Bo Bassett


New member
Down to his final 7. A lot of people yesterday thought he was coming to OSU. Now it’s leaking Iowa is giving him a $5M NIL package. Rumor is PSU offered less than half of that. Not sure what we offered but imo not one wrestler is worth that kind of money. Cael went undefeated as a wrestler and I wouldn’t give him $3M+, that’s insane money.

IMO with him burning many bridges with his antics and drawn out recruiting sideshow, he is going to create a lot of people rooting against him. He’s a great young man but if he picks Iowa and with their dirt bag antics, kids aren’t going to buy his merch etc.

I guess money always wins at the end of the day. We see where the last few million got Iowa. Curb stomp from PSU.
Now he's down to his final 4: Iowa, PSU, Virginia Tech, and OSU. He's announcing his decision tomorrow night around 8:30PM ET I believe. I was always under the impression that he was going to OSU. He posted a long video about his visit to Stillwater, something that he didn't do for any other school. I did hear that it was going to be a record setting NIL deal which makes me question whether he's going to OSU. The #3 wrestler in the 2026 class, Dreshaun Ross just committed to OSU which I imagine got offered a nice NIL package too.
He mentioned in his interview this morning about the opportunities for his younger brother to join him. I wonder if Brands caved and promised him the world. CS & DT won’t do that. The fingers are pointing at Iowa. Yuck from Def Leppard.
To me it feels like Iowa is the only program who will give him what he wants because they are desperate. DT is like a young CS and $5M can buy a top 4 “team” so why spend it all on one guy? Wrestling is hard to win one title let alone 4. I think if he chooses Iowa he is making a selfish decision but best of luck to him
Went to the highest bidder. That’s where sports are at. Going to take a wave of coaches quitting and being vocal before it changes.

Saw a Twitter an Iowa fan poked at osu and said we hadn’t won a natty since Bo was a newborn. Man that reality stingggggs
Anyone hearing anything? Lot of guesses to follow Bo and a lot of guesses that he loves DT. Are Bo and Jax both juniors? Crazy we got Dreshaun out of Iowa. Probably bc they’re broke now
Anyone hearing anything? Lot of guesses to follow Bo and a lot of guesses that he loves DT. Are Bo and Jax both juniors? Crazy we got Dreshaun out of Iowa. Probably bc they’re broke now
I haven’t heard anything but following Bo is a strong possibility
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