I think this is being released July 4th. Jim Caveizal movie

You do realize that Mr. Cavizel is on record saying that he thinks there is a group that consumes children's organs right? Do you think that too?

He also promotes the idea that Wayfair, the online furniture retailer actually sells kids and packs them in their storage cabinets to ship

He promotes the idea that Global elites are buying children to drain their blood of adrenochrome which QANON says is a psychedelic found only in children's adrenalin glands and can lead to immortality if consumed.

Star’s link to QAnon​

“Sound of Freedom” doesn’t depict anything close to QAnon conspiracy fantasies, which have been linked to incidents of extremism and violence including the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. The film’s villains are common criminals, not the shadowy cabal of occultists imagined by QAnoners.

But the movie has nevertheless been promoted on QAnon message boards, and some accuse it of playing into the movement, which is based on the false belief that a highly organized network of global elites are kidnapping children, having sex with them and harvesting their blood.

That’s partially because Ballard and the actor who plays him, Caviezel, have both expressed support for some of the QAnon’s movement’s wildest claims.
Ballard once entertained a viral theory that claimed the online furniture retailer Wayfair was selling children, sometimes packing them into overpriced storage cabinets. “Law enforcement’s going to flush that out and we’ll get our answers sooner than later,” he said in a July 2020 Twitter video. “But I want to tell you this: children are sold that way.” There is no evidence to support the theory, which has inspired threats against employees and impeded actual child trafficking investigations.

A month after that video, Ballard described conspiracy theorists’ support for his organization as a mixed blessing in an interview with the New York Times. “Some of these theories have allowed people to open their eyes,” he said. “So now it’s our job to flood the space with real information so the facts can be shared.”

Caviezel — who says Ballard recruited him onto the film after seeing him star in“ The Count of Monte Cristo” (2002) and Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ” (2004) — has espoused even more extreme theories.
The actor appeared at a QAnon convention in Las Vegas in October 2021, giving a speech that quoted Mel Gibson’s final speech in “Braveheart” and included one of QAnon’s main slogans, “The storm is upon us,” which refers to the movement’s fight against the imagined pedophile cabal.

He has focused on one QAnon belief in particular while promoting “Sound of Freedom”: the idea that child traffickers drain children’s blood to harvest a life-giving substance called adrenochrome.

Speaking at a QAnon-affiliated conference in Oklahoma in 2021, the actor said Ballard wanted to join him but “he’s down there saving children as we speak, because they’re pulling kids out of the darkest recesses of hell right now, in … all kinds of places, uh, the adrenochroming of children.”
The moderator asked him to elaborate. “If a child knows he’s going to die, his body will secrete this adrenaline,” Caviezel said, his voice catching. “These people that do it, there’ll be no mercy for them. This is one of the best films I’ve ever done in my life. The film is on Academy Award level.”
In reality, adrenochrome is a relatively mundane chemical compound created by oxidizing adrenaline, though the author Hunter S. Thompson portrayed it as a kind of super-drug popular with pedophiles in “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.”

Geesey, the Angel Studios executive, said anyone who posits that “Sound of Freedom” promotes conspiracy theories hasn’t watched the film.

You do realize that Mr. Cavizel is on record saying that he thinks there is a group that consumes children's organs right? Do you think that too?
I've seen where he claims that children are being trafficked to harvest their organs. Are you saying that you don't believe that children are being trafficked?

He also promotes the idea that Wayfair, the online furniture retailer actually sells kids and packs them in their storage cabinets to ship

He promotes the idea that Global elites are buying children to drain their blood of adrenochrome which QANON says is a psychedelic found only in children's adrenalin glands and can lead to immortality if consumed.

Star’s link to QAnon​

“Sound of Freedom” doesn’t depict anything close to QAnon conspiracy fantasies, which have been linked to incidents of extremism and violence including the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. The film’s villains are common criminals, not the shadowy cabal of occultists imagined by QAnoners.

But the movie has nevertheless been promoted on QAnon message boards, and some accuse it of playing into the movement, which is based on the false belief that a highly organized network of global elites are kidnapping children, having sex with them and harvesting their blood.

That’s partially because Ballard and the actor who plays him, Caviezel, have both expressed support for some of the QAnon’s movement’s wildest claims.
Ballard once entertained a viral theory that claimed the online furniture retailer Wayfair was selling children, sometimes packing them into overpriced storage cabinets. “Law enforcement’s going to flush that out and we’ll get our answers sooner than later,” he said in a July 2020 Twitter video. “But I want to tell you this: children are sold that way.” There is no evidence to support the theory, which has inspired threats against employees and impeded actual child trafficking investigations.

