Hosting Bedlam

Cowgirls outscored 24-15 in 4th quarter and lose 81-74. Gusters doesn't score in the last quarter and a half after having 22. Coach Jacie is 0-3 versus OU and has to find a way to get her team to perform in the 4th quarter. At 12-12, WNIT may be fading away, too, unless they start winning some games.

Definitely a rough year with defections and injuries, but perhaps the honeymoon is over. Five game losing streak and few quality wins to speak of. Still a lot of season left.
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OU fans showing their ass after the game was over and HCJH was addressing fans on PA was such a Gooner move. Classless humps.
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Of all the disappointing things from yesterday, this is near the top. If I'm in that locker room I'm saying there is no way we are letting her hurt us. Anyone but her. I know we're thin in some places, but we have enough athleticism to make her uncomfortable and have to put the ball on the floor

Maybe this post will light a fire.
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