US continues to go backward...

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Good Luck Charlie What GIF


If that was true, I’d be a HELLUVA lot more busy than I am.
if you're behind in the Polls then its all fake

Kari Lake again suggests election tampering as she trails Ruben Gallego in polls for Arizona senate seat​

Wannabe Arizona senator Kari Lake is once again fanning the flames of alleged election tampering as she stares down a bruising battle with Rep. Ruben Gallego.

“If [the election] were today, I wouldn’t be all that confident,” Lake told Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures.”

“I know we have a lot of people, including myself, fighting to improve the laws and make sure they’re following the laws. We have got many lawsuits running, one of them in Arizona, fighting to make sure illegals aren’t voting,” she said.

Lake, 54, has long trafficked in dubious claims that the 2020 election was “rigged” against former President Donald Trump and that electoral malfeasance robbed her of victory in her 2022 bid to be governor.

She has filed multiple lawsuits challenging the 2022 election results but has so fail largely failed in court.

Now that she is vying for the Senate, Lake is seemingly trying to burnish more of an appeal to centrists, including by moderating her stance on abortion and trying not to dwell on past elections.

On Sunday, Fox News host Maria Bartiormo asked Lake if she believed the motivation behind the White House’s open-border crisis is to “get illegals, foreigners to vote for the Democrats.”

“Oh, absolutely, 1,000 percent. Otherwise, they would be working hard to get the SAVE Act through, which will prevent that,” Lake replied, referring to proposed legislation that would require proof of US citizenship to vote in federal elections.

“Instead, in every state around the country, you’re seeing Democrats fight tooth and nail any piece of legislation which will prevent illegals from voting,” Lake said.

Fresh polling shows Lake down relative to Gallego.

Gallego is currently narrowly eclipsing Lake 45% to 41%, according to polling from the New York Times, Philadelphia Inquirer and Siena College.

Lake is also down in the latest RealClearPolitics aggregate of Arizona polling 41% to 46%.

Meanwhile, Trump tops President Biden in the Grand Canyon State 49% to 42%, the poll shows.

Arizona is widely regarded as a key battleground state in the 2024 race for control of the Senate.

Democrats are effectively forced to defend 23 seats compared to Republicans’ 11.

In the battleground states of Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, Trump is largely outperforming Republican contenders while Biden is underperforming Democrats, the survey says.

In Pennsylvania, Republican David McCormick trails incumbent Sen. Bob Casey (D-Penn.) 41% to 46%, while Trump is besting Biden 47% to 44%, according to the poll.

Out west in Nevada, Republican Sam Brown trails Sen. Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.) 38% to 40%, while Trump was up 50% to 38%.

Some political pundits and analysts expressed doubts that Trump really has a double-digit lead over Biden in Nevada.

Then up north in Wisconsin, Eric Hovde was behind incumbent Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) 40% to 49%, while Trump narrowly lagged behind in Wisconsin with 45% to Biden’s 47%.

The poll sampled 4,097 registered voters between April 28 and May 9. It had a margin of error of plus or minus 4.2 points in Arizona, 3.6 points in Pennsylvania, as well as 4.5 points in both Nevada and Wisconsin.

Tucker Carlson claims on Joe Rogan Podcast that Alex Jones is a supernatural prophet who predicted 9/11

Former Fox News Host Tucker Carlson says conspiracy theorist and conservative commentator Alex Jones has tapped into a supernatural force that allows him to predict the future.

Carlson made the comments on a recent episode of Joe Rogan's podcast.

“He’s channeling something,” Carlson said. “I’ve asked him about it. ‘How did you do that?’ At length, during dinner on my barn recently. We’re talking about this. ‘How’d you do that?’ ‘I don't know. It just came to me.’ And that’s real. That is real. The supernatural is real and I don’t know why it’s hard for the modern mind — I guess because it’s a materialist mind — to accept that.”

He continued, explaining the idea of the prophet throughout history.

“That’s not a new phenomenon. It’s happened throughout history," Carlson said. "There are people called prophets, and there are people who were prophets who weren’t called prophets, but there are people who have information or parts of information, bits of information, visions of information come to them and then they relay it.”

Carlson supported the idea that Jones possessed supernatural gifts by telling Rogan that the Info Wars host had ‘predicted’ 9/11.

“Well, and he’s also channeling some stuff. You can’t call 9/11 in detail because you’re super informed before the fact. He called it. He literally called it in the summer of 2001. He said, planes will fly into the World Trade Centers and they will blame a man called Osama bin Laden. We know that he said that because he said it on tape multiple times. And then he said, call the White House and tell them this," Carlson said. "That’s all we know about Alex Jones.”

