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    • cowboyinexile
      cowboyinexile reacted to CowboyJD's post in the thread Trump 47 with Like Like.
      I’m betting his statement should have been in blue text….signifying sarcasm.
    • cowboyinexile
      cowboyinexile replied to the thread Trump 47.
      I'm not sure that everyone wants us to bulldoze Gaza. And even if we did, that doesn’t sound like a good thing to say when they are in...
    • cowboyinexile
      cowboyinexile reacted to steross's post in the thread Oklahoma is going backwards with Like Like.
      Gee, sounds like an expensive big government mechanism to have two methods of payment with various options. As a taxpayer, no thanks...
    • cowboyinexile
      cowboyinexile replied to the thread Trump 47.
      So, the president is senile again....
    • cowboyinexile
      cowboyinexile reacted to CowboyJD's post in the thread Oklahoma is going backwards with Informative Informative.
      It’s that “if they want” part that concerns me. Nothing in that bill actually specifically provides that the employee gets a say in the...
    • cowboyinexile
      Political corruption, people becoming uber wealthy and being above the law, rolling back voting rights for minorities, really hating...
    • cowboyinexile
      cowboyinexile replied to the thread Trump 47.
      This seems cruel and unusual.
    • cowboyinexile
      Why? Yes let's pay people in volital currency few understand. Because of reasons
    • cowboyinexile
      I’ll take my pay in Melania Coin thank you very much…
    • cowboyinexile
      cowboyinexile replied to the thread Trump 47.
      Grandpa needs a werthers original and a nap
    • cowboyinexile
      cowboyinexile replied to the thread Trump 47.
      So if they are going to do what they want no matter what the courts say and Congress isn't going to step in, what happens?
    • cowboyinexile
      cowboyinexile reacted to CowboyJD's post in the thread Trump 47 with Winner Winner.
      I firmly believe that all this aid/exertion of "soft power" needs to be rationally and effectively looked at and evaluated. Given...
    • cowboyinexile
      cowboyinexile replied to the thread Trump 47.
      Yeah. That can't be put back in the box. If you don't want the guy who spent hundreds of millions to get Trump elected to have...
    • cowboyinexile
      cowboyinexile replied to the thread Trump 47.
    • cowboyinexile
      cowboyinexile replied to the thread Trump 47. Almost forgot about the racism. Can't go a day without reminding us of that can they.
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