‘The threats we face’


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‘The threats we face’​

The first sentence of the report — released over the summer by a bipartisan, congressionally appointed commission — was blunt: “The threats the United States faces are the most serious and most challenging the nation has encountered since 1945 and include the potential for near-term major war.”

The nation, the report continued, “is not prepared today.”

The threats begin with China, which has grown more belligerent in Asia. In Europe, Russia started the first major war in almost 80 years. In the Middle East, Iran finances a network of extremist groups. Increasingly, these countries work together, too, sometimes with North Korea. The report described them as “an axis of growing malign partnerships.”

I want to devote today’s newsletter to the findings from the group (officially known as the Commission on the National Defense Strategy) because I found them jarring — and because I suspect many readers haven’t yet heard them. “In a healthy political climate,” Walter Russell Mead, a foreign affairs expert at the Hudson Institute, wrote in The Wall Street Journal, the report would be “the central topic in national conversation.”

An anti-democracy alliance​

This anti-American alliance presents a threat because its members are not satisfied with the status quo. That’s why Russia invaded Ukraine and Iran’s proxies have been so aggressive in Israel, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen. It’s why China has rammed Philippine boats in the South China Sea and President Xi Jinping has directed China’s military to be ready to invade Taiwan by 2027. China, Russia and Iran all want more control over their regions than they now have.

One of the bipartisan group’s central arguments is that American weakness has contributed to the new instability. “This is not a report encouraging the U.S. to go to war,” Jane Harman, the former Democratic congresswoman from California and the commission’s chair, told me. “It’s a report making sure the U.S. can deter war.”

If the U.S. doesn’t do more to deter aggression, living standards in this country could suffer, Harman and her colleagues argued. Iran-backed attacks in the Red Sea have already raised shipping costs, while Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has made energy more expensive. A war in Taiwan could cut off access to the semiconductors that power modern life.

Harman told me that she believed the warning signs today were similar to those in the run-up to both Pearl Harbor and 9/11 — serious and underestimated.

American weaknesses​

The report cited several major U.S. weaknesses, including:

A failure to remain ahead of China in some aspects of military power. “China is outpacing the United States and has largely negated the U.S. military advantage in the Western Pacific through two decades of focused military investment,” the report concluded.

One reason is the decline in the share of U.S. resources devoted to the military. This Times chart, which may surprise some readers, tells the story:

Source: Congressional Budget Office | By The New York Times​
The report recommended increasing military spending, partly by making changes to Medicare and Social Security (which is sure to upset many liberals) and partly by increasing taxes, including on corporations (which is sure to upset many conservatives). The report also called for more spending on diplomacy and praised the Biden administration for strengthening alliances in Europe and Asia.

A Pentagon bureaucracy that’s too deferential to military suppliers. The report criticized consolidation among defense contractors, which has raised costs and hampered innovation. The future increasingly lies with drones and A.I., not the decades-old equipment that the Pentagon now uses.

A U.S. manufacturing sector that isn’t strong enough to produce what the military needs. A lack of production capacity has already hurt the country’s efforts to aid Ukraine, as The Times has documented. “Putin’s invasion has demonstrated how weak our industrial base is,” David Grannis, the commission’s executive director, said. If the Pentagon and the innovative U.S. technology sector collaborated more, they could address this problem, Grannis added.

A polarized political atmosphere that undermines national unity. A lack of patriotism is one reason that the military has failed to meet its recent recruitment goals. Perhaps more worrisome, many Americans are angry at one another rather than paying attention to external threats.

The bottom line​

A single commission won’t have all the answers to the hard strategic issues facing the country. How much money should the U.S. spend on the military, given other priorities and the large federal debt? How much waste can be cut from the Pentagon budget? Which foreign conflicts are vital to the national interest — and which are a distraction?

All these questions are vexing. But Americans do face a more dangerous world than many realize. The unexpected global turmoil of the past decade makes that clear.
When you talk American weakness you have to include propping up a mentally incompetent President. It's amazing to me that that isn't the biggest story in the world. America the most powerful country in the world doesn't have a functioning President. I'm not talking ideology here or contributions of the past. The guy can't do the job now and couldn't for a significant part if not all of this term. When the leader of the free world can't have a meeting without his wife the dangerous of people of the world take notice.
When you talk American weakness you have to include propping up a mentally incompetent President. It's amazing to me that that isn't the biggest story in the world. America the most powerful country in the world doesn't have a functioning President. I'm not talking ideology here or contributions of the past. The guy can't do the job now and couldn't for a significant part if not all of this term. When the leader of the free world can't have a meeting without his wife the dangerous of people of the world take notice.
We had a mentally incompetent President before the present one, and we're in danger of getting that now even more mentally incompetent dude back as President.
When you talk American weakness you have to include propping up a mentally incompetent President. It's amazing to me that that isn't the biggest story in the world. America the most powerful country in the world doesn't have a functioning President. I'm not talking ideology here or contributions of the past. The guy can't do the job now and couldn't for a significant part if not all of this term. When the leader of the free world can't have a meeting without his wife the dangerous of people of the world take notice.

