Jim Jordan Is in Deep Trouble Over Trying to Get Biden Impeached

Not just Jim Jordon

James Comer Urged to Resign, Biden Witness "Peddling New Lies" To Impact Election​

Former FBI informant Alexander Smirnov appeared yesterday in a Las Vegas federal court for a detention hearing related to charges he lied to the FBI about Hunter Biden and President Joe Biden‘s alleged involvement with his son’s businesses. Smirnov faces a maximum penalty of 25 years in prison.

Smirnov had claimed that Joe Biden accepted bribes to advance his son’s businesses, making allegedly false testimony that was key to the House Oversight Committee’s investigation of the so-called “Biden crime family” led by Rep. James Comer (R-KY).

Special Counsel David Weiss dropped the bombshell alleging the compromised Smirnov lied to the FBI and “admitted to working with Russian intelligence officials involved in passing on a story about Hunter Biden.” The DOJ alleged Smirnov had “extensive” contacts with Russian intelligence agencies.

Democrats who have long characterized Comer’s investigation as a politically motivated stunt slammed the Committee chair, calling for his resignation.

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) reacted to the new report by demanding the resignation of Comer. He wrote: “James Comer must resign from Congress. For the last two years he has done the work of Russia's intelligence services to falsely attack President Biden. There must be accountability.”

[Comer’s detractors portray a Committee chair who, by pursuing the U.S. President on charges allegedly planted by Russian intelligence, is at best a “useful idiot” for Putin and, at worse, treasonous.]

Holding that “Smirnov’s efforts to spread misinformation about a candidate of one of the two major parties in the United States continues,” the prosecution’s court filing claimed Smirnov “is actively peddling new lies that could impact U.S. elections after meeting with Russian intelligence officials in November."

Hunter Biden’s attorney has filed a new court motion to dismiss the criminal tax related charges he faces, characterizing them as a result of a “selective and vindictive prosecution stemming from political pressure.”

“The special counsel has gone to extreme lengths to bring charges against Mr. Biden that would not have been filed against anyone else,” Hunter Biden’s attorney Abbe Lowell said in a statement.
Comer and Jordan will face zero legal consequences for this.

There isn't going to be any evidence that they knew any of this.

They may have been very useful idiots, but there is zero percentage chance they might face criminal prosecution.

Nor should they.

US Attorney Scott Brady might be in trouble though @CowboyJD . he testified under oath he had fact check this guy who has now been arrested and admitted to lying to the FBI.

Prosecutor told inquiry he'd fact-checked claims of GOP's now arrested star witness

When speaking before the Judiciary Committee investigating President Joe Biden and his son Hunter, former United States Attorney Scott W. Brady promised he'd fact-checked the claims of the GOP's star witness — a man arrested last week and accused of lying to the FBI.

Tuesday's Politico Playbook claimed that the allegations by FBI informant Alexander Smirnov were never confirmed — but, as national security expert Marcy Wheeler pointed out, Brady said the opposite under oath.

When Brady testified to the Committee on the Judiciary on Oct. 23, 2023, he was asked straight out whether he'd fact-checked the information given by Smirnov, and he said he did. When asked if he confirmed whether Smirnov actually traveled to the countries he claimed he had, however, Brady wouldn't answer.

"Can you tell us about the process that your office went through to vet the information that is now contained in" the informant's statement (called an FD-1023 form)," the investigators asked.

"So, we attempted to use open-source material to check against what was stated in the 1023. We also interfaced with the [confidential human source's] CHS' handler about certain statements relating to travel and meetings to see if they were consistent with his or her understanding," testified Brady.

Brady was then asked what he was able to determine.

"What we were able to identify was that it was consistent. And so we felt that there were sufficient indicia of credibility in this 1023 to pass it on to an office that had predicated grand jury investigation," Brady said.

He was then asked directly if they were able to confirm that Smirnov traveled to Ukraine and any other countries he claimed in the information given to the FBI.

Wheeler pointed out the curious answer from Brady: "I would decline to answer that."

Brady went on to say that this fact checking was at the end of June 2020, before the information was passed to the District of Delaware. The U.S. attorney then was David Weiss, who eventually became the special counsel for the Hunter Biden case.