Except Jones wasn't the only one making those ‘predictions.’

Jones did predict in the summer before 9/11 that a US-conducted false-flag terror attack might occur and that it might even happen at the World Trade Center in New York.

But a month prior to Jones' prediction, another noted conspiracy theorist and broadcaster, Bill Cooper, made an even more pointed prediction, claiming that Osama Bin Laden would be blamed for a major attack against the US, according to Rolling Stone.

Bin Laden was a known terrorist even before the 9/11 attacks. In 2020, members of al-Qaeda launched a suicide attack against the USS Cole, killing 17 sailors. He was also linked to the deadly bombings of two embassies in Africa in 1998. So, predicting a future Bin Laden attack wasn’t a bold claim.

Jones is no stranger to outlandish claims as his denial of the Sandy Hook school shooting left him in legal trouble.

Last year, Jones was found to have defamed the families of Sandy Hook victims and was ordered to pay $1.5bn. He called the shooting a hoax and insinuated that the crying parents of the victims were crisis actors employed by the US government to help justify a Democrat-led gun confiscation program.

The ruling came just months after Jones was allowed to return to X/Twitter — thanks to X/Twitter owner Elon Musk — after the conspiracy theorist was banned in 2018 for posting harassing messages.

The Rogan episode is not the first time Carlson has brought up the supernatural during an interview. In February, Carlson sat down with Russian President Vladimir Putin for a strange, rambling discussion.

The interview was full of unusual tangents — Mr Putin's alternative history lessons about Ukraine, Mr Putin making fun of Carlson to his face and Carlson doing one genuinely good thing by standing up for imprisoned Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich — but may have peaked when Carlson asked Mr Putin about the supernatural.

"Do you see the supernatural at work as you look out across what's happening in the world now? Do you see God at work? Do you ever think to yourself, 'these are forces that are not human?’" Carlson asked.

Mr Putin shrugged off Carlson's softball windup.

"No, to be honest. I don't think so," he said.

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This is a good watch and really gets at the crux of what has to happen for us to get back to both parties governing for us. When it comes to $ there is no what aboutism. Both sides are playing everyone for fools.

Stick through the part on Sen Menendez where he gets to “legal corruption.”

Who scheduled numbnuts to speak at a commencement address? This should be the only date on his calendar for a longtime.
Was he a numbnut for celebrating women, including those with successful careers, and promoting the importance of mothers? Was he wrong for publicly stating his wife is incredible and he is blessed to be married to her? Or should he be cancelled for mentioning the importance of men living in the homes of their children and helping the community? Or offensive for daring to say he is devout in his faith?

People, like our resident zzzz’s posters, continue to go out of their way looking for ways to be offended.
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Was he a numbnut for celebrating women, including those with successful careers, and promoting the importance of mothers? Was he wrong for publicly stating his wife is incredible and he is blessed to be married to her? Or should he be cancelled for mentioning the importance of men living in the homes of their children and helping the community? Or offensive for daring to say he is devout in his faith?

People continue to go out of their way looking for ways to be offended.
He came off to me as a well meaning knuckle dragger longing for the good old days .1950 ‘s Ozzy & Hariet where men were men, and women were treated as little more than house help by their domineering husbands. Women don’t need to vote. Women’s bodies should be under total control of men and the government of course. Get hubby to co-sign and you can possibly get a credit card. Make America Great Again for whom? It’s sure not for females . IMO
He came off to me as a well meaning knuckle dragger longing for the good old days .1950 ‘s Ozzy & Hariet where men were men, and women were treated as little more than house help by their domineering husbands. Women don’t need to vote. Women’s bodies should be under total control of men and the government of course. Get hubby to co-sign and you can possibly get a credit card. Make America Great Again for whom? It’s sure not for females . IMO
Curious. Did you watch or read his speech or just the misinformation and out of context snippets on twitter (like the ones posted above that included statements not in the speech)?

If I believed the things the twittersphere claimed Butker said then I too wouldn’t have like it.

People don’t have to agree with everything he said. I didn’t. I am neither catholic nor religious, but he spoke about catholic values to an audience of Catholics.
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Curious. Did you watch or read his speech or just the misinformation and out of context snippets on twitter?
but he spoke about catholic values to an audience of Catholics.

DID YOU watch or read the Speech?

Are we just going to pretend that in the middle of a HOTLY debated Election year that a College Key Note Speaker who goes up and interjects his own personal opinions about the following things about the Current POTUS and blaming the Biden Admin for COVID , Comparing IVF to Abortion and Euthanasia as bad Policy, is just good old Catholic Values ??