A month after that video, Ballard described conspiracy theorists’ support for his organization as a mixed blessing in an interview with the New York Times. “Some of these theories have allowed people to open their eyes,” he said. “So now it’s our job to flood the space with real information so the facts can be shared.”

Caviezel — who says Ballard recruited him onto the film after seeing him star in“ The Count of Monte Cristo” (2002) and Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ” (2004) — has espoused even more extreme theories.
The actor appeared at a QAnon convention in Las Vegas in October 2021, giving a speech that quoted Mel Gibson’s final speech in “Braveheart” and included one of QAnon’s main slogans, “The storm is upon us,” which refers to the movement’s fight against the imagined pedophile cabal.

He has focused on one QAnon belief in particular while promoting “Sound of Freedom”: the idea that child traffickers drain children’s blood to harvest a life-giving substance called adrenochrome.

Speaking at a QAnon-affiliated conference in Oklahoma in 2021, the actor said Ballard wanted to join him but “he’s down there saving children as we speak, because they’re pulling kids out of the darkest recesses of hell right now, in … all kinds of places, uh, the adrenochroming of children.”
The moderator asked him to elaborate. “If a child knows he’s going to die, his body will secrete this adrenaline,” Caviezel said, his voice catching. “These people that do it, there’ll be no mercy for them. This is one of the best films I’ve ever done in my life. The film is on Academy Award level.”
In reality, adrenochrome is a relatively mundane chemical compound created by oxidizing adrenaline, though the author Hunter S. Thompson portrayed it as a kind of super-drug popular with pedophiles in “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.”

Geesey, the Angel Studios executive, said anyone who posits that “Sound of Freedom” promotes conspiracy theories hasn’t watched the film.

Have you seen the movie?
I've seen where he claims that children are being trafficked to harvest their organs. Are you saying that you don't believe that children are being trafficked?
He does and he makes that claim without evidence. Do you believe that claim?

IMO...of course there is children and adult humans being trafficed and needs to be stopped. But there isn't some sort of satanic cabal doing this for consuming organs. That is not based in reality and damages real efforts to tackle the issue.

That is what the majority of the articles you deride point to. I guess you didn't take the time to read that, did ya?
He does and he makes that claim without evidence. Do you believe that claim?

IMO...of course there is children and adult humans being trafficed and needs to be stopped. But there isn't some sort of satanic cabal doing this for consuming organs. That is not based in reality and damages real efforts to tackle the issue.

That is what the majority of the articles you deride point to. I guess you didn't take the time to read that, did ya?
you mean that kidnapping kids...scaring them to the point they think they are going to die to illicit a rush of adrenaline into their blood stream and then draining that adrenaline filled blood and exposing it to oxygen to oxidize it which turns it into adrenochrome and then consuming that Adrenochrome won't make you Immortal.!!!!???......Like Hunter S Thompson detailed in his 1971 Novel "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas"!!!???!!

Yeah, it is literally something a made up group of pedo's in Hunter S Thompson's FICTIONAL book "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" (published in 1971) did and these morons are trying to link Jim Caviezel work as an agent of the Dept of Homeland Security to stop Child Trafficking's in Columbia as somehow doing the same thing to stop some made up ring of Global Elite buying and draining children of their blood to become Immortal...but they believe it is actually real and this is what Jim Caviezel's work was stopping.
He does and he makes that claim without evidence. Do you believe that claim?

IMO...of course there is children and adult humans being trafficed and needs to be stopped. But there isn't some sort of satanic cabal doing this for consuming organs. That is not based in reality and damages real efforts to tackle the issue.

That is what the majority of the articles you deride point to. I guess you didn't take the time to read that, did ya?
So you have proof that children aren't being trafficked to harvest their organs? I saw the movie and I didn't see anything even remotely suggesting a referrence to Q but, per usual, the left is going to try to kill the messenger and try to take everyone's eye off the ball. It's pretty simple, it's a good movie that sheds light on a huge issue that needs to be addressed. Sorry you have a problem with it but I'm not the least bit surprised.
It's pretty simple, it's a good movie that sheds light on a huge issue that needs to be addressed. Sorry you have a problem with it but I'm not the least bit surprised.
Here is what the Actor Himself said ON RECORD about the MOVIE and the person who wrote it WHILE he was filming it and WHILE speaking at an OKLAHOMA QANON conference.
But yeah...it is the LEFTS fault this thing is being associated with Qanon and conspiracy theories. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Caviezel — who says Ballard recruited him onto the film
Speaking at a QAnon-affiliated conference in Oklahoma in 2021, the actor said Ballard wanted to join him but “he’s down there saving children as we speak, because they’re pulling kids out of the darkest recesses of hell right now, in … all kinds of places, uh, the adrenochroming of children.”

