active members will likely exert the most sway. That could serve as an advantage for Trump given his popularity among local party officials, some Republicans and political experts said.
Under the plan, caucuses on March 2 in Michigan's 13 congressional districts would be used to appoint three delegates each, accounting for 39 of the state's 55 delegates to next year's Republican national convention. The other 16 will be based on the state's primary on Feb. 27, according to an amended plan reviewed by the state committee on Saturday.
It remains unclear if the plan will be approved by the Republican National Committee (RNC), as is required. A spokeswoman for the committee could not be reached for comment.
Michael Schostak, a former vice chair of the state party, said the selection of delegates by district caucus would give Trump a "big advantage" because only previously elected precinct delegates will be among those chosen to participate.
"These are not like other states' caucuses which are more open to a broader swath of the Republican electorate," he said. "Those Republicans supporting someone other than Trump are not well represented among the current precinct delegates and state committee."
Michigan Republicans to change 2024 nomination process, may boost Trump
Republicans in Michigan approved a proposal on Saturday to select more than two-thirds of their state delegates for the party's 2024 presidential nomination via caucus meetings, a change that could help party front-runner Donald Trump. The plan, which Michigan's Republican state committee...