You just spoke my feelings about college sports in general. I'm officially less interested in the NIL games, more so in the scholarship/NIL games where the education is as important to the athlete as the game. Baseball/Softball not immune from NIL but so much less emphasis appeals to me and I...
We need Savannah State to run up the score on a "lesser" opponent, these guys are more legit than Central Mich or USA so we'll need to be ready. This crew knows how it feels to lose a game without a line but they also cover spreads.
Pokes - 34
JRabs - 24
You might be surprised that I agree with pretty much everything you said, except I didn't know you were a drag queen but I never thought of you as one before! :)
How you guys can get so behind a woman that is being shoved down your throats as a nominee and only garnered <1% of the vote for 2024 Presidential nominee. So sheepy it makes me think DNC is a cult
I'm sorry to inform you that "unbiased news" would gather few subscriptions these days, all of it seems bought to me. Politifacts talking points sent to me to make ones point is no way to share ones individual views. Type them yourself if you dare, I did!
I read both Politifact and The Hill...
First I listen for common messages across most media because when they're all saying the same thing, I know its a lie (easy to prove so far based on track record) or a misdirection away from something else hoping to go unnoticed. I don't trust politicians or media, any form of either, so I...
It's funny that we both feel like we get the answers we need from trusted sources to make an informed decision, yet we come to totally different conclusions. Seems the same thing happens again when we lose a game, some diehard Poke fans want to fire Gundy while others are incredulous believing...
Well then, there's one thing you wrote that I both believe in and promote and that's legal marijuana as medicine.
I'm in the energy business and one thing I can tell you is the value of crude oil goes up when scarce and goes down when plentiful. I like option #2 as a consumer and option #1 as...