Recent content by Vakarian74

  1. V

    Trump 47

    These Effing Morons are cutting their own power. Man I thought they wer stupid. I guess I gave them too much credit.
  2. V

    Trump 47

    Roll over and let him and Putin have whatever the F they want
  3. V

    US continues to go forward

    If that’s what is done I’m fine with the change that way.
  4. V

    US continues to go forward

    I personally would error for the side of health but this is America it will be the all mighty dollar that makes the decision.
  5. V

    US continues to go forward

    No one wants to give up anything for their preferred option but something has to be changed to make permanent DSt or Standard time work.
  6. V

    US continues to go forward

    Then move school times back if DST is full time. Having kids go to the bus stop in the dark is going to cause a lot of heart ache.
  7. V

    US continues to go forward

    Instead of 9 to 5 do a five to one if you want more daylight at the end of the day
  8. V

    US continues to go forward

    Too dark during the winter in the morning. Adjust you work hours instead of the time.
  9. V

    US continues to go forward

    We should go to standard time.
  10. V

    Ukraine. Ukraine. Ukraine.

    All I here from one side is the equivalent to if she didn’t want to be assaulted she shouldn’t have worn that or more on the point yelling at their kid for hitting someone when they only were defending themselves.
  11. V

    Funny Political Memes

    That was the Estrogen they put in it to try and get you to become Stillwaterwoman.
  12. V

    Trump 47

    That’s only if they decide to actually respect you in the first place, which they never have and they never will
  13. V

    Trump 47

    They should have arrested her for illegal entrance into the country.
  14. V

    US continues to go forward

    Man why you quoting that Highly Liberal Cato institute?
  15. V

    Trump 47

    Feathers too?