We had a mentally incompetent President before the present one, and we're in danger of getting that now even more mentally incompetent dude back as President.

They're not even talking about that. Weak leaders are a byproduct of a weak America. Not a cause.
We had a mentally incompetent President before the present one, and we're in danger of getting that now even more mentally incompetent dude back as President.
Trump is crazy and dangerous....I agree....but he is the crazy you are scared of.....it's a different incompetent. He also isn't the president now and thus our enemies weren't dealing with him when they started acting much more boldly. Russia, Iran, China they don't answer for every shortcoming with "but oh yeah Trump" they seize opportunities.

Biden has lost enough of it that he can't perform the tasks.....we all know it.....his own party knows it and ousted him...and if we know it intelligence agencies of foreign advisories know way more than we do. To act like it isn't a issue is naïve. There isn't anyone functional at the wheel now.....or at least we don't know who it is. Acting like it's not a thing is also why we may get four more years of an octogenarian that will be 86 at the end of the term he is running for and may very well be in the same state of decay at the end and crazy to boot.

And as @Bowers3 said it's speaks to the weakness of America overall. Two party system....both are broken.
Trump is crazy and dangerous....I agree....but he is the crazy you are scared of.....it's a different incompetent. He also isn't the president now and thus our enemies weren't dealing with him when they started acting much more boldly. Russia, Iran, China they don't answer for every shortcoming with "but oh yeah Trump" they seize opportunities.

Biden has lost enough of it that he can't perform the tasks.....we all know it.....his own party knows it and ousted him...and if we know it intelligence agencies of foreign advisories know way more than we do. To act like it isn't a issue is naïve. There isn't anyone functional at the wheel now.....or at least we don't know who it is. Acting like it's not a thing is also why we may get four more years of an octogenarian that will be 86 at the end of the term he is running for and may very well be in the same state of decay at the end and crazy to boot.

And as @Bowers3 said it's speaks to the weakness of America overall. Two party system....both are broken.
No, it's not a "different kind of incompetent".

That's just you wanting to deny that Trump clearly has had cognitive decline very similar to what we've seen in Biden already. There is no way he is or will be "functional at the wheel now" either....Heritage 2025 will be in control. To act like it isn't an issue is also incredibly naive.

And that's in addition to the whole "crazy and dangerous" side.

Then throw in that Biden's got until January of this year in his state and Trump will have 4 years in his similar state of mind along with the whole "crazy and dangerous" side to boot. I'd be all for Biden resigning and Kamala Harris being President until January, but at least the Dems recognized Biden's cognitive decline and have taken action by convincing him to drop out of the race that limits the potential future damage.
They're not even talking about that. Weak leaders are a byproduct of a weak America. Not a cause.
I understand that.

My response to Donny was to point out he called out the "propping up" of Biden when he is mentally incompetent....when the Democratic party actually took some action to limit the damage by convincing him to not run again while SIMULATANEOUSY refusing to acknowledge and accept that there is another mental incompetent that is not only being propped up, but promoted as a savior of the country by MAGA.

Which is a prime example of a weak American in my book.
I understand that.

My response to Donny was to point out he called out the "propping up" of Biden when he is mentally incompetent....when the Democratic party actually took some action to limit the damage by convincing him to not run again while SIMULATANEOUSY refusing to acknowledge and accept that there is another mental incompetent that is not only being propped up, but promoted as a savior of the country by MAGA.

Which is a prime example of a weak American in my book.
America is as weak as it is because it is so divided and unfocused on anything that would build its strength. The country is bipolar and not dependable due to political flip flopping between parties in control along with no thought for the future. At this point they are unable to function as a government.

We have 2 halves of the country who deeply hate the other. There is blatant foreign propaganda being shoved down our throats on one side along with lack of trust in our government. On tue other side there is an inability to unite, generally bickering about anything they can between each other.

There is no true patriotism or putting country before self in nearly any politician and often lacking in the general population. People think they are patriotic by flying a flag, but are unwilling to do anything to help their country actually improve. It's self over everything else.
That's just you wanting to deny that Trump clearly has had cognitive decline very similar to what we've seen in Biden already. There is no way he is or will be "functional at the wheel now" either....Heritage 2025 will be in control. To act like it isn't an issue is also incredibly naive.
When someone says this you are no longer talking to an adult capable of reason.....or a troll. They were in a debate head to head and the difference is so dramatic that Biden was ousted by his own party....and against his will given he passionately announced he was absolutely running immediately before being kicked off the ticket.

