Recent content by oks10

  1. oks10

    Heritage Foundation Project 2025

    Which goes right along with my comment just above. Lol. Just blowing through this plan he "knows nothing about" and "doesn't support"...
  2. oks10

    Trump 47

    "Becoming disconnected"?? Buddy, that ship sailed a WHILE ago... Glad to see at least one recognize it though. Hopefully more will follow.
  3. oks10

    ryan walters

    "It's time to give a voice on the Board of Education to parents and students all across Oklahoma" - This was actually a smart statement to include since Walters is always ranting about letting parents have a say in their kids education.
  4. oks10

    Trump 47

    Replacing a "DEI hire" with someone so unqualified they require a waiver... Sure sounds like meritocracy to me!... 🙄
  5. oks10

    ryan walters Can someone please tell me what "power" the state doesn't have in terms of education that they're "giving back" by getting rid of the federal dept???
  6. oks10

    Trump 47

    Has there ever been such a big serving of "we told you so" after an election as this one??
  7. oks10

    Trump 47

    I think they're even aware that he lies but just don't care. That's when you get the "what he meant was..." BS.
  8. oks10

    Trump 47

    Not sure if anyone has shared this here before. For Trump "not having any idea" about Project 2025 and people claiming it's "not his plan" he sure seems to be blowing through it pretty quickly...
  9. oks10

    Trump 47

    You think he's above trying to add a '0' to the number of years in a term with an EO?
  10. oks10

    Trump 47

    He's at least partially right. MAGA would certainly follow the orange buffoon wandering aimlessly for 40yrs...
  11. oks10

    Trump 47

    Anybody catch this frame of that ridiculous video?? 🤣
  12. oks10

    ryan walters

    Rob Miller announced he's running for state superintendent. I needed a little bit of hopeful news today.
  13. oks10

    Funny Political Memes

    I don't know what's better. Trump's "uhhhhh" as he does anything possible to not call Putin a dictator or Macron's reaction... Whoever was filming this was a genius. Lol.
  14. oks10

    Trump 47

  15. oks10

    Funny Political Memes