The moderator asked him to elaborate. “If a child knows he’s going to die, his body will secrete this adrenaline,” Caviezel said, his voice catching. “These people that do it, there’ll be no mercy for them
you mean that kidnapping kids...scaring them to the point they think they are going to die to illicit a rush of adrenaline into their blood stream and then draining that adrenaline filled blood and exposing it to oxygen to oxidize it which turns it into adrenochrome and then consuming that Adrenochrome won't make you Immortal.!!!!???......Like Hunter S Thompson detailed in his 1971 Novel "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas"!!!???!!

Yeah, it is literally something a made up group of pedo's in Hunter S Thompson's FICTIONAL book "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" (published in 1971) did and these morons are trying to link Jim Caviezel work as an agent of the Dept of Homeland Security to stop Child Trafficking's in Columbia as somehow doing the same thing to stop some made up ring of Global Elite buying and draining children of their blood to become Immortal...but they believe it is actually real and this is what Jim Caviezel's work was stopping.
Literally not one f ng mention of any of this in the movie ffs. Jim Caveizal might eat children himself for all I know. I'm thankful that he pushed to get this movie out and hope that he is blessed. The idea that the movie is bullshit because the actor or person that the movie is based on has some ideas that are far out there (and not even mentioned in the movie) is typical liberal horse manure. Q adjacent seems to be the new go to for anything that makes libs uncomfortable.
Literally not one f ng mention of any of this in the movie ffs. Jim Caveizal might eat children himself for all I know. I'm thankful that he pushed to get this movie out and hope that he is blessed. The idea that the movie is bullshit because the actor or person that the movie is based on has some ideas that are far out there (and not even mentioned in the movie) is typical liberal horse manure. Q adjacent seems to be the new go to for anything that makes libs uncomfortable.
read previous post. Not the Left that linked it to Q ...the actor himself did while speaking at a QAnon conference in Oklahoma in 2021.

So the Left has ZERO to do with linking it to Q. Caveizal did that HIMSELF.

the only person to blame for this movie being linked to Q is Caveizal himself. you keep trying to blame the Left for linking it to Q and it was the actor. Blame him..not the left.

Your initial post should have started with the Truthful idea that Actor Links Q to film he is playing in. Nope your first posts are blaming the Left for "magically" conjuring some Qanon thing into this and then Suggesting the Left was Incorrectly reporting it was Qanon adjacent and related and suggest it was the way the Left was trying to cover up this story and movie like the Left was scare of this movie for some reason. THAT IS ALL FAKE

Reality. Those media postings you have in post 2...they are doing nothing more than reporting the Truthful link between what the Actor himself said about the Movie and its writer while the movie was being made

Covering for Sex Trafficking ? Seriously ?

No this is what Free Media looks like when they take an actors very own words out of his own mouth and simply publish them.

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kids...scaring them to the point they think they are going to die to illicit a rush of adrenaline into their blood stream and then draining that adrenaline filled blood and exposing it to oxygen to oxidize it which turns it into adrenochrome and then consuming that Adrenochrome won't make you Immortal.!!!!???......Like Hunter S Thompson detailed in
Hmmm, was this not essentially the premise of the kids movie "Monsters, Inc"? Scaring kids to the point of screaming and using them to fuel their energy systems? Never thought of it before but the two seem to have an odd similarity in that aspect.
Hmmm, was this not essentially the premise of the kids movie "Monsters, Inc"?
LOTS of people suspect that Hunter S Thompson Adrenochrome fiction from Fear and Loathing is the basis for Monsters Inc. It is regarded as one of the darkest Pixar movies ever made DUE to that connection
So you have proof that children aren't being trafficked to harvest their organs? I saw the movie and I didn't see anything even remotely suggesting a referrence to Q but, per usual, the left is going to try to kill the messenger and try to take everyone's eye off the ball. It's pretty simple, it's a good movie that sheds light on a huge issue that needs to be addressed. Sorry you have a problem with it but I'm not the least bit surprised.
You are the one making an outrageous claim--thus you have the burden of proof.

Nice try wiggling out of that one.
Are you the guy that went looking for child eating Dems in the pizza parlor basement ? Or just a QANON nut bag promoting such utter garbage? Or Q is that you?
Until all of you people screaming about child sex trafficking and abuse start boycotting, protesting, and bellowing about the Catholic church, you are not to be taken seriously. That organization has abused literally 10's of thousands of children (that we know of), and not a damn peep from you QAnon nutjobs