Greg Swaim

During the Sutton era was as good as it got.
I still remember how much he hyped up the visit from JamesOn and how many people showed up on a weekday afternoon for that.

Funny story I’ll never forget. I went to big 12 bb media days in KC one year and helped line up guests while Greg did his show on radio row. So we’d cut into RA’s show for interviews from time to time.

Well I got Bobby Knight lined up to go on. Now Coach Knight had a very imposing presence, to say the least.

So we let RA’s producer know we’ve got Knight ready to go, I give him a headset to put on, & RA proceeded to blather on for like 3 minutes. You could visibly see Knight getting mad and our mics were hot, and he finally blurts out ‘what is this shit?!’ RA hears this and finally pitches to Greg, who’s now got a fuming Bobby Knoght standing over the table.

Poor Greg, Knigh’s intimidating enough without someone pissing him off right before your interview.🥴
Sorry to hear this. I knew he had posted on X a while back that he was in hospice but didn’t really know what led up to that. I know he had a wife, grown sons, and grandkids. Prayers for his family.

I remember during my college years, early 2000s, listening in the car and between classes to RA in the morning for football/recruiting, then to Swaim in the early afternoon for basketball/recruiting news. Of course that was during some exciting times for basketball so probably the height of his radio show.
I got my start on OSU social media on his website. Then someone there told me about OrangePower and I didn’t go to his board as often. That was 18 years ago. Condolences to his family.