Recent content by UpGrayedd Double Dose

  1. UpGrayedd Double Dose

    Trump 47

    One party not clapping for the other (policy wise) has been going on for as long as I can remember, but it hasn't always been this bad. Everyone from both parties used to clap for the feel good moments. However, what I can't stand even more than that is the heckling from members of Congress...
  2. UpGrayedd Double Dose

    Trump 47

    I think you forgot to copy and paste all of the post. It should have started with "Once upon a time..." 😉
  3. UpGrayedd Double Dose

    Trump 47

    This is unbelievable.
  4. UpGrayedd Double Dose

    US continues to go forward

    What age would you raise it to?
  5. UpGrayedd Double Dose

    American Healthcare continues to go backward

    And 82.4% of people believe them whether they're accurate statistics or not. 😉
  6. UpGrayedd Double Dose

    Oklahoma is going backwards

    I know, but it is one of the funniest things I have read in a long time.
  7. UpGrayedd Double Dose

    Oklahoma is going backwards

    This should have been posted in the funny political memes thread.
  8. UpGrayedd Double Dose

    Trump 47

    I grew up as a child of the 80's. I really don't understand the lovefest I see with Trump and his supporters for the Evil Empire. Reagan must be rolling over in his grave.
  9. UpGrayedd Double Dose

    Trump 47

    The funny thing is, Trump doesn't really want to take credit for it because so many of his supporters are anti-vaxxers.
  10. UpGrayedd Double Dose

    Trump 47

    I apologize to both Rob B and CowboyJD. I am a big enough man to recognize and admit when I have acted like a jackwagon, and not like a Christian. We are all Cowboys here so I hope we can let bygones be bygones.
  11. UpGrayedd Double Dose

    Trump 47

    I'm done. It has become a little childish, and I don't want this thread locked because of me.
  12. UpGrayedd Double Dose

    Trump 47

    Sure, I'm anonymous, but what have I said that makes me an internet tough guy? You and Rob have both called me out like that. Do you both actually want to fight me? Are you trying to intimidate or scare me, because it's not working.
  13. UpGrayedd Double Dose

    Trump 47

    Lol, you can't help yourself can you?
  14. UpGrayedd Double Dose

    Trump 47

    Dude, you're the one that needs to give it a rest. If you have any clients on this board you aren't doing yourself any favors...