France’s train network hit by 'massive attack' hours before Olympics opening ceremony

In today’s climate of tribalism, some people constantly walk around with a chip on their shoulders. Waiting for someone or anyone to knock it off so they can play the victim, and claim outrage. Honestly, does anyone believe the French would try to piss off a billion people?
Ha! Yeah, I’m sure that was the first thing that came to your mind. It only took about 24hrs of backlash (even from within France) for the organizers and some progressives to come up with this defense.
You mean 24 hrs of manufactured rage claiming someone was disrespecting the Christian religion....without any cultural knowledgeable of what the performance was based on and the story it was telling

Then you find out it has a legit historical context and is legitimately based in ancient Greek culture (the source of the ye very games it was performed at) and now are left out there holding the fake rage someone else told you to be mad about

There is so much wrong w the faux outrage of this.

1)The Lord’s table is open to EVERYONE. And that means EVERYONE. Doesn’t matter if you agree or not. Jesus was not sent to condemn so I’m pretty sure neither are we elevated to that.

2)This was not a depiction of the Last Supper. You snowflakey sheep wouldn’t even have thought about it had someone not figured out they could generate outrage and then raise $$$ off the outrage. The numbers don’t even add to the 12+1.

3)The painting of the Last Supper should draw equal outrage. It depicts 13 clearly European individuals which is inaccurate. 1 of which is clearly a woman (But you’ve probably fallen in line that this was John). And that woman is most likely nursing seated at the right hand (look up what this means) of a very effeminate looking Jesus.

4)The painting of the Last Supper was done by an individual who is alleged to have been homosexual and if I remember correctly has 0 pieces of work in the Vatican bc of this fact.

5)Where was the outrage when a self professed non Christian hawked the Bible for profit that had the cover engraved w an American flag and contained the Declaration of Independence and Constitution on the inside? If you didn’t speak up then, please sit down and excuse yourself from further embarrassment.

You are in a cult.
Come on everyone knows that DaVincis Last Supper is the only one painted direct from the Polaroid that Thomas snapped that day....all those white European disciples on that fateful day....glad Thomas brought his camera
You mean 24 hrs of manufactured rage claiming someone was disrespecting the Christian religion....without any cultural knowledgeable of what the performance was based on and the story it was telling

Then you find out it has a legit historical context and is legitimately based in ancient Greek culture (the source of the ye very games it was performed at) and now are left out there holding the fake rage someone else told you to be mad about

Spin….from the propagandist, not surprising.
Several artists have painted The Last Supper so maybe you were thinking of one of them. But the most famous was by Da Vinci. Da Vinci does have artwork displayed in the Vatican.
Dang you got me. I should have used the google machine instead of relying on a near 40 year memory from my 1st semester humanities class. He has 1 sketch ✍️ n a Vatican museum. Some scholars don’t believe it’s his. Guess that’s what my humanities prof was banking on.

And no I wasn’t thinking of another version. Old Leo’s is the one I was referencing as it clearly depicts Europeans.

Otherwise my points still stand. It’s outrage of the day by cult members. Thank goodness they have the attention span of a 4 year old child hopped up on candy in a toy store. This will be replaced by the end of today.
Come on everyone knows that DaVincis Last Supper is the only one painted direct from the Polaroid that Thomas snapped that day....all those white European disciples on that fateful day....glad Thomas brought his camera
So if Thomas snapped it would that officially make Thomas the grandfather of the selfie? That’s a pretty long selfie stick
Spin….from the propagandist, not surprising.
When you are as equally upset by a self confessed non Christian, adjudicated sexual assaulter, thrice married, thrice (at least) adulterer, father of 5 w 3 women, 34 count convicted felon arising bc he paid off a porn star, business fraudster, ripoff artist from kids with cancer, military veteran shamer and proponent of letting kids w disabilities die hawking the Gospel emblazoned w the American Flag (which according to Trump himself should result in a 1 yr prison sentence) for Profit then we will know you are at least an equal opportunity offendee

Until then you are just another sheep in the snowflake parade.
When you are as equally upset by a self confessed non Christian, adjudicated sexual assaulter, thrice married, thrice (at least) adulterer, father of 5 w 3 women, 34 count convicted felon arising bc he paid off a porn star, business fraudster, ripoff artist from kids with cancer, military veteran shamer and proponent of letting kids w disabilities die hawking the Gospel emblazoned w the American Flag (which according to Trump himself should result in a 1 yr prison sentence) for Profit then we will know you are at least an equal opportunity offendee

Until then you are just another sheep in the snowflake parade.
That was random. OCD much? Must be a heck of an affliction. Or maybe cultish really. Anyway, hope you get the help you need.

And great sentegraph btw.
That was random. OCD much? Must be a heck of an affliction. Or maybe cultish really. Anyway, hope you get the help you need.

And great sentegraph btw.
I like that sentegraph. My kids will appreciate that as my texts have never been void of run ons. They will appreciate the nomenclature.

As for my OCD it’s getting better. I no longer have to set my cruise control to an even number although my tv volume has to be on an even number. Also I no longer have to turn off the living room light 6x (but that’s really a product of having Alexa and smart bulbs). I still have to touch each exterior door lock prior to bed though. So maybe it’s not getting better. 🤷‍♂️
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I like that sentegraph. My kids will appreciate that as my texts have never been void of run ons. They will appreciate the nomenclature.

As for my OCD it’s getting better. I no longer have to set my cruise control to an even number although my tv volume has to be on an even number. Also I no longer have to turn off the living room light 6x to prevent my family from blowing up (but that’s really a product of having Alexa and smart bulbs). I still have to touch each exterior door lock prior to bed though. So maybe it’s not getting better. 🤷‍♂️
Haha! Good to see the sense of humor man.
You so DGAF that you led off with this…Got it.

Thanks for confirming that this was just false concern or outrage or whatever you wanna call it.

Like I said, transparent, obvious and false.
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I legit studied the master work painting for the Feast of Dionysus in Art Appreciation classes at OSU in the 90s

View attachment 6055

It is literally a genere of ancient master works with tons s if paintings up until the late 1700s depicting the Feats of Dionnysus

View attachment 6056

It's interesting how artwork depicted as "Christian" and "pagan" have so many parallels.

I didn't watch the opening ceremonies (never really do) but saw a bunch of people upset the next day and thought it was funny. The same people canceling Netflix on Friday were upset at the Olympics on Saturday. And what got them upset was probably something they spent as much time watching as I did the night before. And come to find out, it was over something that was intended in a manner unrelated to what offended them. This should have been taken as an opportunity to learn something and maybe grow a little but I'm guessing people will fund something else to be outraged over and after the Olympics are over no one will give it another thought.
It's interesting how artwork depicted as "Christian" and "pagan" have so many parallels.

I didn't watch the opening ceremonies (never really do) but saw a bunch of people upset the next day and thought it was funny. The same people canceling Netflix on Friday were upset at the Olympics on Saturday. And what got them upset was probably something they spent as much time watching as I did the night before. And come to find out, it was over something that was intended in a manner unrelated to what offended them. This should have been taken as an opportunity to learn something and maybe grow a little but I'm guessing people will fund something else to be outraged over and after the Olympics are over no one will give it another thought.
It’s an opportunity to actually reach people w kindness. To be ambassadors of the Gospel. Instead we look like bouncers at Heaven’s Club.

We are not the gatekeepers.