"Mr. Weiss and I had spoken on a number of occasions," Brady explained. "But concerning this particular assignment by [Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey] Rosen relating to Ukraine, we had several conversations and interactions, both between David [Weiss] and me and then between our respective teams that were running our — vetting on our side, investigation on their side relating to the sharing of information from, you know, January, let's say, 10th through mid to late October when we provided the final briefing to the District of Delaware."
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US Attorney Scott Brady might be in trouble though @CowboyJD . he testified under oath he had fact check this guy who has now been arrested and admitted to lying to the FBI.

Prosecutor told inquiry he'd fact-checked claims of GOP's now arrested star witness

When speaking before the Judiciary Committee investigating President Joe Biden and his son Hunter, former United States Attorney Scott W. Brady promised he'd fact-checked the claims of the GOP's star witness — a man arrested last week and accused of lying to the FBI.

Tuesday's Politico Playbook claimed that the allegations by FBI informant Alexander Smirnov were never confirmed — but, as national security expert Marcy Wheeler pointed out, Brady said the opposite under oath.

When Brady testified to the Committee on the Judiciary on Oct. 23, 2023, he was asked straight out whether he'd fact-checked the information given by Smirnov, and he said he did. When asked if he confirmed whether Smirnov actually traveled to the countries he claimed he had, however, Brady wouldn't answer.

"Can you tell us about the process that your office went through to vet the information that is now contained in" the informant's statement (called an FD-1023 form)," the investigators asked.

"So, we attempted to use open-source material to check against what was stated in the 1023. We also interfaced with the [confidential human source's] CHS' handler about certain statements relating to travel and meetings to see if they were consistent with his or her understanding," testified Brady.

Brady was then asked what he was able to determine.

"What we were able to identify was that it was consistent. And so we felt that there were sufficient indicia of credibility in this 1023 to pass it on to an office that had predicated grand jury investigation," Brady said.

He was then asked directly if they were able to confirm that Smirnov traveled to Ukraine and any other countries he claimed in the information given to the FBI.

Wheeler pointed out the curious answer from Brady: "I would decline to answer that."

Brady went on to say that this fact checking was at the end of June 2020, before the information was passed to the District of Delaware. The U.S. attorney then was David Weiss, who eventually became the special counsel for the Hunter Biden case.

"Mr. Weiss and I had spoken on a number of occasions," Brady explained. "But concerning this particular assignment by [Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey] Rosen relating to Ukraine, we had several conversations and interactions, both between David [Weiss] and me and then between our respective teams that were running our — vetting on our side, investigation on their side relating to the sharing of information from, you know, January, let's say, 10th through mid to late October when we provided the final briefing to the District of Delaware."
Only way he will potentially be in trouble criminally is if he did ZERO....ZIP....NADA.....NO FACT CHECKING AT ALL after testifying under oath that he did some type of fact checking.

Basically, if he actually did what he testified that he did......he has zero potential criminal liability even if his "fact-checking" was woefully inadequate.

If he didn't do what he said he did (under oath)....and they can prove it beyond a reasonable doubt....he might face perjury charges.

I'd say there is a very low likelihood of: 1) him not doing what he said he did under oath, 2) if he didn't do what he said he did under oath, there being enough evidence to prove that fact beyond a reasonable doubt.

There is also zero potential perjury liability for declining to answer the question of whether or not they were able to confirm that Smirnov traveled to Ukraine etc.

The underlying failure or bad/inadequate fact checking is subject to prosecutorial discretion/immunity by law. He faces absolutely no criminal liability even if he hadn't done any vetting....the only liability he might conceivably have is for perjury regarding his testimony.

A U.S. Attorney position is a political at will appointment so who knows if he loses his job over it (which some would call "big trouble"). I'm only talking about criminal liability, not political/job related liability.
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House GOP Quietly Deletes Russian Disinformation From Impeachment Website

James Comer and Jim Jordan have been in all-out panic mode the past couple days, scrambling to defend themselves on why the foundation of their entire impeachment investigation of Joe Biden was premised on Russian disinformation that they have been peddling for two years.

Yesterday, Jim Jordan tried to claim that their case against Biden is still strong despite the fact that it was based on lies from the Kremlin, since the "fundamental facts" remain the same. However, previously Jordan said that the information provided by the informant in the 1023 was the corroboration they needed to prove the case. Now he wants the American people to believe that the Russian disinformation is no longer needed. The problem with his statement is that just about everything he said yesterday about the investigation was lie and he knows it, he's just hoping his voters listen to him talking fast rattling off Ukrainian names will sound convincing.

Today, Comer and Jordan quietly deleted the previous reference to their House Impeachment website of the Russian disinformation that they had previously touted as a critical part of their case. They made no statement or comment. Issued no retraction, correction or apology. Just simply deleted it hoping nobody would notice.

