2024 Presidential Election

And the GOP demands that the office of VP and POTUS be shown respect regardless of who occupies them took right!!! Right !???

FYI...it didn't pass but 106 House Republicans just voted in favor of defending the entire VP office


Right wing conspiracy sights are now accusing him of being an FBI informant against Trump. He was one of the biggest GOP $$$ contributors out there.​

Peter Thiel says the Trump administration 'couldn't get the most basic pieces of the government to work'​

  • Peter Thiel says he's done giving money for GOP candidates for the 2024 cycle.
  • Thiel told the Atlantic that he hopes his comments will "lock me out of the cycle for 2024."
  • Thiel has given tens of millions to GOP candidates in recent years.
Billionaire Peter Thiel is scaling back his political spending ahead of next year's presidential election, a sign that the libertarian mega-donor is clearly dejected after previously giving millions to candidates, including former President Donald Trump.

Thiel told the Atlantic that he has no intention of giving money to Republican politicians in advance of next year's elections after playing a major role during the midterms.

Thiel gave over $30 million to just Blake Masters and JD Vance's US Senate campaigns in Arizona and Ohio respectively, according to federal campaign finance records. Masters, a Thiel protege, failed to oust Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly. Vance won an open seat after Trump's endorsement catapulted him to a primary win.

"There's always a chance I might change my mind. But by talking to you, it makes it hard for me to change my mind," Thiel told the Atlantic. "My husband doesn't want me to give them any more money, and he's right. I know they're going to be pestering me like crazy. And by talking to you, it's going to lock me out of the cycle for 2024."

While Thiel said he does not regret supporting Trump, journalist Barton Gellman describes Thiel as a mixture of both reassigned and nihilistic after watching how the Trump presidency unfolded.

"There are a lot of things I got wrong," Thiel said. "It was crazier than I thought. It was more dangerous than I thought. They couldn't get the most basic pieces of the government to work. So that was—I think that part was maybe worse than even my low expectations."

Thiel endorsed Trump during the 2016 GOP national convention. He later worked on Trump's transition team. Thiel even left Meta's board so he could support more candidates who were aligned with Trump. But now, Thiel struggles to explain his disappointment.

"I have to somehow give the exact right answer, where it's like, 'Yeah, I'm somewhat disenchanted,'" Thiel said. "But throwing him totally under the bus? That's like, you know—I'll get yelled at by Mr. Trump. And if I don't throw him under the bus, that's—but—somehow, I have to get the tone exactly right."

What is clear is that Thiel does not subscribe to Trump's long-debunked claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him due to widespread election fraud.

"Look, I don't think the election was stolen."

In terms of Trump's efforts to later overturn the results and thwart the certification of Biden's victory, Thiel said, "I'll agree with you that it was not helpful."


Texas judge rules against GOP lawsuit seeking to toss 2022 election result in Houston area​


Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene moves to impeach US homeland security secretary​

Is everyone ready for the Manchin /Romney Independent run for the Oval Office?
Count Me In Rick And Morty GIF
looks like they may actually be going for it
I hope so. Centrists from each party would make a great ticket as far as I’m concerned. Will people be able to give up their blind party affiliation? That’s the real question for me.
Where are you seeing this? I told my wife last night that if Manchin runs, and looks like he might have a chance, I would probably vote for him. First I'm hearing of Romney.
Sorry I was talking about the Committee that is trying to draft them...they are trying to convince them to run together.

Shortly after Manchin revealed he would not seek reelection, one group had already begun making moves to coax the West Virginia Democrat into joining a bipartisan presidential ticket with Romney, who announced his own retirement in September. The Draft Romney Manchin Committee filed with the Federal Election Commission on Thursday and plans to make an announcement as soon as next week, according to the Wall Street Journal.
“Sen. Romney was not aware of this effort, and he is not considering running for president on any ticket," Romney's chief of staff, Liz Johnson, told the Washington Examiner.

However, Manchin and Romney have been considered top contenders for the No Labels ticket, as both senators garnered national name recognition for their willingness to break with their own party on key points.
Not a Romney fan, but I could vote for Manchin. Or Manchin/Romney, as opposed to vice versa.