Trump is dangerous. I can name a dozen reasons why he isn't competent for being the President.....not knowing where he is or what he is doing isn't one of them. Biden is barely walking well at this point....his wife ran his first cabinet meeting in a year. It's real bad. Wanna say Trump is sociopath let's talk I'm on board....wanna say you don't someone who can't take basic criticism without acting like a petulant child having the codes....let's talk I'm with you.....wanna say he is a threat to democracy the way he took over one of the two parties not once but twice with punitive tactics....let's talk I'm on board....wanna say Trump will rule like a dictator and not listen to anyone or any evidence about what to do while at said wheel......100% on board. To say he is in similar state of decline is a tired line that is obviously inaccurate. It's a different kind of dangerous. He is absolutely dangerous.

The party told you told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” , George Orwell's “1984”

We have two of those now.....USA USA USA
When someone says this you are no longer talking to an adult capable of reason.....or a troll. They were in a debate head to head and the difference is so dramatic that Biden was ousted by his own party....and against his will given he passionately announced he was absolutely running immediately before being kicked off the ticket.

Trump is dangerous. I can name a dozen reasons why he isn't competent for being the President.....not knowing where he is or what he is doing isn't one of them. Biden is barely walking well at this point....his wife ran his first cabinet meeting in a year. It's real bad. Wanna say Trump is sociopath let's talk I'm on board....wanna say you don't someone who can't take basic criticism without acting like a petulant child having the codes....let's talk I'm with you.....wanna say he is a threat to democracy the way he took over one of the two parties not once but twice with punitive tactics....let's talk I'm on board....wanna say Trump will rule like a dictator and not listen to anyone or any evidence about what to do while at said wheel......100% on board. To say he is in similar state of decline is a tired line that is obviously inaccurate. It's a different kind of dangerous. He is absolutely dangerous.

The party told you told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” , George Orwell's “1984”

We have two of those now.....USA USA USA
When someone says Trump has exhibited absolutely no signs of serious cognitive decline near dementia levels and has been watching any part of his rambling, nonsensical rallies including wrong names, sharks and electric boats, Hannibal Lecter, and even confusion about a speaker's sex ("she's hot")....they're no longer an adult capable of reason....or a troll.

You're doing exactly the same thing you've accused others of doing. Making excuses for or mitigating/excusing the clear cognitive decline of a candidate.
When someone says Trump has exhibited absolutely no signs of serious cognitive decline near dementia levels and has been watching any part of his rambling, nonsensical rallies including wrong names, sharks and electric boats, Hannibal Lecter, and even confusion about a speaker's sex ("she's hot")....they're no longer an adult capable of reason....or a troll.

You're doing exactly the same thing you've accused others of doing. Making excuses for or mitigating/excusing the clear cognitive decline of a candidate.
No I noted his age and that the decline could be as bad by end of next term. No one should want an 86 year old President.

You said it's similar now. That is intellectually dishonest. Or trolling. Or really really dumb.
No I noted his age and that the decline could be as bad by end of next term. No one should want an 86 year old President.

You said it's similar now. That is intellectually dishonest. Or trolling. Or really really dumb.
You said:

"Acting like it's not a thing is also why we may get four more years of an octogenarian that will be 86 at the end of the term he is running for and may very well be in the same state of decay at the end and crazy to boot."

That is in no way an admission that there has been ANY decline/decay to date.

You have yet to admit ANY cognitive decline/decay that you see beyond his "crazy and dangerous" issues.

That is intellectually dishonest. Or trolling. Or really really dumb.

BTW, Biden is no longer the candidate.....I don't know if you heard. He stepped down from the election and will be our President for only four more months at most. At least SOMETHING was done to address his admitted decline. You're still over here refusing to admit Trump has had ANY cognitive decline/signs of dementia to date.
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When someone says this you are no longer talking to an adult capable of reason.....or a troll. They were in a debate head to head and the difference is so dramatic that Biden was ousted by his own party....and against his will given he passionately announced he was absolutely running immediately before being kicked off the ticket.

Trump is dangerous. I can name a dozen reasons why he isn't competent for being the President.....not knowing where he is or what he is doing isn't one of them. Biden is barely walking well at this point....his wife ran his first cabinet meeting in a year. It's real bad. Wanna say Trump is sociopath let's talk I'm on board....wanna say you don't someone who can't take basic criticism without acting like a petulant child having the codes....let's talk I'm with you.....wanna say he is a threat to democracy the way he took over one of the two parties not once but twice with punitive tactics....let's talk I'm on board....wanna say Trump will rule like a dictator and not listen to anyone or any evidence about what to do while at said wheel......100% on board. To say he is in similar state of decline is a tired line that is obviously inaccurate. It's a different kind of dangerous. He is absolutely dangerous.

The party told you told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” , George Orwell's “1984”

We have two of those now.....USA USA USA
Nah, sorry. You are wrong here. Not worth getting into the "Who's cognitive decline is worse" argument but if you listen to Trump now vs Trump even in 2020 the decline is obvious.
Nah, sorry. You are wrong here. Not worth getting into the "Who's cognitive decline is worse" argument but if you listen to Trump now vs Trump even in 2020 the decline is obvious.
You said he stuttered doc.....may want to lay out.