Audit shows Oklahoma likely misspent millions in federal relief funds


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Audit shows Oklahoma likely misspent millions in federal relief funds​

Apparently 600+ families out of 1100ish who's kids qualified to get funding for education with COVID funds couldn't collect what the state said they were to pay them because the funds had already been spent...this opened the door for an audit which has found some very bad issues

I’m afraid, like at the national Republican Party level, bad things get buried or covered up repeatedly. Stitt and Walters are right in the middle of this, but tax payers will foot the bill if we have to pay back the misappropriated monies. Hell, I’m still waiting to see heads roll over EPIC charter schools and the Swadleys fiasco. But these two expressly follow their leaders action, when one thing begins breaking bad, do something more outlandish to divert attention. Keep it up long enough, claim victimhood and dirty pool, wash, rinse, and repeat. Apparently more than a few gullible fools will believe you’re innocent.
I’m afraid, like at the national DEMOCRAT Party level, bad things get buried or covered up repeatedly. Stitt and Walters are right in the middle of this, but tax payers will foot the bill if we have to pay back the misappropriated monies. Hell, I’m still waiting to see heads roll over EPIC charter schools and the Swadleys fiasco. But these two expressly follow their leaders action, when one thing begins breaking bad, do something more outlandish to divert attention. Keep it up long enough, claim victimhood and dirty pool, wash, rinse, and repeat. Apparently more than a few gullible fools will believe you’re innocent.
Fixed it for ya!!! How's that for Whataboutism? You finally win @Verbal :ROFLMAO:
I’m afraid, like at the national Republican Party level, bad things get buried or covered up repeatedly. Stitt and Walters are right in the middle of this, but tax payers will foot the bill if we have to pay back the misappropriated monies. Hell, I’m still waiting to see heads roll over EPIC charter schools and the Swadleys fiasco. But these two expressly follow their leaders action, when one thing begins breaking bad, do something more outlandish to divert attention. Keep it up long enough, claim victimhood and dirty pool, wash, rinse, and repeat. Apparently more than a few gullible fools will believe you’re innocent.
Ahh, Cindy Byrd, who is in charge of the audit, is a Republican and was heavily endorsed by Stitt.

We need more of these audits. But more importantly --- we need actions to curtail the waste. The amount of wasteful government spending is a problem that hasn't been solved and just seems to grow. It is just stupid that people can't, or more likely just refuse, to realize that wasteful spending is not specific to a political party.
Ahh, Cindy Byrd, who is in charge of the audit, is a Republican and was heavily endorsed by Stitt.

We need more of these audits. But more importantly --- we need actions to curtail the waste. The amount of wasteful government spending is a problem that hasn't been solved and just seems to grow. It is just stupid that people can't, or more likely just refuse, to realize that wasteful spending is not specific to a political party.
It’s been so long since Democrats had any real say in this state to remember. All I see are Republican majorities that will do anything to remain in power.
It’s been so long since Democrats had any real say in this state to remember. All I see are Republican majorities that will do anything to remain in power.
Maybe I just see a little more of this due to my job. Certainly there are many federal funds that Republicans in Oklahoma have control. But a lot of federal funds are spent without Governor oversight.
I am not going to get in the blame game, but there was a $7M+ federal grant in NE Oklahoma recently that was 100% from Biden Administration. Some of that spend made sense, IMO, but most was waste.

Also, many of the pandemic dollars had expiration dates and cities/counties/communities had to make quick decisions on usage --- because it was literally a use or lose proposition for them. Which is asinine. Congress and WH administrations share that blame. Along with city/county officials for making silly and political decisions on spend.
Maybe I just see a little more of this due to my job. Certainly there are many federal funds that Republicans in Oklahoma have control. But a lot of federal funds are spent without Governor oversight.
I am not going to get in the blame game, but there was a $7M+ federal grant in NE Oklahoma recently that was 100% from Biden Administration. Some of that spend made sense, IMO, but most was waste.

Also, many of the pandemic dollars had expiration dates and cities/counties/communities had to make quick decisions on usage --- because it was literally a use or lose proposition for them. Which is asinine. Congress and WH administrations share that blame. Along with city/county officials for making silly and political decisions on spend.
Just read the article from the original post. The COVID relief money, of which there 4.2 trillion, had about 280 billion stolen and another 120 billion wasted or misspent.
Break The Rules Cartoon GIF
In Oklahoma the Dems have no power.
Any graft and corruption comes from one party only. At a national level they both blow money, but this thread is about Oklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the plain, and Walters and Stitt are crackpot rubes.
In Oklahoma the Dems have no power.
Any graft and corruption comes from one party only. At a national level they both blow money, but this thread is about Oklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the plain, and Walters and Stitt are crackpot rubes.
If you want to think only one party is the issue in wasteful spending or "graft and corruption" in Oklahoma ....I don't know what to say.
Just read the article from the original post. The COVID relief money, of which there 4.2 trillion, had about 280 billion stolen and another 120 billion wasted or misspent.
Break The Rules Cartoon GIF
Do you happen to know which states blew or misappropriated funds other than deep red Oklahoma?
But is it the truth? I’ll start looking.
It's more likely the truth than your proposition....that Oklahoma is the sole state that blew or misappropriated COVID funds.

Given that every state got COVID funds and given the report I cited from NPR, it's a very safe bet that COVID-19 fraud was widespread across most if not all states.
Pick a state, any state, and google misappropriated COVID funds. You will find problems.


New York

