Travis Wittlake transferring, likely to OSU northwest

Said on Intermat forum he was going to Oregon State. Not sure why. He was too small for 184. 174 is better weight for him. So was Plott better. and he couldn't start at 174? We some who thought Plott would redshirt this year and Whitlake start. My guess ie Plott wasn't going to redshirt (because of either his or Coach Smith's choice). And Whitlake thought he had better chance at 174 and decided to move to place he could wrestle at that weight. Maybe so. Is new freshman Thompson better than Whitlake so Whitlake wouldn't start at 184. Maybe.
With focus on OSU only, I think it means Plott is likely better than Whitlake so Whitlake could not start at 174 (his best weight). It also may mean Thompson is better than him, so Whitlake could not start at 184. Meaning he sits on bench his last year, and to avoid this he decides to go to Oregon State.
5 years and most of our fans couldn't bother to figure out how to spell his name. Damn shame. Great Cowboy. Hope he does great at Oregon State.
Spell check is a real thing…get off the high horse!!! It’s not that deep at the end of the day. Apologies to the Wittlake family. I’m sure I’m not the first to misspell his name, and probably won’t be the last either.