'We were warned': GOP lawmaker blasts colleagues for swallowing Biden witness 'lies'​

Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) sharply criticized his fellow House Republicans for latching onto the testimony of an "FBI informant" who was arrested last week and accused of peddling lies straight from Kremlin disinformation operators.

“We were warned at the time that we received the document outlining this witness’s testimony, we were warned that the credibility of this statement was not known,”
Buck told CNN's Kaitlan Collins, reported Edith Olmsted for The Daily Beast.

“And yet, people, my colleagues went out and talked to the public about how this was credible and how it was damning and how it proved President Biden’s — at the time Vice President Biden’s — complicity in receiving bribes.”

Buck, added, “I certainly didn’t have any evidence outside the statement itself that it was credible. And as a prosecutor for 25 years ... I never went to the public until I could prove the reliability of a statement.”

A conservative Republican who has been skeptical of the whole Biden impeachment operation run by House committee chairs Jim Jordan (R-OH) and James Comer (R-KY), Buck is one of several longtime GOP lawmakers who are calling it quits on seeking another term, frustrated by the current state of the House.

The informant, Alexander Smirnov, told federal agents that Biden and his son Hunter were paid millions in bribes to shield the Ukrainian firm Burisma from prosecution. This formed a core part of the GOP's evidence for an impeachment investigation. But Smirnov was indicted earlier this month for making false statements to the FBI, and he now admits his claims were disinformation pushed by the Russian government to interfere in U.S. politics.

Republicans involved with the impeachment inquiry have since scrambled to remove any reference to Smirnov's allegations from their materials.

Trump Associates Paid GOP "Star" Jailed FBI Witness $600K

A blockbuster story in The Guardian connects close business and personal associates of Donald Trump to a $600,000 payment to jailed former FBI witness Alexander Smirnov. But will the media cover it sufficiently? That’s the question Trump opponents are asking as the pace of news and Trump’s trial schedule pushes relevant stories to the bottom of the mainstream media feeds.

Smirnov is now in jail, considered a flight risk after being indicted for lying to the FBI about Hunter Biden and President Joe Biden about their allegedly corrupt business dealings with the Ukraine energy company Burisma. Rep. James Comer (R-KY), House Oversight Committee chair, had used the innuendo from Smirnov’s statements as fuel for the GOP-led impeachment inquiry into Biden. (Since Smirnov’s indictment, Comer has downplayed the importance of Smirnov’s role in the pursuit of the Biden criminal charges.)

When Smirnov was rearrested in February, CNN reported he had “extensive contacts in Russia and elsewhere, prosecutors said, and lied to authorities about his ‘access to over $6 million in liquid funds - more than enough money for him to live comfortably overseas for the rest of his life.'”

The Guardian article reveals that one-tenth of that available money comes from a payment made to Smirnov by a U.S. company — Economic Transformation Technologies (ETT) — “connected to a UK company owned by Trump business associates in Dubai, according to business filings and court documents.” The payment was made in 2020, at the same time “Smirnov began lying to the FBI about the Bidens, according to the indictment.”

The company’s CEO is American Christopher Condon, “who is also one of three shareholders in ETT Investment Holding Limited in London,” established in 2020 and now dissolved. The other two are the “Pakistani American investor Shahal Khan and Farooq Arjomand, a former chairman and current board member of Damac Properties in Dubai who is also listed as an adviser on ETT's American website,” according to The Guardian. “Arjomand have ties to Donald Trump through Trump associates and Damac, a major Middle East developer that has partnered with Trump for a decade.” (See: The Trump Estates at DAMAC Hills.)

Journalist Jacqueline Sweet captioned her tweet introducing the article: “SCOOP: An American company that paid the now indicted FBI informant Alexander Smirnov in 2020 is connected to a UK company owned by Trump business associates in Dubai, according to business filings and court documents.”

So far, CNN, The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal have not elevated the story as Fani Willis, Aileen Cannon, Lara Trump and Chuck Schumer dominate political coverage.

Excepting Comer’s backtracking on Smirnov’s importance, the news would seem to support, at the very least, White House Counsel Edward Siskel‘s request to House Speaker Mike Johnson to end the impeachment inquiry. "It is obviously time to move on, Mr. Speaker," Siskel wrote in a letter this week to Johnson. "This impeachment is over. There is too much important work to be done for the American people to continue wasting time on this charade."
