Oklahoma woman files federal complaint against OU Health for allegedly denying life-saving abortion care

Just how would male Republican legislators, who want abortion banned, like it if their pregnant wife's condition turned life threatening? Would they just say it's all due to God's will and if as a result she dies, then she dies, even after much prayer. It could also mean two lives lost. But I suppose to them to try to undermine God's will could provoke His wrath upon them. For freedom of religion, I don't mind much if Republicans actually want to practice their religion in this way. But it's wrong and immoral of them to pass laws expecting everybody to do the same thing in dealing with life threatening pregnancies.
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Just how would male Republican legislators, who want abortion banned, like it if their pregnant wife's condition turned life threatening? Would they just say it's all due to God's will and if as a result she dies, then she dies even after much prayer. It could also mean two lives lost. But I suppose to them to try to undermine God's will could provoke His wrath upon them.

Can’t decide if this is the usual anti Republican or some new anti Christian BS

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Can’t decide if this is the usual anti Republican or some new anti Christian BS

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But surely Sen. Mullin thinks my point is how many Oklahoma Republicans are just being proudly pro-life and pro Republican in being against abortion to that extent. After all, did you not see Mullin's ad for the primary in which it was boasted that he was pro-life with no exceptions. Surely, he speaks for thousands of Oklahoma Republican or far-right Christian voters.

Furthermore, while not closely related, in 2019, at the Texas state capitol in a long hearing that went into the wee hours of the morning people expressed support for a bill that could give women the death penalty who get abortions. The bill died in committee. But who knows many thousands of people they were speaking for?
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But surely Sen. Mullin thinks my point is how many Oklahoma Republicans are just being proudly pro-life and pro Republican in being against abortion to that extent. After all, did you not see Mullin's ad for the primary in which it was boasted that he was pro-life with no exceptions. Surely, he speaks for thousands of Oklahoma Republican or far-right Christian voters.

Furthermore, while not closely related, in 2019, at the Texas state capitol in a long hearing that went into the wee hours of the morning people expressed support for a bill that could give women the death penalty who get abortions. The bill died in committee. But who knows many thousands of people they were speaking for?

I don’t get Oklahoma political ads here, so no, but I’m sure it wasn’t pretty. As far as the TX bill the fact that it was proposed is unfortunate but that it died a quick death means it wasn’t supported by many. Goofy bills presented as a way to show you’re trying to fulfill crazy, pandering campaign promises that you know are certain to fail is an easy out for politicians. “Hey, I tried, now where’s that PAC cash!”

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