Recent content by cowboyinexile

  1. cowboyinexile

    Colley-Matrix National Champs….

    Famous people who share the same birthday. Michangelo, Shaq, Alan Bowman, and me.
  2. cowboyinexile

    Republican infighting

    To be fair, if anyone’s an expert on fake outrage it's her.
  3. cowboyinexile

    US continues to go backward...

    Only 3? Man my day doesn't start until I get my morning coffee and commit armed robbery at the local cstore. Dave Ramsey approved because it really saves money avoiding ATM fees.
  4. cowboyinexile

    US continues to go forward

    Maybe as an actress?
  5. cowboyinexile

    College Football 25

    Readers added context
  6. cowboyinexile

    US continues to go forward

    We should do that with troops in the ground too. They would look like this:
  7. cowboyinexile

    2024 Presidential Election

    Hey, I guess we found the line hardcore MAGAstans are not willing to cross.
  8. cowboyinexile

    DEA to reclassify Marijuana from sched I to Sched III narcotic

    And let the hippes win? Man, you must be high
  9. cowboyinexile

    The Steross Market and Investing Thread

    You should make your own investment thread. With blackjack and hookers
  10. cowboyinexile

    Trump 2024 Run Thread

    But if you talk to his followers his đź’© doesn't stink
  11. cowboyinexile

    2025 Recruiting Thread

    How many WR's are we taking?