Recent content by Oklapokes

  1. O

    Dunn and Nardo gone, per reports

    You are right about Latigo’s. It was a great for date nights and Sunday evening meals.
  2. O

    Gundy Not in Trouble….restructuring

    Great sentiment and agree with every point. Thank you.
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    Wrestling Recruiting

    You mean Virgnia?
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    Cowgirls vs Fairfield

    Like the men's team, they are going to have to learn to close out the game.
  5. O

    Changes Need to be Made

    Does Gundy sound like he drugged at his presser? He can't remember events, disavows any responsibility, calls fans weak when he gets challenged, refers to players by number instead of name. Just very, very odd. Robert Allen is a stooge for Gundy. He always throws softball questions to him at...
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    OSU hosts St Thomas

    The T was of what he did after hanging on the rim. Stared down the player.
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    Coach Gundy

    It took two days to respond from Whitehurst? What were they waiting for? This should have been out by 3:00 p.m. on Monday after the coach was summoned at 1:00 p.m.
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    What do we want to see in GIA this year?

    Disciplined and complementary basketball play, period.
  9. O

    Fire NARDO!!!

    Wait it out and hire Venables in December.
  10. O

    Do we have anyone auditing the books in the athletic department?

    What makes you think it's coaches?
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    What is considered "Targeting"

    I think you may be right but I hope not. Adjusting the rules is really putting the offensive player's health at risk.
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    What is considered "Targeting"

    After Saturday's game and the helmet to helmet hit that Pressley took from the Utah player that was not deemed targeting, I'm having a hard time understanding what is the rule now for targeting in college football. The explanation the referee gave after the review was that Pressley was not a...
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    What’s the score
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    Stillwater Regional

    Thanks all.