PF5's latest activity

  • PF5
    PF5 reacted to milehighpoke's post in the thread US continues to go backward... with Winner Winner.
    It's amazing to me how the ultra wealthy have convinced about 50% of the country (who are more than likely at, or just above, the...
  • PF5
    PF5 replied to the thread US continues to go backward....
    stats can be deceiving and confusing and would take too long to explain the tax system for Americans on this thread, and it...
  • PF5
    PF5 replied to the thread US continues to go backward....
    You either don’t understand how the super wealthy avoid paying their share or you’re in denial…bless your heart…
  • PF5
    PF5 reacted to Vakarian74's post in the thread US continues to go backward... with Like Like.
    I had an argument with somebody when Romney was running. He paid think it was 13% in taxes. I paid 18% in taxes. Yes he paid more total...
  • PF5
    PF5 reacted to mugatu's post in the thread US continues to go backward... with Like Like.
    Because they make more!!! They pay lower rates. We don't tax flat rate. Someone making 50k/year shouldn't pay the same as someone...
  • PF5
    PF5 replied to the thread Supreme Court.
    • IMG_2321.png
  • PF5
    PF5 replied to the thread US continues to go backward....
    just one small example: trump paid $750 in federal income taxes in 2016 & 2017...I paid WAY more than he did...
  • PF5
    PF5 replied to the thread US continues to go backward....
    so you would choose A.? Carefully read the following again from option B (or read for first time) and tell me which part is wrong or...
  • PF5
    PF5 replied to the thread US continues to go backward....
    I prefer B. A: Tackling America’s debt problem will require either tax hikes or cuts to benefits, such as social security and health...
  • PF5
    PF5 replied to the thread Supreme Court.
    ok joe, time to test this new immunity ruling...double the # of justices with your choices...or get rid of some of the justices...allow...
  • PF5
    PF5 reacted to cowboyinexile's post in the thread OT: Questions about living in OKC with Like Like.
    I get that. The other non sports threads don't get much traffic so where else are you going to ask? OP did ask about tornado shelters...
  • PF5
    PF5 replied to the thread Supreme Court.
  • PF5
    PF5 replied to the thread US continues to go backward....
  • PF5
    PF5 replied to the thread OT: Questions about living in OKC.
    if you have a car you don´t want hailed on, have a home with a garage or buy a cover...when I read the initial post I thought to myself...
  • PF5
    PF5 reacted to cowboyinexile's post in the thread Biden 2024 Run Thread with Agree Agree.
    Nobody's said they are personally impacted by them and then told to suck it up when they explain it.