I think this is being released July 4th. Jim Caveizal movie

Until all of you people screaming about child sex trafficking and abuse start boycotting, protesting, and bellowing about the Catholic church, you are not to be taken seriously. That organization has abused literally 10's of thousands of children (that we know of), and not a damn peep from you QAnon nutjobs
Don’t tell Q Biden’s a Catholic. If Q and the nuts have been tipped off that Biden is Catholic he’ll be held responsible for every single child abuse case in the church’s history, going back 80 years. I’ve been told, by reliable anonymous sources that even in the nursery Joey’s activities were questionable.
Is the media trying to poo poo the movie and cover for sex trafficking? Yep, sure looks like it. Nothing outrageous about it. What is outrageous is a true story made into a movie about a man that has literally rescued thousands of trafficked children comes out and you gals get all moist and try to shift the focus to some Q bullshit about the actor. Both ridiculous and predictable. I would tell you to go see the movie but I know you won't .
Until all of you people screaming about child sex trafficking and abuse start boycotting, protesting, and bellowing about the Catholic church, you are not to be taken seriously. That organization has abused literally 10's of thousands of children (that we know of), and not a damn peep from you QAnon nutjobs
LOL. Who isn't bellowing about the Catholic Church?
I've always appreciated International Justice Mission and the work they do in this area. It isn't just about sex trafficking kids. It's a holistic approach to the injustice of trafficking, violence, and slavery related to adults and children. I heard their CEO Gary Haugen speak on this many years ago at a church summit. He blew me away. I actually tried to get my daughter to apply to work there.

A short video (couldn't embed)
LOL. Who isn't bellowing about the Catholic Church?
Wut? I haven't seen anything about it on ANY major news network (granted I don't watch them much). How often are you and your buddies talking about the systematic rape of children by the largest tax exempt organization in the world? Now compare that to how many times you and your buddies talk about Target, rainbows, Bud Light, and drag queens. It's not even in the same stratosphere as far as coverage goes.
Wut? I haven't seen anything about it on ANY major news network (granted I don't watch them much). How often are you and your buddies talking about the systematic rape of children by the largest tax exempt organization in the world? Now compare that to how many times you and your buddies talk about Target, rainbows, Bud Light, and drag queens. It's not even in the same stratosphere as far as coverage goes.
This is a thread about a true story involving a man that rescues children that are being trafficked. Start a thread about Catholic priests and I'll be happy to chime in 🤷‍♂️ . Spoiler Alert.....I won't be defending the priests. We are not the same.
Wut? I haven't seen anything about it on ANY major news network (granted I don't watch them much). How often are you and your buddies talking about the systematic rape of children by the largest tax exempt organization in the world? Now compare that to how many times you and your buddies talk about Target, rainbows, Bud Light, and drag queens. It's not even in the same stratosphere as far as coverage goes.
Yup. One of the most disheartening things of my life has been watching an entire group of people completely ignore child rape and molestation from religious organizations because it isn't politically convenient. And now that powerful people who don't align with them politically have been shown to be just as terrible as the religious organizations they've not only chosen to ignore but have continued to support through decades of scandal, rape, and mass coverups... NOW they suddenly care? I'm sorry, it's just such a failure of decency, morality, and humanity.