Go Pokes!!!



Kyle Atkins-Weltman, an anatomy and vertebrate paleontology Ph.D. student in the School of Biomedical Sciences at Oklahoma State University, was studying a collection of foot and leg bone fossils when he made the exciting discovery. He initially believed the fossils belonged to a juvenile Anzu wyliei — described as a “chicken from hell" — but it turned out he was handling a previously unknown dinosaur, the university announced.
Anyone else surprised to hear that we would have an "Anatomy and Vertebrate paleontology Ph.D." student at OSU?
That's the most surprising thing I read in that story, but maybe that's just me.
Anyone else surprised to hear that we would have an "Anatomy and Vertebrate paleontology Ph.D." student at OSU?
That's the most surprising thing I read in that story, but maybe that's just me.

We're gunning for that B1G status, baby!