Alabama AG claims State can charge out of state Drs, or caregivers for helping Alabama resident get an abortion


So now Alabama is claiming they can charge Residents of OTHER STATES...... for crimes of breaking Alabama state law In ANY STATE in the US.....if they assist an Alabama Resident traveling to that state to seek and receive abortion services in that state

This is insane and illegal and a step toward complete government control over its citizens

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But surely, it's okay with the AG for males from Alabama to go visit a whorehouse in Nevada and doesn't matter if anybody helped them.
OHH I bet the AG of Alabama will be rounding up and charging all the Alabamians who go to one of these yellow states and partake in Recreational MJ too right ???!!

The AG of Alabama is going also going to start charging all the airlines that let them book a flight to go to these locations too right? If a Stewardess on a flight gave them a meal or a drink, then they were helping them travel out of state for something not legal in Alabama, so the air hostesses need to be arrested too on flights right?

Do we arrest the taxi drivers too that picked them up...what about Uber and Lyft drivers. They assisted in getting these Alabama residents to their destination to conduct something 100% legal in that state but illegal in they are all guilty of breaking Alabama law right.

This is INSANE and DUMB and a COMPLETE abuse of Govt Power by the Alabama elected GOP officials.

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You never know what may happen for an exhibition of insanity. Eons ago before liquor by the drink was legal in Oklahoma, while on a plane a stewardess would upset you by snatching a drink from you because you were about to enter dry air space--Oklahoma. At least something sane was done about it in 1984. After that, I don't know if airlines were concerned or not about flying over counties still without legal liquor by the drink.

In 2023, who knows how much longer prohibitive nonsense women and their male supporters in these red states are going to put up with when it comes to abortion? It could go on indefinitely since Alabama doesn't allow voter originated initiatives.
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