I mean Good Old Catholic Values where you get up there and Bash the Catholic Priesthood and the Catholic Church
The bishops and priests appointed by God as our spiritual fathers must be rightly ordered. There is not enough time today for me to list all the stories of priests and bishops misleading their flocks, but none of us can blame ignorance anymore and just blindly proclaim that that's what father said

He also criticized the Catholic church and bishops and priests for “misleading their flocks” by prioritizing familiarity with their parishioners instead of being teachers, quoting Taylor Swift—girlfriend of teammate Travis Kelce—by saying “familiarity breeds contempt.”

Hint he is blaming all of this on Biden and the Biden Admin
"While COVID might have played a large role throughout your formative years, it is not unique," he said. "The bad policies and poor leadership have negatively impacted major life issues. Things like abortion, IVF, surrogacy, euthanasia, as well as a growing support for the degenerate cultural values and media all stem from pervasiveness of disorder."

Calling the Current POTUS Delusional because he doesn't like the way the POTUS practices his own faith. And at what point the location where you pray to God and make the sign of the Cross as you Pray supporting anything. The Bible tells us to Pray Continually. But now its against Catholic Values to Pray in the Wrong space, to show outward Love to GOD in at the WRONG Place and TIME? How is there EVER A WRONG TIME TO PRAY ???!!!
He criticized Biden for proclaiming his Catholic faith while being “delusional enough to make the sign of the cross during a pro-abortion rally,” accusing the president of making it appear “that you can be both Catholic and pro-choice.”

Hey its all OK though...he was called by God to Teach us all these "Hard Truths" (Hint, this means he came there with an agenda to deliver these hard truths.)

It is safe to say that over the past few years I've gained quite the reputation for speaking my mind. I never envisioned myself nor wanted to have this sort of a platform but God has given it to me so I have no other choice but to embrace it and preach more hard truths

A Perfect example of America Going Backwards.

A Celebrity with an agenda shows up to a big event in front of 1000's to deliver their brand of own personal Religious and Political Beliefs they somehow think the Universe or God has tasked them to deliver to Americans.
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He criticized Biden for proclaiming his Catholic faith while being “delusional enough to make the sign of the cross during a pro-abortion rally,” accusing the president of making it appear “that you can be both Catholic and pro-choice.”
As I mentioned I didn’t agree with everything he said because I am not Catholic. And I am pro-choice. Again he was speaking at a catholic university to catholic students and staff.

Not sure why his statements are surprising, controversial, or offensive to you. The Catholic faith is decidedly pro-life. Pope Francis, arguably the most liberal Pope in modern times, called abortion murder.
And even just earlier this year a Cardinal and an Archbishop criticized Biden’s stance on abortion…calling him a cafeteria catholic.
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As I mentioned I didn’t agree with everything he said because I am not Catholic. And I am pro-choice. Again he was speaking at a catholic university to catholic students and staff.

Not sure why his statements are surprising, controversial, or offensive to you. The Catholic faith is decidedly pro-life. Pope Francis, arguably the most liberal Pope in modern times, called abortion murder.
And even just earlier this year a Cardinal and an Archbishop criticized Biden’s stance on abortion…calling him a cafeteria catholic.
So I show up at church on Sunday. Make the sign of the Cross and Pray for those around me and ask them to join me in a prayer seeking Gods Input and Wisdom.

I'm a BASTION of Christian Conservatism

However, I go to a Pro Choice Rally, Make the sign of the Cross and Pray for those Around me and Ask them to join me in a prayer seeking Gods Input and Wisdom. I'm a horrible Christian and Anti-My own Faith.

is that correct ?

He is LITERRALLY arguing that praying at a Pro Choice Rally makes Catholics Look bad...he even said it makes Biden "APPEAR" bad.

He has ZERO clue what is in Biden's heart, of what Biden was praying for that day. he is literally blasting the POTUS for PRAYING AT THE WRONG place because it "APPEARED" to look bad.

I can just picture it now. A bunch of lets say Ancient JEWISH Priest sitting around.....Then this JESUS guy and his disciples comes to town....starts hanging out with all the prostitutes, criminals, sinners, demon possessed , etc Guess who BLASTED him......Guess who shouted these people don't represent our Religious Beliefs yet you still "APPEAR" to associate with them.......thats right...the people who claimed to be the Children and Priests of God.....blasted GODS OWN son for praying with, meeting with, eating with, preaching to.........God's children who needed to hear the message the most

I know you said your not a religious person. Please consider giving a read of the Bible a chance and I above ALL things implore you....don't look to the Pope as the end all be all authority on Christianity. Gathering with those that need God Most, Praying amongst them, Tell them of God's love for them.......That is the BLUEPRINT the Bible gave us.

While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples. When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.
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