Random TV and movie thoughts.


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A spot for stuff that doesn’t warrant an entire thread!

How is Ancient Aliens still on after 20 seasons? Who watches this thing?


Robbie D just became a father at 79! Somewhere there is a woman of child bearing age letting this codger climb on and do his business! Fame and money man, fame and money…

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More Oklahoma centric than TV and Film but as she’s a star… I’ll admit I haven’t been down every backroad in OK, but there isn’t a portion of it I haven’t spent some considerable time in and I love all of it! (In reality from around Woodward west love is a pretty strong word) But is there any portion of the state where Reba’s uber cornbread accent is actually the norm? If there is I haven’t seen it. I’m convinced it’s an affect.

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A spot for stuff that doesn’t warrant an entire thread!

How is Ancient Aliens still on after 20 seasons? Who watches this thing?


Robbie D just became a father at 79! Somewhere there is a woman of child bearing age letting this codger climb on and do his business! Fame and money man, fame and money…

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Ancient Apocalypse on Netflix. Compelling argument to our shared history.
Saw X was properly squirmy. I do have admit there was one sequence with some innards that made me laugh a good deal.