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      Pokes3220 replied to the thread Regionals.
      This is the biggest problem with OSU baseball, lots of complacency and nothing is ever anyone’s fault. The entire Holliday family have...
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      Pokes3220 replied to the thread Regionals.
      Guys, remember Josh Holliday deserves no blame, he should be the coach until he retires because he loves OSU
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      Pokes3220 replied to the thread WCWS.
      Keeping all these players is gonna be tough, but the biggest issue is going to be pitching, Aycock is most experienced, but wasn’t very...
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      Pokes3220 replied to the thread WCWS.
      Look up the name Sandy Fischer
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      Pokes3220 replied to the thread WCWS.
      At some point you have to compete for a title and for 5 straight wcws we have not, Gajewski needs to change something when we get to the...
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      Pokes3220 replied to the thread WCWS.
      at least we haven’t given up
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      Pokes3220 replied to the thread WCWS.
      At least we got there right, that’s all that matters
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      Pokes3220 replied to the thread WCWS.
      Just happy to be here
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      Pokes3220 replied to the thread OSU Womens Tennis.
      Oby wins in straight sets
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      Pokes3220 replied to the thread OSU Womens Tennis.
      Komar just got upset in 1st rnd, yikes
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      Pokes3220 replied to the thread OSU Womens Tennis.
      Poke choke alive and well
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      Pokes3220 replied to the thread Big 12 Softball Tournament.
      Kenny should apologize for that crap, what an embarrassing game, they didn’t care one bit and that’s a shame because it could cost us...
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      Pokes3220 replied to the thread Big 12 Softball Tournament.
      Pathetic effort
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      Pokes3220 replied to the thread New coach: David Taylor.
      I meant people inside of osu wrestling program, the team will obviously be fine, but lots of people inside the program are probably...
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      Pokes3220 replied to the thread New coach: David Taylor.
      Listen to Carson Cunninghams podcast where he had Seth Duckworth on, Seth said pretty much same thing
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