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    • CowboyJD
      CowboyJD reacted to cowboyinexile's post in the thread Trump 47 with Like Like.
      Please tell me this is not fake.
    • CowboyJD
      CowboyJD reacted to steross's post in the thread Trump 47 with Winner Winner.
      You want laws made where the people get government services, but not pay enough to cover the government services so that future...
    • CowboyJD
      CowboyJD reacted to JTOSU's post in the thread Trump 47 with Haha Haha.
      100% want to pass tax cuts. Unlike you I am not selfish and want other people to have control over themselves and their families. I...
    • CowboyJD
      CowboyJD reacted to PF5's post in the thread Funny Political Memes with Like Like.
      not worth my time...
    • CowboyJD
      CowboyJD replied to the thread US continues to go backward....
      Neither Missouri criminal statutes nor Oklahoma statutes has a specific crime of lynching on the books. So “he wasn’t convicted of...
    • CowboyJD
      CowboyJD reacted to JTOSU's post in the thread US continues to go backward... with Boring Boring.
      He hasn’t provided an honest answer on here before (I applaud you for trying to reply to him). I doubt he will change, but he did just...
    • CowboyJD
      CowboyJD reacted to JTOSU's post in the thread US continues to go backward... with Haha Haha.
      You missed the point and why posted the article from the police defense site. I agree sites have bias. You posted from a site that...
    • CowboyJD
      CowboyJD reacted to PF5's post in the thread US continues to go backward... with Like Like.
      interesting how quickly we chose sides, and also interesting which sides were picked...not surprising...
    • CowboyJD
      CowboyJD replied to the thread US continues to go backward....
      Cambridge dictionary: the punishment of someone who is thought to be guilty of a crime, without a legal trial, by killing them...
    • CowboyJD
      CowboyJD reacted to GOGETUMPOKE's post in the thread US continues to go backward... with Boring Boring.
      So he didn’t lynch anyone?
    • CowboyJD
      CowboyJD replied to the thread US continues to go backward....
      1. He was convicted of involuntary manslaughter and sentenced to six years incarceration in prison. 2. The Missouri Governor didn’t...
    • CowboyJD
      CowboyJD reacted to JTOSU's post in the thread US continues to go backward... with Haha Haha.
      Your choice if you don’t want to believe the article from that site. It is wise to be critical and understand bias from different...
    • CowboyJD
      CowboyJD reacted to JTOSU's post in the thread Trump 47 with Haha Haha.
      Estimate FY revenues and apply a spending ceiling for that FY…and then adjust (+/-) in following years based on actual revenues. But we...
    • CowboyJD
      CowboyJD reacted to Bowers3's post in the thread Trump 47 with Like Like.
      He ain't wrong. Also, you know he's the one who introduced the first "piece of crap" 1,500-page CR right? Here's what he said about it...
    • CowboyJD
      CowboyJD replied to the thread Oklahoma is going backwards.
      Whereas I also work for the State and there is absolutely zero way I could do my job remotely. It just wouldn’t work…couldn’t…ever...
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